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Everything posted by Morpheuz

  1. Morpheuz replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    If it wasn't for the pain, thats probably what I'd have been doing, this is the lass who stabbed me in the leg for talking to my ex. I felt so bad..
  2. Morpheuz replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    lol, I once threw pure surgical spirit on my lasses minge, she was complaining of thrush or summet, I thought alcohol sanitizes things..... So, on goes the bottle.... I'll leave you all guessing as what I had to do next.
  3. Hi, If its anything like the 125, its a chrome domed nut? I used an attachment that fits straight over the top on a wrench. I'm guessing the 650 is different though.
  4. Morpheuz replied to Noise's post in a topic in Random
    A ginger one.
  5. Morpheuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, Noticed my rear cylinder on my 125 dragstar was really hot today, more so than the front, and thats not with riding, I know the front has more cool air hit it. It was idling and the rear got real hot real quick and the front was quite cool, exhaust was hot and everything, after start up. I had a look at the sparkies, and the front was normal and the rear was wet???? Really dont get how it was hotter if there was ample fuel, is this anything to do with the pipe that attaches to the intake joint? It seems that it leads to the fuel pump via a T junction, (tank to pump - with this coming off it to the intake) I hope there is some sort of valve in there... otherwise I'm sucking fuel straight from the tank to the rear cylinder. Soz for all my threads guys and gals, I'm a need to know guy. Thanks for those who have been giving their knowledge Its power
  6. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yeah, cheers fellas, I was just scared it could have gone in diagonal or off alignment or something. Mind at rest
  7. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Nah there is no thread, it fits in position by a circular lip that goes in a hole, its surrounded by rubber, and same on other side but there are notches that fit in place. It seals in place once the crank case filter cover screws up to the engine, the notches are on that, hence wobbly when putting back the screws.
  8. Morpheuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Bit of a wonky insertion here... Talking about the oil filter lads... XVS 125, it went in wobbly, and I have OCD so it scares the hell out of me... when its wonky I dont like it, makes me want to take it apart and try again and re-do it all day long... I'm guessing the Dragstars oil filter is "wrong installation" proof, it just seemed "feely" for me... all I have to rely on. It don't seem like there was room for it to be installed incorrectly, so I'm guessing all is ok? I suppose I just need re-assurance to make me feel better... or someone to say I've fuked it so I can go and kill myself. Any kind people out there? Cheerz
  9. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Right then, I stand corrected!
  10. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    So where the hell is the chain that goes to the top then? I'd love to know how they got a chain to go up the side of a v-twin to reach both rocker covers. I don't get it
  11. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in The Bar
    What would the can opener be used for other than opening cans?
  12. Morpheuz replied to up.yours's post in a topic in Random
    I LOL'D
  13. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I found that out..... minus 50 quid for me, couldnt fit it with the virago one, but got reccomended a source for the dragstar.... 100+ quid WITHOUT O-rings which I thought took the fucking piss.
  14. Morpheuz replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have just the owners manual, the 125 is an OHV, no cam just some valves with pushrods, I have downloaded the Service one from the internet, I recon the tappets are fine, I may take it in for a tappet adjustment, as Everything I've tried to do on my own so far has resulted in me finding a deteriorated part or stuck bolts.
  15. Morpheuz posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Anyone ever been doing something, and needed to nip somewhere fast or do something fast and the tools available for them wasn't there? I was thinking earlier about toothpaste, and its use as a chrome polish. Has anyone else got any uses for random everyday stuff, that comes in real handy in the workshop or on the move? Anything at all, substitutes for bike care items would be great. 1. Toothpaste - Chrome/Metal Polish 2. Tampon/Screw Driver - Gets at oil in hard to reach places 3. Vinegar/Soda Crystals/Lemon Juice - Eats off rust, ready to paint! 4. Aluminium Foil/Coke - Removes rust/marks and polishes chrome. 5. WW2 issue P-38 Can Opener or Dough - Dont even think about touching your bike until your fingernails are clean. 6. A heated shed, comfy seat, and a cooler for beer - Then you can live in there.
  16. Morpheuz replied to Dtlc3's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    If this is being rebuilt, I'd use ester oil after, as it mingles with the water and renders it harmles unlike mineral oil, it will then boil off when hot, and its cleaning abilities is unmatched, I've seen ester been thrown into mineral users and all of a sudden dipstick black, oil filter blocked, and mud in the oil when drained. All gear changes are smoother too. Poor thing, give it some love.
  17. Morpheuz replied to up.yours's post in a topic in Random
    Giving cant be rated in my opinion.... and no one can ever give everything... Its bullshit that a teenage girl probably made up to bollock her boyfriend over.....
  18. Morpheuz replied to Jameswallace's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    opieoils like to reccomend oils, it should have a big button or something that says "dont know what oil to use?" Failing that there should be a forum or info/specs somewhere that tells you the viscosity, then just get some good quality stuff and fill it up. If its the first change after said milage there maybe some small shavings in it.
  19. Yeah, bought with the house, its not the best set up, I think originally it was meant to help with the flooding as the house has been built on risen ground. Its got some bricks in the bottom, probably covered in algae and stuff but if we were staying he would have got most fish out and dug the sides out and have grass grow right down a slope to the water.
  20. Yeah, they are good, and you become proud when the eco system levels itself out, crystal clear water, beautiful enviroment... I've had a few goldfish, some snails in my room.. but there is a pond outside that has nearly a thousand fish in, most are rudd, but ghost karp, goldfish, mirror karp, clams and other stuff are in there. Its nice to see them, unfortunately a wild pond isnt something that can be easily filtered. Leaves, moorhen shit, twigs and stuff all take its toll, I added some invasive snails to it and they thrived, hopefully they will clean it up a bit, the water level is up and down all the time, plants dont do well, only reeds.
  21. Morpheuz replied to Dtlc3's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    maybe, does it have oil and such in? Whats its colour?
  22. Morpheuz replied to Dtlc3's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Dont know what bike this is, but if its old or been left ourside for a while, you will need to give all outside moving parts a clean with WD-40 or similar, and then oil/grease as neccesary. If the oil/gear oil, isnt new, replace it with an ester based oil or right viscosity, as ester oils are excellent at dissolving gum/depotits that maybe clogging the insides. The clutch arm should only move to a certain point anyway? I maybe wrong.. The engine needs to be fresh and running before you can set up the clutch to bite correctly.
  23. Up north, we did same, I couldn't make it, but does anyone know the outcome of this yet? Is it still pending approval?
  24. With this.... 1:30 onwards... http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/16251726 Anyone else like the looks of this? Its not my cup of tea...
  25. Morpheuz replied to sniff6's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Probbably due to the number of "French military defeats" typed in previously, same as with the colour difference. If you typed "Am I a good person" in a while ago, you'd get "Am I a bad person" as a suggestion, because its similar to what you typed and has a high amount of previous searches. I think google is revising the suggestion tool, because of the amount of people who search things all day long to find something that can be found offencive, racist, or funny. It learns from what people type in, and what is similar. Its not some racist guy sat behind a PC, its just an outcome of a program written to help people.