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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Mr Lallasro, please do explain, where did my Toaster come into this thread?
  2. Yer he might try and fix your bike Love you Grouch babes
  3. That awkward moment when you realise you been standing in the worst pose ever for a second too long!
  4. Looking smart mate, think your get it done before Christmas?
  5. Why not I thought you would like to hold them firmly and rub them rigorously. But if you don't want to I understand ha ha
  6. Want to buff my nuts?
  7. Speedo cable as in.the bit connecting it to the wheel, or the cable that makes all its lights Work? Have you plugged the front indicators in?
  8. Gunna say my wife chucks a bucket of water over me and rams potatoes down me throat!!
  9. Smart arse! Ha ha
  10. Right lets start to narrow things down. These wires are at the front of the bike yes? (looks like it in the pics as i can see the bottom yoke) Have you plugged in the speedo? if not i *THINK* the square blocks are for the that. As for the torpido connectors they almost look like the ones for the indicators that are hidden in the head light. Are these in the same part of the loom as the head light plug?
  11. Gets told off by the wife for getting his helmet out on display
  12. I didn't make the top three of all time best answers to a question award!
  13. Reason with clutchless shifting between 1st and 2nd is that there is the big hole of nothing nuss gear (nuetral) and if your giving it the shit off the line and smake her into nuetral then all you get is a loud noise coming from the engine and blushed cheeks (along with the normal fucks and bollocks) as soon as your in 2nd you can knock her up the box (WHEY!!!! ) and off you go. If done right with little crunching and nasty sounds then you shouldn't be cocking up the clutch but if your doing it on a daily basis and have the legs and co ordination of an epileptic gibbon then your going to screw it up faster than normal. So when i clutchless shift i only do so on motorways and duel carridge ways as i want to get as much speed as fast a poss on them slip roads so the dick in the BMW dont dry ram my star fish. Its not bad habbit in my mind as long as its not done ALL the time, as said M-ways and Duel carridge ways are the best times to use it but in town going past weatehr spoons you look a cock when you fuck up (1st - 2nd gear ) As for going down the box, this is what i cant do and dont do, you have to be going so much slower than you think for the syncrodes to line up for it to pop in, and by this time you would have be faster to just pull the clutch, only man ive seen do it was Casey Stoner (i know sorry for bringing in a GP rider) but he pretty much stamped on the peg to jam it down and kicked the back wheel out at the same time, it that really what you wanna do on the road?............................................... actuall that sounds pretty cool Stay safe hun
  14. Well thats pretty shite, can you tax a cage for 6 months? if so why are they making a different rule up for bikes even tho (as we all know) we dont destroy the roads and reduce congestion etc etc etc
  15. How much are you looking for the Fireblade? i could spread the word down here for you
  16. Id really take the piss, put in a bottle of whiskey a porn mag kleanex man size tissues and a tub of vasaleen see what he says to that. Yyour deff know if he has been in your bag then as he will either be in the bogs knocking one out or showing every one at work what you had in your bag that day Or scrapping that whack in a massive black rubber cock!!!!(in your bag that is no where else )
  17. Noise

    Well done her

    Yer and we can get Bippo and Sacha to come round and give us a nice trim now and then
  18. Yer come on foamy, how many are on the go (well no go actually) now? ha ha. Im hoping to get shot of this one by Christmas either by fixing it and selling it on or trading it in as scrap Found out that its one of them Peugeot Trekkers??
  19. Didn't that lucky git get the Helmet too!! has some one been brown nosing Well done Tommy hope you have a good time
  20. Right sorry if this offends anyone but it's gotta be said, fuck it if he is a Muslim and so is your manager, this is not there place and I would seriously ask this knob out right, tell him you know he is looking in your bag and if he dose it again then go to your manager, if it carries on go to HIS manager if you are told the bollocks that your get the sack then ask them what for, they must have a VERY good reason to other wise you can screw them for unfair dismissal. If you haven't done any thing and are abiding by your T&C you should be ok. If not I'll pop up for you, I fucking hate thieving little gits and looking in your bag is just the start of it.
  21. I Always buy 6 moths tax for the bike as i don't ride my belovid in the winter months
  22. Agreed that yes most bikers will hardly use there cage, BUT and it is a big but, us bikers are shown / learn how to actually look out for hazzards etc etc, yes granted car drivers do too but as soon as they pass their test they are then in an indestructable mega machine which only God him self can damage so they no longer need to remember how to look out for a hazzard / biker / OAP with decrepid 3 legged jack russle crossing a well lit zebra crossing. All they need to remember is how to change their newly installed CD player with blue tooth etc etc
  23. Noise

    Well done her

    Congratulations Mrs Jimmy, And im liking the maffia look Jimmy, you even have your fingers in the fake gun pose
  24. Wow that motor was truley fooked! As Dirty DT say no project is a cheap project i too know the pain of adding up my spending sprees and the wifes hand print is still visable on my cheek
  25. Start simple mate, take off the wires and clean up the conectors with some WD40 and the rough bit off the wifes kitchen sponge. If no luck then remover the horn and get two wires and connect it direct to your battery if it works then one your get the fright of your life and two you then know you have a wiring problem. Off the top of my head i cant rememebr if there was/is a fuse for the horn, my manuel is at home at the mo so i cant check for you but start off simple with cleaning the contacts and go from there
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