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Everything posted by daveye

  1. daveye replied to neilmanns's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    game on dude game on
  2. daveye replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in Video Section
    wow does that mean even if i wasnt pist right now i still wouldnt understand it lol Dave
  3. daveye replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    yep that was completely different what the f was it lol
  4. daveye replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Random
    one question.... how did you even find this lol Dave
  5. daveye replied to kindest's post in a topic in Classics
    hi mate dont know about the negative ground stuff but i know for a fact after reading about fitting leds to my own yam that 10w resistors just wont work they are too low handling you need at least 10ohm 50w and 1 for each turn signal so if your fitting 4 then obviously you'll need 4 resistors and you have to connect them one end of the resistor to the positive wire and the other end of the resistor to the negative wire.hope that makes sense to you mate but have a good google too cos thats how i found out......p s for the record mines do work but not very well only brighter at night and not all the leds work correctly. good luck Dave
  6. daveye replied to Noise's post in a topic in Projects
    that seat is fookin lovely tis gonna be an awesome looking bike lookin forward to the end result Dave
  7. daveye replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in Video Section
    cool Dave
  8. daveye replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in Video Section
    saw this in another forum just yesterday and thought it was well cool Dave.
  9. daveye replied to daveye's post in a topic in General
    thanks Dave.
  10. daveye posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi guys Sorry if ive missed something or not searched enough but whats happened with a lot of the accounts including my own im now a guest or something according to my old posts and my avatars gone (just uploaded it again WTF happened) and im unable to view all my content and other things can someone shed some light please cheers Dave
  11. daveye replied to Baker's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    hi harry and welcome to the forum i like the idea of the dragster as they look quite cool and to be honest if its quoted as 60 or 70 tops then i know id be more than happy with that i also do a 6 mile commute to work and my sr125 only gets about 45-50 or a bit more if i get my head down but in fairness its all thats needed on the road that i travel and beleive me i have been complainig alot about the speed up until recently and the main point i hear from friends is its a small bike and to stop moaning lol but anyways good luck with everything buddy and welcome once again Dave.
  12. hello and welcome glas Dave.
  13. daveye replied to stormbringer's post in a topic in The Bar
    yep nice collection but really like the gt550 camo job Dave
  14. daveye replied to stormbringer's post in a topic in The Bar
    i think this is a great story really enjoyed the read Dave
  15. daveye replied to stormbringer's post in a topic in The Bar
    all through my life so far the thought of a bike was always there but just never had the cash to get one although i tried a few many attempts at it and now that ive got myself a decent job with fairly decent pay im trying to do as much as i can with bikes my dad used to have a few bikes as well many moons ago even a vellocette too Dave.
  16. daveye replied to anthony125's post in a topic in General
    well done man i,m a little while away from mine and just about to start with lessons this weekend but good on you Dave
  17. daveye replied to inspectorhappy's post in a topic in The Bar
    wow sounds quite nasty but as long as your ok man an feck the cager for not stoping hope you get the bike fixed ok buddy Dave
  18. daveye replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Classics
    wow this is looking awesome cant help but keep scrolling back up to look at it nice work Dave.
  19. daveye replied to 125Viking's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi luke i'd agree with whats been said already ive just recently passed my cbt and got my own little bike sr125 and im just trying to get out as much as possible to build up my experience as ive been used to the car for over 14 years but wanted a bike since i was 17 but never had the money and im going tha DA route as well but having a lesson once a week so i can still practice with my own bike i want a bike big soon too but by the time ive got the money to buy one im hoping al have had enough lessons and passed the test then be able to get my first big bike my projection for this is around march next year. cheers Dave
  20. daveye replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    nope lol
  21. daveye replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    ye dinna half talk some shite mervin
  22. daveye replied to Noise's post in a topic in Projects
    this is lookin cool man lookin forward to some more pics soon
  23. well hello jo
  24. hello again Dave heh i am doin ok with the wee bike cheers but in all honesty i cant wait to move up to something bigger as the wee bike handles fine around town but on an open road its just too slow im averaging 45mph on a 60 road so its a bit of a bummer but ive managed to get around a few places and im really enjoying it and wished i had the money to do it years ago and i too have struggled a bit with gearing and things but im thinking its a point of how the bike wants to go and maybe i shouldnt be fighting it if that makes sense. ive got my first big bike lesson tomorrow and plan to do one a week and take it from there and just try an save for a bigger bike, in the meantime al use the wee bike for comuting back and forth to work. Dave.
  25. Hi Dave i'm a dave too lol and doing the same as yourself except i aint got a big bike yet (would be too tempting IMO as it was tempting enough having the wee bike)but got myself a wee 125 just to gain more experience on the road passed my cbt on sunday there and starting my big bike lessons this sunday Dave.