Everything posted by Campaman
Mod 2 and ice
As others have said you can't trust indicators, what would you have done if the car wasn't indicating? That's the answer you need and keep in your mind for the future. Good luck and don't give up.
It's that time. Who is putting their bikes away?
Bike stays on the road all year round, already had the ACF50 applied, only really used on the nicer days during the winter. Went out for a ride on Sunday, once the frost had thawed around 11am, still watch out for shady areas though as there can still be ice in them. Common sense for winter riding, as already said, keep it smooth, watch your braking, and keep an eye out ahead. I wont go out in snow, ice or extreme fog or cold.
Extremely hard to find parts, stocked here!
I want one of these http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14&products_id=55
Cleaning gloves
Lidl do a W5 brand waterproofing spray that works and is a lot cheaper than branded.
Amazing discovery...
My discovery today: I notice a small zip on the back of each of my gloves, opened it to find a waterproof over mitt in each one, tried them this morning on the way to work and seems to stop some of the wind chill....
Agreed its not hard to get good results with the basic kit, Wilkinsons do starter kits and I have always got two of their own brand home brew kits on the go at any one time. Currently I have 80 pints brewing, 40 pints need bottling this week, I just use the 2L plastic bottles that Cider or lemonade comes in from supermarkets. For a simple wine all you need is non diet fruit juice, Sugar, yeast & yeast nutrient and you can make a smooth white that's drinkable in 2-3 weeks. Have a look at this forum for some ideas and recipes. (The wine is called Wine No.1) http://www.jimsbeerkit.co.uk/forum/index.php
fuel differences
As others have also said, you should use what the manufacturer recommends, unless your bike has been specifically designed and has the capability to adjust to the different octane fuels there is nothing to gain, but also remember the fuel companies advertise that you get a load of advantages to using the Super Unleaded, wonder why that is ? ££££££..... I have to use the Super in my car being a Twin Turbu Subaru Legacy, if I put the lower octane in I get knocking when the second turbo kicks in. As to supermarket fuels being different, as I work in an industry where we have to comply to British and other standards as the fuel industry does I very much doubt they are different, the only thing that I will agree on is that the anti freeze additives added to diesel may well be less.
fuel differences
Sorry, it makes no difference. The octane rating of petrol tells you how much the fuel can be compressed before it spontaneously ignites. When petrol ignites by compression rather than because of the spark from the spark plug, it causes knocking in the engine. Knocking can damage an engine, so it is not something you want to have happening. Lower-octane petrol (like "regular" 87-octane) can handle the least amount of compression before igniting. The compression ratio of your engine determines the octane rating of the petrol you must use in the bike or car. One way to increase the horsepower of an engine of a given displacement is to increase its compression ratio. So a "high-performance engine" has a higher compression ratio and requires higher-octane fuel. The use of a higher octane fuel than required, is a twofold mistake. You are wasting money and can possibly do damage to the engine. Using a higher than require octane rated fuel will not increase performance, clean the engine, or offer any benefits whatsoever. If your engine was designed for 95 octane, then use only 95 octane. The engineers who designed the engine know full well what octane fuel it needs.
Whats your time worth?
Another vote for DIY. Although it is easier if you have alternative transport to use as you then don't have to get it finished or you can't get to work the next day.
How many of you riders filter/lane split?
I did this once and ended up on the wrong side of town to where I was going Filtering confidence comes with experience, but at the same time you have to remain vigilant.
Got Pulled for F All (Again)
Unless I have missed it you haven't said if its the same person's stopping you each time, if it is you probably have cause to complain, if not then they are just doing there job (although some are a bit too arrogant or heavy handed in the approach) as although you are obeying the laws, keeping you bike legal, unfortunately there are many others that don't, so the only way for them to catch um is to check. Where I live its not too much of a problem, but go up the road 10-15 miles and there are lads riding bikes without helmets, number plates etc.
Takes you back " 1970"s
Does she realise what looking at the peaches on the beaches actually means ?
Takes you back " 1970"s
The thing with concerts these days is the size of them, in my youfff, I seen the Jam & the Undertones at Leicester De Montford Hall, The Stranglers at a small venue in Northampton, the Stray Cats at a Nightclub in Leicester as well as a load of others, this was in there hey days and it was just so much more personal.
Money before safety? Dangerously parked speed camera
I have also seen one parked on the main drag through Corby, but at least that one is parked off the road in a pull in. And you mentioning Thrapston reminds me that I need to have a ride out that way, most of my mothers family live out that way, Raunds, Ringstead, the Addingtons as well as Thrapston its self, I have not been that way for years except last October on the MAG ride from Thrapston services.
Amazing discovery...
That's why there indicators don't work, all the electricity is going to the headlights.
whats your preference.....
I didn't mind the wet when I was 16, but now I have just got to the half century mark I would rather have it dry.
whats your preference.....
I put my lining back in me jacket about a month ago! Prefer dry to wet, but not so cold that its icy. Not sure what it is with wet weather, even with full waterproofs that work, I still end up feeling damp even though I am totally dry underneath.....
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
Yep same with us, no kids. Although we are then classed as having more money to spend on every one else's little darlings for some reason.
Amazing discovery...
I think if I remember correctly it was those yellow tinted ones that were part of the study that I read about. Another problem we have around my area is there are a lot of Eastern Europeans bringing there cars over with them with the headlight aim pointing the wrong way, I try to avoid as much night driving/riding as possible but this time of year its hard. I too suffer from being blinded by oncoming traffic and I also think this gets worse as your eyes get older, as well as the lights getting brighter. Could do with a visor that is treated the same as the modern welding masks that reacts instantly to light levels.
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
We scrapped Christmas years ago, just get stuff when we want it now, maybe its the benefit of getting near to being a old fogey, but it beats having to wait.
Amazing discovery...
Joking aside, all you are doing is reducing your vision so that the lights are not bothering you but by doing so you may be leaving your self open to other problems that you can not see due to the reduced vision. Personally I deal with this by avoiding looking directly at the headlights of the oncoming traffic, Instead, look down and to the left slightly. You will still be able to see other vehicles but the glare won't bother you as much, and you keep as much night vision as you can without reducing it with a tinted lens. There has been research that has proven that for some reason the human brain thinks it can see further at night with tinted lenses when the opposite is actually true.
XVS 650 dragstar progressive springs problem
They are obviously not right so I would send them back, if the ebay shop still exists, if you paid by paypal get them involved as soon as you can if they wont have them back or the shop is no longer. I got a pair of what were described as "Leather" panniers from an ebay shop, when they arrived they were made from vinyl and plastic, not a piece of leather in sight, tried to return them but the seller had disappeared, even though they were an ebay shop. I rarely use ebay but each time I have its been trouble of one kind or another in what I receive not being as described, I wont touch it now at all.
Side standswitch 400 / 650 Dragstar
If the starter is turning the engine over and its not firing, one of two things, no spark or no fuel. The side stand switch will not let the starter turn.
floor protection for my garage
I think up.yours shoe idea is a good un, you can also do it for free, and I don't mean nick one from a shoe shop, I can't be the only one that regularly sees odd shoes laying at the road side !!!???
battery help asap
As you say the battery gives of gas in use so as far as I am aware the caps should be vented anyway because of that.