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Everything posted by rohanc3

  1. rohanc3 posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Hey Guys, I was fortunate enough to go the the TT this month and got loads of footage. Anyone else went? It was my first year so I was still discovering the best Places to watch. Will post more videos as I have time to edit and upload - See Below!
  2. Raising Capital.
  3. rohanc3 replied to rohanc3's post in a topic in Video Section
    At 0:13 the First bike Flies past, at 0:25 the Second bike flies past. Turn your sound up all the way and I'm sure you'll hear it You can actually Hear the first bike from 0:11 till 0:17
  4. rohanc3 posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Hey Guys, Not sure if anyone attended the May Day Bike Run, If not you missed out. Obviously some Bikers do things like below which I caught on my GoPro. Sounds Epic.
  5. I'll be heading through to the Ace with a few other friends. Should hopefully be there at 7:30-7:45.
  6. Everybody Converge on Hastings from Everywhere. If you live anywhere in the South Of England you will probably just see bikes around everywhere - They're not just out riding, They May Day Riding down to Hastings I Live on J28 of the M25 So I'll travel M25 round South and then A229 then A21. http://www.bike1066.com/
  7. Hey Guys, Haven't seen a topic raised here about this...? I presume some of You are going? I shall be traveling from Essex If anyone wants to maybe meet up and Go down? Regards, Rohan
  8. Hey Guys, Hope you are all well, went paint balling with some of the guys from work today and 2 of them ended up having some ammo left so we decided to do a western standoff. Roughly 50-70 rounds each so it was a lot of fun Still busy with the other videos so make sure you look back for the others
  9. That happened last night after a cyclist ran a red light in Central London... I absolutely despise them. Everyone was ok though and no damage.
  10. This is my Ducati Setting off another Motorbike alarm, I have also set off parked car alarms in the past as the exhaust has no Baffles. http://youtu.be/SO07CAdI6nI A bit of a change from having my quiet XJ6 a month ago
  11. Hey Guys, Long Time no see As you guys may or may not be aware I had a 125 then Moved onto my Yamaha XJ6, 4 Weeks ago that bike got written off on the Motorway when a car pulled out on me without looking... But not to worry as I have been able to buy myself a new toy and here it is: Filmed on a GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition Camera. More Videos to Come so make sure you Like and Subscribe, Hope all of you guys are doing well? Regards, Rohan
  12. Hey Guys, Yesterday (Sunday the 16th of September) the yearly Essex Air Ambulance Motorcycle Run was held. The run is to raise funds for the Essex Air Ambulance which is not funded by the NHS and heavily rely on Charity Events like the one held yesterday. Last year attracted 5000 bikers and this year there were a little over 5000 bikers in attendance. Please see some of the Videos below that I recorded at the event. I will be updating this thread with more videos as I find time to edit them. Please check back. Parking (Partial Bike Parking) Departure from Dunton Technical Centre
  13. Hi Guys, I went to Alton Towers yesterday to get away from London for just a day and I decided to take my GoPro with, Camera's are not allowed on any of the Rollercoasters however staff did not seem to have any problems with me strapping mine to my wrist securely. I've done some editing and here is my First Point Of View Video of Nemesis, What do you guys think? Has any of you guys been to Alton Towers?, What did you think? Regards, Rohan/Marthinus
  14. rohanc3 replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in Video Section
    I think the best camera you could use is a GoPro. I aways mount my GoPro with the suction cup. If you mount it on the fairing on most bikes the vibration is minimal. mike1949, You've seen my videos taken with the GoPro.
  15. Hi All, Last week I was on holiday on the Gran Canaria and thought I would share this video of the sunrise over a heart shaped man made Island on the South Side of the Gran Canaria. If anyone has not been there before I would definitely recommend it, Weather there is great - No less than 24 degrees C all year round and the south of the island doesn't get any rain. This time-lapse Consists of 1,125 Photos taken in 10 second intervals. The photos in this time-lapse was taken at Anfi Del Mar from an 8th floor room at the front part of the resort(Puerto Anfi).
  16. rohanc3 replied to rohanc3's post in a topic in Video Section
    Figures for 2002 Car Accidents: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200307/03/eng20030703_119368.shtml Most of these are from 2011 so it doesn't seem like much has changed...
  17. rohanc3 posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    I Know the title is spelt wrong Is it just me or is Russia the worst place for car accidents in the World? Must be all that Premium Russian Vodka... They may as well stop putting wing-mirrors on Cars in that Country, Fecking Russians don't know how to use them... [media=]
  18. Name: Yamaha YZF R-125 (2011) Date Added: 29 May 2012 - 02:55 AM Owner: rohanc3 Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  19. Hi Guys, I recorded this on my journey into London Yesterday the 28th - Its a new Angle but looks good, keep your eyes peeled for more videos coming soon!. [media=] As I've already pointed out my Journey is 25 Miles to Work Everyday, this is a 15 mile stretch full of traffic. Its a daily occurrence, I'm used to it. Be sure to check out my other videos if you've not already seen them! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvoP_HqN2YgUVfy7TUu-5Rg/videos
  20. Mike, I use a GoPro HD Hero (1), that day I mounted it on the Windscreen with a suction cup. In my other video(link below) I mounted it on the XJ6 Frame with a suction cup under the rear part of the seat on the right hand side of the bike. And in my other video(link below) I mounted it on the tank. - This is actually a time-lapse. The suction cup pretty much sticks to any surface, uneven ones included. Can handle winds of up-to 200mph they say...
  21. Campaman: Sadly thats what you get in London I've been doing this kind of riding for a year now(First on a R125 and now on my XJ6) - Living outside of London and commuting in is no Joke if you come from anyplace other than around London. I do 50 Miles everyday in and out of London. I also ride around london for my job, yesterday alone I did 48Miles Just inside London for work... I'm an On-Site Network Engineer. Matthew: Went from a 40 zone directly into a 30 zone, was riding at the speed limit/below in the tunnel. Even went through a speed camera at 27mph on 1:20. MRR: Thanks, I do that everyday and I have done so for the last year... mike1949: I understand you where you're coming from and that Joke at the end is painstakingly true, you'll only be held up for 5 minutes. If I sit in that traffic my journey would easily be 45mins to an hour longer(And remember this is not my whole journey(I cut the video down by roughly 55 minutes), as I already mentioned my commute into London yesterday was 25 miles, in London I rode 48 miles and to get back home again I did another 34 miles(was in South West London for my last job and I live North East Out of London) home. If you add all of that up its about 105miles. If I don't ride like this in London, I might as well take the train and pay £375 for my monthly train ticket - and hate my life because I'm traveling on crowded trains in the boiling heat... - The Olympics are a whole other story because this country doesn't plan ahead and improve the transport network as they should before a few more million people arrive for a month....
  22. Hey Guys, I've recorded, edited and uploaded a video of my ride in to work, I work in London so as you can imagine there is quiete a bit of traffic in the mornings which make for some fun splitting. Where do you guys Live/Ride to? Video Below: Enjoy!