Everything posted by weimieman
Noob here ^^
Hi Andy Good luck with your bike and don't forget to post some pics when you get your creative juices flowing
Cheeky ba5t4rd.....
Not to make me feel old but I remember my college days and my first DT and just over two quid would fill that! £7.48!! Back in 91 I'd have had to work an entire night washing up just to fill me bike!!!!
Did We Do Any Good? 25/9/11
As I mentioned when I first joined this club, I've never been one for the meetings and ride outs together. After reading Nev's Barmy EU plans thread, I thought for the first time in my life I'd better not do the British thing of just whinging about poor treatment and continue to do bugger all about it. For the first time in my life I wanted to contribute to something I felt passionate about, my bikes. I was aiming for the 1pm slot at the Holiday Inn on the M6 Junction 34 and from what I had gathered most people were going to gather there about 1230. I didn't want to get there too early and risk looking like a protest noob and arriving first so I though I'd land just before 1pm to avoid any awkward questions from proper bikers with their choppers and pimped trikes! (Just my view of a proper biker, I think I'm either socially backwards or maybe just shy!!) Jesus, how wrong was I. I was worried about pulling into the car park and being greeted by an angry manager saying well if you're not using the gym or hotel facilities then you can't park here. The truth of the matter was that I couldn't even get INTO the car park for bikes. The police were there to escort us out of the car park and through the traffic lights. The motorway exits were blocked so we could all get on together. I had to wait a good five minutes to even get to the back of the queue to even join. I can honestly say I'd never seen anything like it. People waving off motorway bridges supporting us, people with video cameras, even the cars that were stuck in the outside lane were smiling and grinning despite being held up (I dare say not all of them felt that way). For the first time in my biking life I was part of something and it felt fantastic. One word summed it up, comradeship. We were all there for the same reason. My only regret of the day was that I didn't plan my it better. I thought it would be a couple of bikers plodding down the motorway as token gesture of how we felt about the proposed victimization. How wrong was I. God willing that we have been heard and there is another proposed protest day, then I'll certainly be allocating a full tank of fuel and more than a couple of hours to it.
To put it simply, wow. I hope others follow this thread from start to finish as you've truly shown what can be done by investing time and money into something worthwhile. You've certainly encouraged me to put a little bit more into my project so I hope this inspires others to follow suit. Thanks for a great thread
fitting fuel gauge to bike that doesnt have one
That Jim Beam one is so cool. I'm not a big fan of old school personally but sometimes it just seems perfect
classic yamha dating in the uk
Disappointed myself, thought it was Lonely Hearts for Yam lovers
SR250 owner: New
Morning Jake and welcome to the forum If you repost your query over in the workshop section then I'm sure you'll find all the help you need. Have fun
OldGeek is Lurking!
Morning Scotty Have fun digging around as you'll certainly find the help you need but make sure you keep watering that money tree as you're gonna need it!
dt 125r wiring nightmare
Morning Chappy If you repost your query over in the workshop section, you'll find tonnes of help floating your way
My Bobber project
Loving the attention to detail on the welding/fillering. It's like watching American Chopper but with a South West accent and a pint of rough in my hand!!! Keep up the good work as I'm loving your thread and updates
I'm Giving It A Go!!!
Indeed I do my friend, indeed I do Oh by the way, took more of your advice and invested in a plastic greenhouse for the back garden. It's roughly 6 x 6 x 4 and it was half price for £27 so thats the next projects spray booth sorted out!!
I'm Giving It A Go!!!
Morning all Not a great deal to update this week I'm afraid as the last few hours have all been wiring, wiring and more wiring. I'm only uploading the one photo today as I'm hoping the next post will be the finished bike from all angles (here's hoping ) As you can see from the pic, the headlight is now fully in place and aiming where I need it to. The bracket was damn hard to manipulate into place but it got there in the end. The swear box is brimming over and will happily see me into my retirement now. The mudguard is back on and still shrink wrapped becuase everything is still quite grubby despite using new wiring, bolts etc. Where does all the gunk come from? Uploaded with ImageShack.us The hand guards are back on and, to be honest, I wasn't going to bother with those as I've never liked those wrap around ones but after a couple of licks of paint and some very subtle Yamaha stickers, I kinda like 'em. What do you lot think? Just noticed that this pic was taken before the Yamaha stickers went on!!!! Doh :eusa_doh: What happened after this pick was that I managed to fit my nice new "brand new old stock" chrome rack from 1983! It wasn't the exact shape and size to fit a MKIII but a bit of bending, cursing and more bending and it fits like a good 'un. It was a tiny bit pitted from sitting on a shelf for 28 years but a good bit of Solvo got that out. After that a chain guard went on which was a great barn find. Exact year and fit so a couple of shiny new stainless bolts and the bike is complete. Only thing to finish now is the recovering of the seat which, after looking at it, isn't going to be the pleasing relaxing job I had hoped. It looks like a pig of a job but I'll get there. I've got a "performance" air filter to go on but I think I'll see how she runs as normal after a quick service before tinkering with that extra guesstimate of 4hp - oooooh. One head scratcher of a problem I have been left with is a non-working speedo. The drive spins in the hub and the speedo itself works and the cable is in good condition. I'm baffled to say the least. I'll suss it or turn it into the excuse I need to buy that fancy digital speedo I've had my eye on since I got the bike
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
Oi DDT, you saying that we're a tad overweight up North???? Well yer wrong, we're obese and working towards clinically obese
How much??? You having a laugh???
