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Everything posted by Toutsuite

  1. The rubber O-ring? I change that with every oil-filter change. You're absolutely right though that it's not an every day use bike. No cruiser is. Hence the CB500 for my daily commute.
  2. Draggies hold their value well, as can be seen from a quick perusal of the classifieds. As long as they are well cared for, and modded tastefully, I think there will be a market for them for many years to come. Mine gets some very admiring views and comments when I'm out and about: people wanting to know what make and model, "sweet looking bike man!", etc. The Silver Lady has even known to attract the glances of the odd Harley rider. One fairly ancient bearded gent on a massive old Harley certainly liked the sound of her and didn't mind saying so (thank you messrs Vance & Hines!) Mechanically there are things to watch out for (as with every bike), but the low-revving, unstressed engine should see the other side of 100k with the odd replacement (e.g. timing belt at 60-70k). Tasky's case was a bit of very uncommon bad luck. I've never actually heard of another case on any other bike where the oil sump plug just comes off, spilling the oil and killing the engine. I believe there is, and will be, a crowd out there of former owners and other interested parties that will keep this bike alive for a few decades yet...
  3. Well done mate, glad to hear she's back to full health!
  4. One of the better mods on the stock pipes I've seen; better than the usual "drill a bunch of holes in the back", but essentially, the back of the exhausts have been chopped off. Not sure if the baffles in them are modified stock or something a previous owner fabbed up especially. Looks pretty good. Enjoy!
  5. It might be possible (not by me - don't have the tools or skill) to fab up a bracket that can place the horn closer to the engine to avoid the fender, but then there's the risk of overheating. Or placing it to the side (which will look stupid!). I think if I ever get the horn changed it will be to a specialised bike one (and therefore more expensive). Maybe something from HH.
  6. Funny, but this webshite is getting less and less safe for work!
  7. Tried those. They work, but they don't fit the dragstar. Having installed only one (there's NO chance of fitting both), whenever I brake, the forks compress, the horn pushes against the front fender which in turn produces a scraping sound as the fender scrapes against the tyre. Waste of 8 quid.
  8. That roadsweeper, man, he's seen it all! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunfased....
  9. Dunno if this has been posted here before. Part 1: For subsequent parts follow the links at end of vid.
  10. Whaaat? It was great. Quirky slow burning humour. You bunch of instant-gratification goldfish brains!
  11. Haha! Reet funnah! I'll probably steal that at some stage!
  12. The other thing Grip Puppies do, apart from dampening vibrations, is they make the grips thicker, which helps a lot with tight grip induced pain. A thicker grip handle also helps you relax your grip more, you just naturally tend not to grip it "for dear life".
  13. "Burt?" "Wot?" "This bloke won't haggle!" "WON'T HAGGLE??!!"
  14. Elite Dangerous alpha out today!
  15. There's obviously not enough to do in t' countryside!
  16. Just glad your ok Tasky. Did you get that neck of yours looked at yet?
  17. Have you tried those Tasky? Can ye vouch for 'em? Might get 'em myself...
  18. Most likely needs a new clutch.
  19. Did she volunteer for that? Jeybus...
  20. No she isn't. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/exhibit-B-5-prank-gone-wrong-video.shtml
  21. We're not the ones making extraordinary claims. You don't even know how this works do you? And for the record (an especially poor choice of words from you there), as Tasky above has beat me to it, yes you have. Guys, seriously, I think we may be dealing with someone with, um, emotional development issues? I mean none of us actively enjoy being proven wrong, but there's something pathological at work here...
  22. Yep, you are talking complete and utter shite there boyo. As has been pointed out by others in this thread. You just can't help yourself can you? And that's not us being "angry" with you because we disagree with you. We disagree with you because some of the things you say are complete and utter shite. Like saying that lots of people have been killed on 125 dragstars, and then repeatedly failing to substantiate such claims - which is something you have to do in the grown-up world: back what you say up with facts and figures, evidence.
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