Everything posted by deenjay
Sammy Miller museum & auto jumble
little note sammy millers peeps have give me permission to put the little ty at the front of the museum for a few pictures cool or what
Poole bike nights
im taking a little trip down to poole tommorow for the bike night with the little ty if your there amongst the thousands of bikes say hi ( if you can find me ) the ty will be on the right as you go through the check in £1 for the evening i only know where it will be parked as the classics get parked there by the VMCC its a great evening out and the weather forecast is fair http://www.screaming2strokes.co.uk/page_1195720124921.html
Sammy Miller museum & auto jumble
shame as we have a few guys restoring the older ts's in another group i belong 2 see you sunday
yamaha day at the ace cafe
especially so close to st georges day april the 23rd yep red rose time. to all you non brits april 23rd is st georges day englands patron saint. there isnt really a specific area to meet its not exactly a huge venue you shouldnt miss anyone its just a recognition thing, you coukld walk past them not knowing. plus the marshalls will tell you where to park you may not have a choice, ( although last yr at the 70s day i did tell the marshal he was a ding bat and if he didnt know what a 70s trialy looked like what the f was he doing marshaling actually my words were stronger than that ) the 70s bikes were meant to be at one end of the carpark ( far right as you face it )near the entrance to the cafe.
stolen classic bikes
all wrong just oh so wrong this must of been a profesional job thats a lot of bikes to haul i have trouble with the few i have. it wouldnt surprise me if these have left the country by now weve just got some new locks at work ill be buying a couple more today
yamaha day at the ace cafe
i was told it was a pink carnation damn so what colour rose ??????? but in reality why isnt there a yamaha owners club sticker to put somewhere on the bikes
Sammy Miller museum & auto jumble
kniller do you still have the ts50x and one of the local bike clubs to you is http://www.roadrunnersmcc.co.uk Bournemouth and district MCC great bunch of guys and girls
DT50R -89 Oil!
it depends on which oil with modern synthetic oils aproximatly 40 to 1 the older 2 stroke oil 20/25 to 1 best to see how much it smokes and keep a eye on your plug ( dont over do it untill your happy heat seizures arnt recomended )
Bristol classic bike show 9/10 feb
just thought you would like to see a picture of the little ty at the event and yes the other ty of mine is behind
Sammy Miller museum & auto jumble
Sunday 20th April 2008 There’s a BIKEJUMBLE at the Sammy Miller Museum at New Milton in Hampshire. Admission £2. Free stalls. Opens 10am to 4pm http://www.sammymiller.co.uk/ its not exactly yamaha but well worth a look ill be there with the little ty
yamaha day @ace cafe
saw you on the wr site hope they welcomed you if your down at the lysley any time pop a message over ill make my way there. dave J
Biggest 2stroke's Rally in the country 2008
Actually Mervin i know im thinking of going this year as 1. i own a 2 stroke or 2 2. its my birthday on the 16th of august 3. i have family just north of newcastle so its ridable from there 4. it sounds fun so mervin are you going to paignton on may bank holiday
yamaha day at the ace cafe
if theres 100s of ty50ps ill buy the first drink if theres 2 ty50ps ill buy the 1st drink if theres 1 ty50p then it will be me just a hint its f ing rare, so rare thers not been any in shows except mine. but your right you wont know most of the peeps there so if you see a balding excentric guy on a tiny bike its me actually i know a few balding guys on small bikes im hoping to get there about 11.45 / 12 noon ish feel free to say hi
yamaha day at the ace cafe
ill be easy to find there wont be another ty50p there you will see a little roadrunners sign under my bike. be there midayish look at my avatar thats the bike im taking
Biggest 2stroke's Rally in the country 2008
just one thing martin WHERE IS IT ???????????
yamaha day at the ace cafe
hi stacy for obvious reasons i wont be riding the ty up the M4 something to do with it being illegal but ill see you up there i will be on the ONLY ty50p there
yamaha day at the ace cafe
stacy as yor my neck of the woods so to speak you know wiltshire has its own bike club www.wiltshireriders.co.uk nice group of peeps if your interested the ace is open to anyone
Paignton Bike Festival
sorry merv i was there but half the time i was gassing to people or being dragged away to look at one thing or another. i did set a time with the Classic Bike Mag guys to be at the stand at 2pm and my tys will be in Classic Motorcycle Mechanics next month. so hopefully ill be about somewhere at paignton oh and ill be riding there so no talks of its just a show bike my tys get ridden. say a time ill be there. dave j
Paignton Bike Festival
shame the better half doesnt enjoy the weekends away why not tell her she's going shopping in torquay then she wont argue about going, works for me every time except the missus has passed her bike test and owns a virago 250. and again come along and say hi there isnt going to be another yamaha ty50p there that i can assure you of. ( rare as rocking horse poo ) dave j
who are we all
old grey haired git who has 2 many bikes according to my missus been riding since 1976 and ive still not grown up and ive still got the bikes i rode back in the 70s and thats even more scarry
midlands riders
right elly your in my land then the 50cc forum is www.sixteenerspecial.co.uk now as were on the subject of the Black country this is a post from a different group Hi We are setting up a new Sunday morning biker meet at the waterfront complex, merry hill, dudley at the Roadhouse Bar starting the 2nd march 2008. The location is perfect for a meet as there is loads of space and away from residential areas. The Roadhouse bar will be open from 10am offering top quality Seattle coffee (starbucks brand) and excellent food including the world famous Biker Bap. If you require any more info, ideas of any support or would like to come down and display bikes, accessories ect please contact me on this email or the below phone numbers: [email protected] BAR 01384 572205 MOBILE 07976 272939 ROADHOUSE BAR WATERFRONT MERRY HILL DUDLEY DY5 1XJ WWW.ROADHOUSEBAR.CO.UK hope that helps a bit
Paignton Bike Festival
already got my hotel book in torquay will be there with the better half and the ty some of the sports moped fraterninty will also be there if you want to pop along for a chat feel free
yamaha day at the ace cafe
self explanitary really ace cafe is having a yam day on april 27th so bring your bike along and be part of the day http://www.ace-cafe-london.com/events.aspx...m=04&y=2008 ill be there on one of my bikes
Which GP race to attend?
which ever ones you chose pop along and find feisty racing the girls race team never know might give your wife the race bug
Bristol classic bike show 9/10 feb
http://www.classicbikeshows.com/showindex....BS2007229142312 a little more info