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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch

    Deja vu

    Foamy it would of been a steal at that
  2. Grouch

    Deja vu

    There's no way I'm going to get shafted fuck that! Just phoned them. The thread on the sump plug is fucked ( I over tightened it) they had to weld a prong? Onto the inside of the casing, and it needed a new gear shaft thingy. The guy who has been working on it was out so they are going to phone me later to give me an idea of the cost. Easy a minimum of £300 I bet. To. E fair I trust these guys they can be just a bit slow and don't keep me informed. It seems like they have run into a few more problems ffs.
  3. Grouch

    Deja vu

    I phoned them yesterday and spoke to the receptionist. She started going on about a bent prong ffs. God knows what she was on about. I will phone them tomorrow.
  4. Grouch

    Deja vu

    Well the bikes been in the garage for two weeks, supposedly waiting on parts. It's not even back on the road yet and I'm stressing out over it. Same old shit. Wonder what 'other problems' they have come across while doing a simple job. It can't be more than two hours labour and the price of the gear shaft which is what, about 60/70 quid?
  5. Makes me laugh. He went through the whole process of registering and joining the forum, yet couldn't type what he wanted into Google.
  6. Hi Mikki, Before people will start answering questions in this forum, you will need to post an introduction about yourself in the relevant section. It doesn't have to be an essay or anything, just the basics.
  7. Hi Feronious, I already use a magnetic sump plug and I gave the garage a brand new one to use. I hope it has come out with the oil. The guy at the garage said it will only be about 5x5 mm.
  8. Special shower friend haha But seriously that is very worrying, can't believe the insurers didn't notify you. I think I will go with carrying a photocopy of the policy around with me.
  9. Just waiting for the part to be delivered by Yamaha, apparrantley the garage has 3 Yams waiting on parts and it is taking a while.
  10. I just hope it doesn't piss it down every day like it did last year. It got to the point where I had just had enough of all the repairs and the cost. I would fix one problem then another would instantly appear. I have practically rebuilt the bike and it has cost me close to if not more than £2k. Nothing much else can go wrong now surely. Now I have my mind focussed back on getting a 2T. When I buy it though I wont be making the same mistakes as I did when I bought the XT. I bought it without even doing the basic checks like checking the tyres. I just wanted a bike and rushed into it. I won't be doing that again, in fact I will probably pay a few hundred over the odds and go to a dealers to buy one.
  11. Grouch


    A bit late, but all the best mate. I hope you can recover to the best possible state you can.
  12. Yeah one of the first things I bought when I got it. I'm going to spend an hour or so every Sunday checking and cleaning my bike. I suppose in time I will learn more and more. To be fair I have managed to do quite a bit myself.
  13. I couldn't get the starter motor off. Just basic maintenance for me from now on. If I'd of just gone with my gut feeling and took it to the garage in the first place poor old Victoria wouldn't have been stood rotting in my garden since May. A summer wasted ffs.
  14. Hi Nigel. You need to download a free programme to resize your pics. I can't remember the name but I'll look on my laptop when I get home. Try looking on eBay etc for an owners manual, is it anything specific you want to know?
  15. Well just phoned the garage and guess what the problem was. I can't believe it after all this time and shit I've gone through, it turns out the end of the gear lever shaft has snapped off, a piece about 5x5mm. An easy cheapish fix just waiting on the part from Yamaha. The problem is the bit that snapped off could be still inside my gear mechanism and to get it out it would cost hundreds to strip it down. I'm really happy I'll be back on the road soon. Just a shame I left it this long, I just got sick of all the bad luck and money it was costing me.
  16. Its because they ceased production. Your bike will be a leftover 09 model.
  17. What a great thread, well done with the project mate. Hopefully a bit of inspiration will rub off on me.
  18. Thanks guys. Well she has been taken away. Just looked at insurance and its cheaper than before as well £217 for the year so thats not bad.
  19. Cheers Blackhat, I really hope it is a quick simple fix.
  20. Cheers Tom. I'm getting all excited, I really have missed my bike rides.
  21. Haha yes when my 'neighbour' sprayed my brakes with WD to stop them squeking. Although it wasnt very funny when I got to the lights at the end of my road and realised my brakes had failed.
  22. Haha I know but fuck it. I have missed it so much. I'm going to buy some winter gear. Need some gloves and trousers. I just hope wityh it been stood for so long nothing else has fucked up on her. I hope its just a spring thats come loose.
  23. Update The bike is being picked up by the garage in the morning. He is going to have a look and find out exactly what is wrong with it. Hopefully it isn't something big. God how I have missed been out on my bike.
  24. Thanks guys. I must admit I've been really depressed about not having my bike. Every time is go out all I seem to see is 125 bikes flying about. I'll end up getting my bike sorted just in time for the snow haha. I'm not really bothered though just want a bike. I think a gathering at mine might be a good idea, I will have to speak to the Mrs.
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