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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. No because I bought a new number plate, but I need to put one on, otherwise it won't pass it's M.O.T. I'll let you know how the new sprockets go
  2. Aww shit yeah. I forgot you can select which mode you want. Why did you swap?
  3. There's nothing wrong with my rear L Plate, what is up with it?
  4. My hand guards just about fit and it is tight as fuck! The L Plate has been trimmed but it will be fine, nothing a bit of diplomacy won't be able to resolve. I took the mirrors off because they were shit and were more of a danger than an aid. Also I want my bike to look more of a supermoto/crosser. Welshwan, I have my bike booked into the garage for the 23rd but I just told them to put a Renthal chain and sprocket kit on it. I might phone them on Monday and go down a tooth for acceleration.
  5. I already knew lol, just make sure you reset your speedo.
  6. Welcome to the forum, how much of a difference did your exhaust make? I was going to get one, but got told it would hardly make a difference so I didn't bother. Nice XT.
  7. Your best off with a paddock stand then. I have one and have used it a few times and it's been ok. I know what you mean though with the bash plate, it's better to be safe than sorry. I got the stand because I had to take the wheels off to change the callipers.
  8. My speedo seems to have developed quite a reputation on here lol. So you don't like any modern bikes?
  9. That looks sweet, I was going to spend a bit more on one, but thought better of it. What year is your XT, a 2010?
  10. Obviously you have to lift it on. No bike will wheel directly over one with space to clear. They are not car jacks. You need some height on them so its easier to work on your bike, your not down on your knees when your doing bits and bats.
  11. Sorry yeah, the XT will be fine on a lift stand because they have bash plates. You won't be able to take the wheels off if you use a paddock stand.
  12. Worded it wrong, I'm not planning on buying a bike to invest in, what I really meant was..... What modern bikes do you think will become classics? If I did have a rare, classic, sought after bike, I wouldn't sell it. My curiosity was not motivated by financial gain.
  13. What contemporary motorcycles do you think will be sought after classics in a few decades time?
  14. Yes they are the same engine. If your putting a new engine in, there's no point unless it's at least a 250cc going in.
  15. The bike garage who fit he speedo manufactured the extra brackets to enable the speedo to fit, but if you know what your doing, or have an idea it won't be too difficult. In fact if you don't have no experience, pay some one to fit the speedo, because it is a ballache. When I first got my XT I thought the stand was ridiculous and down right wank, not fit for purpose. But like anything, after time I got used to it and now it doesn't bother me. You will eventually get used to it. If you want a stand for repairing your bike, get a motocross style one like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BikeTek-Dirt-Bike-Enduro-Motocross-Motorcycle-Moto-X-MX-Trials-Lift-Stand-/130802093090?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item1e74698c22 I've got one and it's ok.
  16. There are certain times and places to filter. Some roads aren't wide enough, and I personally have seen two bikers knocked off by cars pulling out of the queue to turn around. It all boils down to common sense.
  17. Grouch

    Worth A Gamble?

    JUST DO IT!!! It's the right time of year, you can spend the winter months working away in your workshop.
  18. I love my little bike and as soon as something breaks or becomes defective, it gets repaired/replaced straight away, no expense spared. I can never be done for having an un -roadworthy machine. I learned years ago that you can never beat the police, so it's best just to go along with what they are saying.
  19. I bet the copper still was an arrogant cunt and did not apologise.
  20. It already is, It's a complete shit hole. Immigration is out of control.
  21. Grouch

    Worth A Gamble?

    Haha, these kids are supposed to be the future. Got my eye on this now http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321023339837?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
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