Everything posted by Campaman
XVS650 Dragstar Advice
I wouldn't worry too much about the additional weight, as T'task says, its a Cruiser so unless you are going to have a drag race with a custom you won't really notice the difference.
Home brewers got to try.
Got 5 gallons of Sweet Newcastle Brown and 5 gallons of Bitter to bottle this week. A quick strong brew I do in a 1 gallon demi john is: 3 litres apple juice, 2 kgs sugar 1 teaspoon wine yeast top up with warm water and leave it for about 10-14 days until it stops bubbling bottle it up and its ready to drink in another week, I call it Turbo Cider.
Touchscreen phones and gloves - what's the answer ?
As I say above I can answer my Nokia Lumia 510 with my motorcycle gloves on, the only problem is without my reading glasses I can't see the ruddy thing...
Advice on the tt
Last time I went I booked it all separate but that was a few years ago, check what advantages you get with a package if something goes wrong such as no room at the inn, could be advantageous.
Paid research session - FZ8 and XJ6 Diversion Owners
You will probably find the 'Short screening questionnaire' is all they are realty interested in.
New boy here ( but an old 'ish man )
Hi The 650 Draggy is a good choice as you have found, I am not far off reaching your age and too find the Draggy easy to handle and the wife enjoys going on the back although she did insist on a sissy bar/backrest.
Touchscreen phones and gloves - what's the answer ?
I have a Nokia Lumia, the advertising blurb says the screen can set to high sensitivity so that it works with gloves, amazingly it actually does work with gloves, wouldn't be able to text but can press the answer button ok. Note: Obviously not while riding along :-)
Oil Light
This is a new bike so you should have the manual, I would check what it says as it could be a fault that you want to get fixed under warranty.
Speed after 1000km service?
Depends on the speed limit of the road you are on....
Virago 535
Next obvious one would be fuel, could be a stuck float on the carb, or blocked jet.
What The Hell is it??
I still have a Sony Walkman (deluxe version with built in radio) and a mini disc player with built in radio, I use them hooked up to a set of computer speakers as a radio in my shed.
dipping head lights
Anything at or below 12v on a 12v battery is too low, as Cynic says a charged battery will show around 12.5 minimum, more while being charged.
XVS 125 Down pipes
There are a few XVS 125's around my area and to be honest they sound better with the standard pipes, the one that has slash cuts on sounds like a bee in a biscuit tin.
leather and boots help
Yup, they are proper boots.
Opie Oils Spring Competition to win Go Pro Hero 3+
Yup I too had no idea, so went at it the same way as Drewpy.
Has anyone ever used spoke skins?
They do tart the wheel up. As a kid also had the playing card and peg, smartie tops wedged between the spokes and those little plastic clips off bread bags clipped onto spokes that then jangled up and down as you rode.
rider films his own near death
Yep complete twat
removing fuel tank XVS 650
Noise goes in to garage to pay for fuel that he has just put in, on return someone has un-screwed jubilee clip, pulled out two quick release bonnet pins and had orff with his tank and fuel.... :hyper:
Dragstar fuel economy
My main run is the 20 mile commute to work, I am out of town in less than 2 minutes and the road to work does not present many overtaking chances so usually stuck at around 50-60mph in constant traffic, then at the other end 5 miles of 40mph with cameras. Probably why I get a high mpg most of the time, on a couple of longer weekend rides last year I was around 48-50mpg
Dragstar fuel economy
That's similar to what I get and mine is totally stock.
Drilling pipes
As long as all the nuts and bolts are not rusted and seized solid then yes easy to fit, unbolt the old ones and bolt on the new ones.
Advice On Dragstar 650 Caliper Rebuild
I would completely drain it and put in new fluid, if you have a seized piston its probably rust that's caused it and that contaminates the fluid.
my '09 V Star 950
9th item from the bottom of the list of mods answers this for you.
Highway Hawk kit
Think you have been had, that doesn't sound right, HH stuff I have had as always came in printed packaging, no stickers, sounds like typical Chinese copy stuff to me. Check the HH site to see if Customized Choppers are part of the dealer network. Unless they are now sourcing cheap Chinese stuff and sticking a label on, if so I wont be buying anything else from them, I have been bitten by cheap Chinese crap too many times.
- My Bobber project