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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Here we go again guys another quick up date on progress, i finally got my Braided fuel lines through the post the other day so it was straight out into the shed to clean up the fuel pump and the little frame it is fixed to so its all nice and shiney and clean! Before's After's After that i set about sorting out the Rear brake peddle and its mounting bracket, so i have replaced all the split pins to stainless and also replaced those horrid cer clips with some nice new ones. Before's After's Last thing to go in these is a set of racing foot pegs which i got off my mate who wasn't using them any more so i can finally stop scratching my foot pegs when i go round bends, they are only about 3-4 inches long lol
  2. I do agree that they are verey similar but if your into engines then you will agree that the harley engines are much better looking than the XVS range! I have never been a fan of saddle bags and every optional extra going (i see the pratical reasons for them but they are horrid!) As i said on my first post to this topic its each to there own and that the XVS range, even the Honda shadows etc are a poor mans harley just like a Toyota MR2 is a poors mans Farrari. The Dragstars are more reliable than Harley's along with the price of parts BUT Harley's have more grunt for your buck and "Personally" they have a much better finish on them where the Dragstars seem to have been thrown together in a mass hurry with no real attetion to detail (or am i just talking about the state of my bike when i started to strip it lol)
  3. Well they are pretty much a poor mans Harley i take my hat off to any one who buys the equivilate of these bikes in harley form (the soft tail or DYna Glide) which will no doubt set you back in excess of £8k........so um.....yer ANOTHER harley davidson look alike......But then so is mine....o and every one else that owns a Dragstar even the ones that have the highway hawk catalogue bolted to there bikes. EACH TO THERE OWN.
  4. Noise

    My Bobber project

    And then i sorted out the rear brake bar. BEFORE AFTER Still sorting out the carbs as the bolts are well and truly stuck in there and in need of a good over haul!
  5. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Hi Guys well here is a few up dates on what i have been up too! Firstly i finally got round to doing the engine and removing all that horrid chrome! well i say all of it i have left a splattering of it just to brake up the black. Ordered some high temp wrinkle finish paint off of Frost automotive and its great stuff, as long as you have a nice warm room or and partners hair dryer it gose off really well. Also ordered some braided breather and fuel lines which are now on (no pics tho will get some of this later) and also painted the barrles and block with some high temp black paint too just to smarten her up. And i have replaced the starter motor cable as it was shagged!
  6. yep no change in size dude, dunno whats up with them?
  7. Well too be truthful mate i cant see fuck all in these pics as they are far too small lol i mean i dont wear glasses but after a bash on the old whiskey my eyes are still trying to look at the bike in any great detail lol. Post up bigger pics using photobucket and im sure that will help in determining if those forks will look good or not.
  8. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Right this is more of a voting pole to help me make my mind up (sorry not pics still tarting up the engine) What should i go for in term of a clutch? Jocky shift (click link) OR An Exile chopper style twist grip clutch? Either way im wanting to keep the handle bars free of gumph. I "think" i know what i want but you know how it is! Cheers Keith
  9. Sorry to here about your close encounter with the one of the many fuck heads of the world, gladly you come off lightly tho! I never go out on a saturday or a sunday and if the missus kicks up a stink about going out i very reluctantly do venture out as the weekend drivers are complete fuck whits and will always do any thing possible to gain an extra metre in the que which causes problems. On the bike i am even more careful and in town conditions im ALWAYS on the look out for Mr and Mrs fuck head, and if i come into contact with Mr and Mrs fuck head they normally loose there wing mirrors as they obvisously dont need them as i never see them use them! And talking on the phone......well lets just say they are lucky that i cant reach through windows......No wait.....Yes i can!
  10. I too would suggest loosing weight and also changing sprocket size will be your first and cheapest mod to do first there after if your still not happy with the speed then pull ya finger out and get your full test done (unless your 16 which there for you cant) Also as stated dont be too quickly offended with every thing that is said in here, (FRIENDLY top tip.... grow thicker skin! it helps in life!) start off in any forum or conversation with a "hello and a nice intro" to build up a little bit of respect THEN you can fire a few fucks back at people in a banter kind of way! i too am very new to the forum and still trying to get friendly with some of the guys but i dont go about in my second ever post telling some one to fuck off n keep there opinions to them self.... thats just not cricket! , so dont get all up in arms and get a wabbily bottom lip if they are a bit blunt or sarcastic with your posts.
  11. A Klear mistake tho. sherly cant do it again lol
  12. Welcome to the club Dirk whats up with the bike then? Pop up another thread in the customs section with a few pics for us the chew over and im sure we can help out.
