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Everything posted by Sacha

  1. No need... I'm easily confused. I thought so... I mean with a name like DirtyDT.
  2. Sacha

    Favorite song ?

    LMFAO! How about paradise by the dashboard lights? Love that one... and loved meatloaf in the rocky horror picture show.
  3. So you need the entire headlight assembly ("bucket" and all) for a Suzuki and it's 6 7/8 or 7" and it's similar to the DT setup? I've recently repossessed (from my dad) what I think is a 1976 DT175C (but that's another thread I'm sure). I can measure the headlight assembly, but are you saying you already know that the DT one is not the right size? Am I just confused?
  4. Do you have a Haynes/Clymer (repair) manual for the bike? I think that would be a good first step. Read through the instructions for servicing the clutch etc. and decide if it's a job you're up to. If not, take it to a mechanic, if so, read through the directions again (IMHO). The manual should let you know any required tools for the job and then you can tackle it. Also, post an intro in the New Member section to let everyone know a bit about you and your bike, and you'll likely get some info from the more experienced members on this site.
  5. Hi Chad. Welcome to the YOC. You should definitely post up an intro in the New Member section as it's considered polite to let the folks know who you are. Have you checked any local boneyards for used ignition switches or are you only interested in a new one?
  6. aboard. As blackhat said you'll want to post your questions in the appropriate forum as this one is just for intros and questions here may get overlooked.
  7. Hi Speede. Have you a manual for the scoot? You may check online for a wiring diagram too. You should also introduce yourself in the New Member section.
  8. Sacha

    Favorite song ?

    Looks like you can get a digital copy on iTunes for $1.29. My Rolling Stones favorite has to be Ventilator Blues. I don't know why, but there's just something about that song I absolutely love. AC/DC favorite is Little Lover... or maybe it's Love at First Feel... or Jailbreak... or Squealer... or Rocker... or pretty much anything with Bon Scott. I also love Pink Floyd, but have to say Careful with that Axe Eugene is my favorite of theirs lately. Love this one too, but my favorite Rod Stewart has to be Stay With Me. Great songs! Plus Police and Thieves, Train in Vain, Clash City Rockers... the list of Clash songs goes on and on, as does the list of artists... it's SO hard to play favorites. I have a very odd collection that can shuffle from my dad's albums to Elvis to Modest Mouse to Joe Cocker to Megadeth to Paul Simon to Cake to Volbeat to the Beastie Boys... (blah blah blah)
  9. Love scare tactics!
  10. any before and after pics? Check out the FAQ for help posting pics.
  11. Overkill? Her makeup? Plastic surgery? Reaction? All of the above? LMAO I thought it was a dude in drag at first. (no offense to any drag queens of course)
  12. you'll find copious amounts of info already on this site and plenty of knowledgeable folks (not me).
  13. aboard miruku! Take lots of pics as you bring her back to life so we can see your progress. I've got my eye on what I think is a late 70s early 80s 500 that's been abandoned down the street that I'd like to breath some life into.
  14. ah. j/k Maybe Andrew Zimmern (Bizarre Foods) and Adam Richman won't come to Idaho but we have our giant dishes... yummy. courtesy of Urban Spoon (Big Jud's)
  15. two weeks to volbeat... countdown is on!

  16. LMFAO! do you know what it's like to deal with corn filled crap nudging against your face as you doggy-paddle?! hilarious! and then they top that with the fritos and helga... just kept getting better. thanks for that hearty laugh first thing.
  17. Wow! That sounds like a blast! I haven't a clue about the route to take from SD so I can't help you there. I haven't been over there except to visit family in PA and for Skil-Bosch training one weekend in Chicago... and all I really saw then was the airport, hotel, and the training center. I would totally recommend Hershey park in PA though. I had a ton of fun there.
  18. Jeff. Sounds like you are not new to bikes. That camping road trip sounds awesome! How many states will you be visiting?
  19. Damn!! I think my brother mentioned he'd like to buy meals by weight, but holy smoke that's a ton of food! And what a waste if you don't eat it all.
  20. Someone hit my car when it was parked in front of my house. I called for an officer at 7am and it took nearly an hour for one to arrive. Didn't figure they would be that busy at 7 in the morning in podunk Idaho. I'm certain it was one of the paving trucks that hit my car because they scraped across the top of the hood without touching the bumper and broke one of the high branches in our tree... plus the crew was still down the street. Anyway the officer had the balls to look at his watch and tell me "I'm off in ten minutes so there's really nothing I can do." then he proceeded to tell me that if I basically did his job (investigate) MAYBE he could do something. Wow. I was stunned. He couldn't be bothered to walk one block and talk to the paving crew. Good thing no one was killed or anything, him being at the end of his shift and all... god forbid he talk to the next officer coming on shift and have him look into it. It just goes to show that even if they're not all bad there will always be at least one rotten apple in a bunch.
  21. Jamie! Post up some pics of the bike when you get a chance. Instructions are in the FAQ section.
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