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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch


    Watched it. Must say I enjoyed it.
  2. Grouch


    Definitely start a project but if I was you I wouldn't waste my time with a pit bike. Get a 125 crosser, or even a little 50/65/85/100.
  3. Cheers BlackHat, I think I might just take it to a garage. I really don't want to start messing with it again. It ended up like this because I changed the sidelight bulb.
  4. I think it has a diagram in my Haynes but I wouldn't know where to start.
  5. Cheers I'll try that, I think I still might get an exhaust though, just to make it it look a lot better if nothing else
  6. Hi, if you post an intro about yourself in the new members section, you will get a better response.
  7. I suppose a tin will still last a while because I apply it With a n 1/2 inch paintbrush. A little bit goes a long way.
  8. I've just recently reapplied ACF-50 to my bike and have decided to clean it every Sunday. After I have washed my bike do I need to reapply ACF-50 again, or after every time I wash it? Cheers
  9. Alex does the exhaust I prove performance and are they worth getting? Always fancied one for my XT.
  10. I'd get it sorted quick mate, all it takes is a copper in a bad mood to take it out on you. Also by not having your plate displayed, your going to be tempted to break the law by speeding etc.
  11. No mate, mine, is just factory standard. Tail-Tidy's are a lot more ergonomic and compact, they make my bike look wank lol.
  12. I did take a bit of a gamble buying an helmet without trying it on first, but I knew what size I was exactly. The dual sport style helmets are really good, they are worth it.
  13. So you think it's an earth related problem?
  14. [quote name="Ryan09" post="201677" time="1359313092"]I still swear by the Uvex enduro helmet, reasonably priced too. Just bought a new Suomey for the r6 though and absolutely love it! I can't wait to buy a full face racing helmet when I get a super bike. [quote name="kenDAWG" post="201683" time="1359316154"]can you tell me what its like in cold mornings with the visor, does it steam up bad? i know you can flip it up a little but its damn cold at 5.30am lol Unfortunately Ken it does, but it soon clears as soon as you set off because the front vent is a decent one, I have also tried the old 'Fairy' washing up liquid trick. I use one of those bandana type face masks which reduces the steam.
  15. I thought TTR's were road learner legal trail bikes. I must of seen ones that had been converted mate.
  16. Grouch

    Bike sold

    You have a nice collection there mate
  17. Ever since I changed the bulb for a xenon one it blew and my sidelight stopped working (I still haven't replaced it) my bike will only start when I have the full beam on.
  18. Recently I upgraded my bulbs and ever since the sidelight has stopped working and now my bike will only start when it is on high beam. What could be causing this? I knew I should of just left the lights as they were and not interfered, it has caused loads of problems. Thanks
  19. You should get over a grand for your TTR if she's in good nick. Is it an off roader?
  20. Just spent most of the day cleaning my bike and ACF-50'ing her. From now on every Sunday I am going to clean her and do any necessary repairs/maintenance.
  21. Grouch

    Bike sold

    How come you got rid Jimmy? Do you have an other bike?
  22. I would have thought having a lot of hair would be a problem with any helmet? Those Duchini ones are pretty popular and have good reviews.
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