Went through the same thing myself earlier on this year with Honda. £991 + VAT plus fitting at £65 per hour, prob about five hours work. Invested £22 in a Haynes manual and sourced a recon part for less than £200 and it took me three weekends on and off. Reckon I saved about £1500 quid in the end and it taught me that I can do certain jobs on my bikes.
my ol toy (1990 dt 125 r)
Forgot to say, yeah you do have a fetish with the shiny stuff, fair play to you
my ol toy (1990 dt 125 r)
I reckon it was the same bloke who put that frikkin engine stop switch on my bike as a horn! Back on track though, this is looking absolutely lovely. It must be a great buzz to have the old girl back again. I see your dog is excited too as his/her tail seems to be a blur! Looking forward to more updates from ya. (PS You won't go wrong with Nev's wiring diagram)
My DT 125
Love that colour scheme
my baby yamaha aerox100
I love the lights in the small second and third pics. Very cool. Dunno about your sticker scheme though! Then again, this is coming from the student who, when I first owned a DT 125LC, had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on his bike! One on each hand guard, one facing me on the tank and one on the rear of my helmet so take my opinion with a pinch of salt!!!! Cowabunga dude
sad day today :(
Its the only bike I can scrape a peg on as it's so low! Like I said previously, I'm no hero!!
I'm Giving It A Go!!!
All done, enjoy If you notice in the last headlight pic, I've a nice shiny clutch lever on with a rubber shroud to accompany the Yamaha embossed grips (ooh get you) One last job I remembered about last night - fit the new seat cover. Believe it or not I'm really looking forward to that one as I recovered my Morris Traveller seats many years ago and it was one of the mre stress free parts of the revamp so I'm hoping this seat will go the same way
I'm Giving It A Go!!!
Right people, thanks for your help and advice. Check back in about half an hour or so as I'm resizing every single pic I've put on here now I know what I'm doing!!!! Quick update for you though, managed a good three hours in the garage last night fiddling with the wiring and the indicators are finished now so the tank is back on. Hopefully tonight, I'm going to be able to start up so I can finish the wiring on the side lights,low and main beams and then thats the wiring done.
I'm Giving It A Go!!!
Oops, pressed the wrong button and now it's making me type something!
I'm Giving It A Go!!!
Thanks for praise, it really does make it worthwhile. And coming from the man who is bringing us a brand new 92 DTR is really praise indeed!!! Yeah I have done more to it than I intended but the scary thing is how much more I could do. When does it end??? Maybe on the next one eh? I've even got permission of wifey to do another so I might go beserk on that one!!! I'll resize all the pics tomorrow so you can see what's gone on in more detail
YOC Meeting 2012 (maybe)
I'm definately going to make an effort to go to more events next year. As I said when I first made my introduction, I have never been to nor had I any interest in going to anything like this but I'm now at the stage of "well......." I've even been pricing up some camping gear and dropping hints to my wife about being let of the leash for a weekend. Devon sounds good to me as I love that neck of the woods. Every year my wife and I alternate between Devon and Cornwall. Same places every time, never get bored and I love the accent. Love the rough cider as well. I always pay the price the morning after but its my holiday as well! A chap I work with here is a member of God knows how many clubs, his main being the Blue Angels in Scotland, and he's always at one meet or another. Mind you, he has several ex wives as they asked him to choose between them or his bikes. He lives on his own now I think I'll be able to find a happy medium somewhere
sad day today :(
Yeah absolutely no reason not to stay in touch on here just cos you are Yam-a-less. To be honest, if I'd have disovered this forum before I got my DT I think I'd have joined anyway before I do enjoy the banter and friendliness on here. Funny enough, I've never joined the Goldwing forums and nor have I any intention of. Too many Wing riders have that superior attitude on the road and maybe I've got that mental block that thats how the forum would be as well.