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Everything posted by Toutsuite

  1. HAHAHAHAFUCKINGIDIOT!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You wanna do crazy shit with a sportsbike? Go to a trackday...
  2. Both at fault. Lambo was too quick, mazda c*ntwagon was too not looking...
  3. Let me chime in with some others above: get your full licence. You think cruising around in a 125 is fun? Wait till you try a 650! And aftermarket pipes on a 125 just make it sound like a loud moped in my opinion.
  4. ...and and AND, I hasten to add, I don't ride like some granny! In town or out. Neither do I ride like some lunatic bat out of hell, just somewhere in between. Hmm, boisterously. Yes, that's the word! I ride boisterously!
  5. 55-60 in town, yes; not in rush-hour traffic mind (that's what the CB500 is for!) 48mpg in town? You must have been razzing the fuck out of the poor thing! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about getting 60+mpg, just a bit worried I might be getting too much of a good thing... I'll check the plugs as Mr Noisesome advises.
  6. No, 60ish mpg means about 175-180 miles to the tank, before hitting reserve. And I'd have to increase the size of the jets.
  7. Ride out in Kent last weekend, A-roads, a bit of B-roads and a bit of motorway. 62mpg. In town she does about 58-60mpg. I might be running her a bit too lean, and am worried about increased temperatures in the cylinders as a result. Time for another re-jet?
  8. especially without any apparent suspension, front or back. Stupid contraption...
  9. You could hatch a plan with some workmates and lure him to his death? Seriously though, there's no cure for being a tosspot...
  10. Where did you buy it from?
  11. Well, some people are really good at maths, some people really good at chess, and some people are really good at playing with gravity!
  12. The sun may make a guest appearance in the sky this weekend, the weather gnomes say...
  13. That was several levels of awesome!
  14. What is it with these little shits on scooters and undertaking? They're a daily occurrence in Sarf London.
  15. Well thanks for all the crucial info lads! I guess I'll stick to a new set of OEMs, to be on the safe side. These ones have lasted this long, so I'm sure I'll be alreet!
  16. Hi guys, does anybody know what size the bolts that keep the disk on the wheel are? Mine are starting to look badly corroded and I'd like to replace them with some nice shiny stainless steel ones. I can take one off of course and measure it, but maybe someone here knows already?
  17. By the looks of your front header pipe, you haven't rejetted the carbs after fitting those (Jardine?) slip ons, have you? (Or perhaps that was a previous owner?) If you're upgrading the air-filter as well you will definitely have to rejet. You're running her too lean as she is. Now spot light bar: just my opinion you understand, but those suit the classic better than the custom, as they clutter up the front. They kinda go against the whole aesthetic of the custom which is meant to be shorn of any unnecessary (and heavy) bells and whistles. The other thing about them is (and this is not merely my opinion, this is fact), they will suck your battery dry before you know it. The electrical system of the draggie just about manages it with one headlight on (the carb heaters being the other major current draw, and let's face it, you live in Scotland, so those will be working more often than not!) With a headlight and two spotlights running, the battery's dead in very little time as you'll be drawing more current than the alternator can pump back in. Nice Triumph btw! And welcome to the forums! Edit: on closer inspection, are those pipes slip-ons, or are they full replacement? If the latter, and they're unshielded, they'll discolour whatever you do, in which case, you might not be running her too lean after all. Still a good idea to rejet if you're fitting a K&N filter though...
  18. I think you'll find they will. Watch an installation video on youtube.
  19. When I got the V&H cruisers for my 2002 650 custom, I may have been miss-sold the wrong year, because the holes would not match on the rear mount provided with the pipes where both are bolted on to the bike at the back. It was an easy fix though as I just had to drill a couple of 8mm holes next to the existing ones. I'm sure the short shots are even simpler.
  20. Leather is better in summer heat, you can open a vent or two. Try Ghostbikes.com, they've got a sale on.
  21. The saddlebags are ok, but I've never liked studs on saddles and sissybars, I find them OTT. But hey, if it puts a smile on yer face who cares what anyone else thinks?
  22. Tassels have always been fashion faux-pas! I think a decent set of well-looked after after-market pipes, nice 'n' shiny, can increase the value of the bike (as well as make it sound better). Studs I'm in too minds about; my bike has - some - studs. I realize studs are one of those things that can really camp up a cruiser, especially if it's absolutely festooned with them (for that pearly queen look!) I have a few studs on the top of my saddlebags, and some smaller ones on the leather tank pad. They're stainless steel though, not chrome. And I think I get away with it because they sort of work with the silver paint scheme of the bike. Still a bit camp though, but what the hell, it's a drag queen! Stud no-no's: no studs on saddles, sissy bars or on the sides of saddlebags. What are conchos?
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