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Everything posted by Sacha

  1. aboard roadrunner!
  2. Love it! Bon Scott was the best.
  3. Afraid I have no wise words... I've never owned nor ridden either model. I will say welcome to the YOC though.
  4. Nice! Sounds like you'll do a fantastic job... not that she looked bad in the pic above.
  5. Sacha

    travel plans

    I've been in decent, but all I got there was a ticket.
  6. Nice guys!
  7. aboard. Start a thread in the projects section and we can see the resurrection.
  8. Just never know when you're gonna need to whack somebody... or yourself.
  9. This area is for introductions. Let us know a little about you and your bike... then post your technical questions in the workshop.
  10. Sacha

    mod 1

    Nice! Congrats!
  11. Congrats!!
  12. aboard the YOC!
  13. Hi Tom. to the YOC!
  14. It's a very nice looking top case too. Only problem for me is I don't have a rack to mount one.
  15. Hahaha... nice moves. Love the kilt and a great looking sporran too.
  16. Sacha

    1976 DT175C

    Ya, ya... got a little bit done. Managed to pull the motor from your '75... but ran into a hiccup... There was water and it looks like grease (but must be oil?) in the case with the oil pump. Looks like I may need to do a little bit of gasket work. I also got some parts in the mail so I can finally get the (new) handlebars on and start installing the switches and cables. Plan on spending the weekend with her... don't tell my husband.
  17. Hi boh. to the YOC.
  18. I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair. But, by turning to religion, I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing. I converted to Islam and we're stoning her in the morning.
  19. aboard. Sorry no info from me on the bike either.
  20. Hello and
  21. Lovely bikes all of them.
  22. Ya, I found some parts for it on wemoto (http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/yamaha/fzx_250_zeal_b_d/91-99/), but no steering head bearings... no bearings at all actually.
  23. That's a great looking little moped.
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