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    1976 Yamaha DT175

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  1. In case anyone interested, found out it is crystal silver for the guards.
  2. Almost forgot, do you have any idea what paint code the silver is on the guards?
  3. Hi all, just wondering if anyone can help me or direct me to somewhere I can find the paint codes for a '76 DT175.. It's the French blue I want and also the silver for the guards.. ? Thanks
  4. Yes dingoes do that, not sure how tasty that would have been though
  5. SatNav.. Lol.. Perhaps a good spot for a UHF radio, or maybe drink holders! Gotta have somewhere to put my milkshake from chuckdonalds drive thru lol
  6. Oh that.. Yeah seemed to be some sort of makeshift metal plate to screw a registration plate onto. Front rego plate not required in oz so not sure where the bike might have been at to require that. Im pretty sure I got this from a guy that was/is a member on here coz I've seen pics of it in here.. Exact same bike!
  7. If you mean what's she resting on.. That would be me finding a useful purpose for my broken microwave.. Safety first ! Lol oops
  8. Ok having a go at posting a pic..
  9. Thanks for the replies everyone.. Its not possums I have to worry about here so much as the wombats! Those little buggers can take out a car! I'll put some pics up as soon as I figure out how to.. Cheers all..
  10. Un-bloody-believable.. Seriously amazing
  11. Hi everyone, I'm a new girl rider, in Melbourne Australia. My awesome fiancé bought me a '76 DT175.. Ole bucket and just beaut! Stripped it down last Saturday and I'm a very excited little possum about cracking into it.. Lots to learn and lots of fun to be had sourcing parts and getting things together. Hopefully my story will be a successful one!
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