Everything posted by Sacha
just saying hello
Teeg123. Sounds like you have some fun projects. btw - Is that a Rocco pic? I'll have a coke then.
Good Bike for a "Little person".
I'm 5'2" and the 100s are as tall as I can go on dirt bikes... well the dirt bikes I've ridden anyway (KD100M and XR100). But I'm fairly certain I was able to sit comfortably on the DT175 (otherwise I would not have accepted it) so my legs might be a bit longer?
1967 YCS1
Looks like a fun bike.
YOC T-shirt
No? You fellas gonna strike a pose for us girlies?
I win!!!!!!!!
how about an XS 1100 martini?
hello. I'm Hansie. I'm loving yamaha
Hansie. Lots of good Yamaha info and knowledgeable folk here.
New member
Hi Dekka. to the YOC. No idea on the screen.
crashed bike help urgent
Love the R6? They are nice looking bikes. You should start riding... get yourself an R6 and your boy can have the moped you suggest. I'm sure that would go over well. like DirtyDT said once they get hold of you it's hard to shake.
YOC T-shirt
Photos of the bikes ya? I'd buy that.
Touching my bike!
Serves him right! I came out of a store behind a family and watched as their youngster started touching my bike... I was glad when I heard his dad say "Don't touch that. It's not yours." I'd hate to have to break a kid's finger, but I would.
Indicator wiring SR125
I had a weak battery and the indicators would light up, but they wouldn't flash. Don't know how old your battery is or whether you should check the specific gravity. Doesn't explain why the rear indicators would work and not the front though does it? Have you checked the fuses? Not sure if this will help as I don't know the relay you have, but it might be worth a read http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_7789429_test-threeprong-flasher-relay.html. Found this helpful for explaining how the circuit works http://www.yamaha-triples.org/workshop/harnett-signals.asp. Might be of some use too. ?? I'm sure someone here will have a better idea. Might want to list all the steps you've taken so far.
Here I am. Never fear... the school marm welcoming committee is here... got my red pen out and at the ready! No, really though bennyboy1!
Hi Matt. to the YOC. Sounds like you're no stranger to bikes.
crashed bike help urgent
It's also a good idea to have plenty of room between you and the guy in front of you.
1976 DT175C
Thanks for the advice AJ and DT... I will give that a try on my fork sliders. Things have kind of started to crawl haven't they?! All of the little bits and pieces are now primed and ready to paint... and had I known how much work is involved between primer and paint I would have looked into acid etch primer. Um, my hubby told me that every piece would have to be scuffed, but I failed to realize just how tedious and time-consuming that was going to be. But all my crying aside, I bucked up and spent a load of time this weekend scuffing the primer on all the little bits and frame and swing arm to get them ready for paint. (pieces primed) So then we loaded up everything and took to the shop to paint only to find out that they were out of filters for the paint booth. Oh well, since we couldn't paint Mike welded the tears in my seat pan and fender (so now they'll be ready to paint too)... and I tried my hand at a little welding. It was kind of fun. So then I had to actually spend some time on the neglected yard and house work this weekend. Here's hoping to get the bits painted this week or next weekend and start reassembly before I forget how it goes back together.
YOC T-shirt
Got mine. Thanks Foamy!
New Yammy owner and new on here !
Hi Steve.
hi all new owner
to the YOC!
'78 Suzuki TS250C project
Looks nice!
dtr125 1990 stator charging wire help
No worries. I'm sure others will be along to help.
Just sayin hello just got a dtr125 1990
aboard again.
dtr125 1990 stator charging wire help
You'll want to say hello in the new member section. Let the folks know a little about you and your bike(s). Can't help you with the electrical though... I'm just on the welcoming committee. That said,
fazer advice
she just needs to get one for herself.
1960's Yamaha
I'd say the exhaust looks more like the YJ2. ??
Newbie from N.C.
Nice! Put up a project thread when you do start... if you want... don't mean to sound bossy.