  13. Welcome to the club man, and well done for passing your test!
  14. Your best bet is on Ebay, just type in raw steel fender and there is a few on there with different widths. £45 excluding P&P
  15. Check in the bike! i have done this many times! lol. if your lock smith cant cut you a key from the barrel them im afraid its a whole new barrle and key. start with ebay im sure you can get a decent priced one on there.
  16. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Early this morning i set out on the fun journey of the wiring loom, So armed with some masking tape and a pen i set out un plugging and marking up the plugs for safe keepings (i know they all have there own plugs etc) then it was onto removing the carbs, air filter and the yoke. Removing the engine was next on the list but was a little harder to remove than i first though lol. i had to remove the plastic chrome heads just to un bolt the top front mounting brakets. But after another 25mins they where off and out came said engine. Et Vala so now onto cleaning the carbs and and the frame ready for paint and powder coating. And so it begins!
  17. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Day two of the strip down and it started out with a trip to Lidi's for a set of axle stands £10 for a pair so i got two sets and they also had a set of rachet spanners! fantastic bit of kit! highly recommend that you get some if you havent only £20 and they are brilliant quality. Took me a while to get going as takes some time to get her safly onto the axle stands but once she was up off came the battery box, little cubby hole on the left of the bike, fuel tank, rear wheel, gear shifter, swing arm and thats it so far. I had to shoot out to Halfrauds as i didn't have a 27mm socket for the swing arm! typical! Well here she is in her current state. Bit dirty behind the rear wheel lol More dirt from under the fuel tank And a quick cheesy shot Up early again tomorrow to start taking more bits off.
  18. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Well here we go 1st day of stripping down the bike and so far i have done the following: removed handle bars, Forks, exhaust, seat, head light, indicators, foot brake and speedo. Sadly im on a time limit so this is all i got done today but im getting up early so i can plod on i piece lol I been having a slight rattle coming from my rear cylinder exhaust and when i removed it i noticed that the baffle was loose so i took it out (as im not putting them back in due to changing the style of them) and look what i found! Shocking!!!! differance between top pipe (broken one) and the bottom pipe! One of them has a kind of fabric over it yet the broken one didn't??? its not stuck in the pipe so im not sure whats happened to it!? Well i will crack on with it again tomorrow and im gunna remove the rear fender, wheel, swing arm and fuel tank. Stay tuned
  19. Cheers guys well just about to upload some more pics so hopefully it wont fuck up any more lol
  20. O and about my spelling, if you guys spot any spelling mistakes your more than welcome to correct me i know its shocking some time but i am blessed with that dislexia thing (im worse with numbers lol) but im always happy to try and learn/be told where im wrong ;o)
  21. Hi Guys, This is one for the more technically advanced people than my self. just re-read my project page (to see whats been going on lol) and noticed the pictures are all to fuck, over lapping each other and peoples posts aren't in order? is this just because my works computer is shit and its just me seeing it like that or can you guys see it like this and means there some thing wrong with my thread? Any help/info will be greatly appreshiated! (sorry bout spelling lol) Regards Keith
  22. Hi Kev Great to see that the bobber bug is catching! have you decided on if its gunna be a rat bike or a pretty bike? if it going rat then it will be more softer on you wallet as you can leave rust on the bike etc (as you prob already know) but if you want shiney bits id carry on stripping her down and take off the paint on the frame and re-paint with halfraurds rattle can. chop you front mud guard down to size. or if your feeling brave re-move it (i took mine off as it completes the look) just remember to put it back on for your MOT. You can get a nice raw steel fender off ebay for £45 + p&p which you can then turn into your own fender or if you can find one alot of relly old cars spare wheels had a metal cover you could turn into a reallt coll retro fender! Also to add to your list (long term) would be a set o fire stone tyres! as shown in your 1st pic! Keep up the work dude and hope to see more pics soon.
  23. Aint had a transit yet........got a BMW and two Saxo's so the collection is growing lol
  24. I personally think that there should be more Shock tacktics via adverts both with Bikes and kids being hit by cars! They had one that put the shitters up me with that bloke seeing that kids that he hit and at the end it just said "its 30 for a reason" (or somthing like that) but i aint seen it for a long time now. If you scare the fuck out of people then they get the message, same if some one tries to steal my bike or car or damage any thing of mine i wouldn't hit them as such i would just simply "correct" them in there ways! lol I will not wear high vis clothing if the weather conditions are perfect EG clear skies, dry and visibility is good! if car drivers are too dim whitted and incapable of looking past there own fucking snout then in my mind they shouldnt be on the road and i will not be told its my fault for not wearing day glow yellow jacket trousers boots and helmet (o and for not owning a ford RS orange bike) Your servey is good but as stated above i think you need multiple answers, but apart from that i hope you get what your after out of it!
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