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Everything posted by Packers

  1. Bit of a thread revival but I finally got the bike an MOT in Feb this year. I had began working on the bike last year but never got it on the road before autumn hit. It flew through its mot in Feb with no advisories, and I've Benn out and about getting experience most weekends. I ended up changing & servcing the following items: Oil & Filter. Air filter. Spark plugs. Chain & sprockets. New tyres & inner tubes. New carb rubber & fuel hoses. Replacement of fuse holders and renewal of some electrical connectors under the seat. Only thing I've now got to do its front fork oil seals, as one has begun leaking last week hoping this is another job I can do my self as I'm pretty practical.
  2. Had similar issues when I first got my xv125 (had been in storage for 5 years). Would stall when knocked into gear. Managed to free it up in the same way, got engine hot and the plates unstuck. When I store the bike now I tie back the clutch leaver with a zip tie or string, this takes the pressure off the plates so they shouldn't stick back together. I too was tempted to swap the clutch out as it kept sticking, but since using this method its been great.
  3. Sound advice that, many thanks. Ive found a Virago 125 Owners Manual in PDF, its got the tollerences listed for quite a lot of stuff on the bike. Will be keeping an eye out for Haynes Manual too if there about.
  4. Hi. Many thanks for the reply, and the welcome to the forum. Will begin to explore the other parts of the forum and post up anythying i get stuck with. Cheers, Greg.
  5. Hi All. New to to the forum so thought id post up my first thread. Have just picked up a 1997 Virago XV125 (pictured below) this is my first bike. Its been off the road in storage for around 3 years, hence it has a low milage of 3700miles on the clock. Its in overall good condition and just needs a bit of TLC. Prior to me collecing the bike im lead to beleive its had new plugs and the fuel swapped out. Ive heard it running and its appears to run fine. Am hoping to use this to get some experience on it prior to going in for my test. Im fairly handy with spanners so if it neds any work doing im pretty happy to look at most things. Chain looks a little rust covered so will look at serving the bike as soon as possible. Plan to look at Oil & Filter Change, Air filter, Fuel System Flush-out, Brake check + overhaul if req. Would it be recomeded to get a new chain and sprockets ??. Feel free to throw in any free advice. Thanks, Greg.