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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Wow, thats the type of guys you want to tattoo a picture of some one on your back not like this guys http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=bad+tattoos+of+people&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=839&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=I5J2Wdd6ugI5sM:&imgrefurl=http://chrocodiles.blogspot.com/2011/08/bad-tattoos-baby-portrait-tattoos.html&docid=gFcbnVvLexK6EM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Vy8XxvuIHXw/TlfQyd5G8SI/AAAAAAAA_-U/Kq1s6nMPcnw/s1600/bad_tattoos_1.jpg&w=401&h=600&ei=RuxmT7TEM8KWhQes_vWQCA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=515&sig=102802682695027667901&page=3&tbnh=155&tbnw=129&start=57&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:57&tx=82&ty=92
  2. Noise


    Well its all booked, next Saturday at 1400hrs we are going up to Taunton to meet Tammy, she is a 2yr old Labrador X with Husky (gold coat with bright blue eyes) very friendly, great with kids and other dogs but can be dominant to other dogs at home, she hates cats and will chase them all day. She was re-homed but her new owners had chickens (i say HAD) lol Tammy thought it was Christmas come early. We are just going up to meet her and see how she is, and how the missus is with her etc then we will most likely go up another 2-3 times to bond etc and then if all goes well hopefully have her in a few more weeks.
  3. Id still have the hog, its got more character lol.
  4. Did you hear about the real reason why Hitler killed him self? Got his gas bill
  5. Noise


    She's lovely, but i think she will be far too big for my missus lol she is petrified with proper big dogs sadly. but i think a German Shep is the "ideal" size for both of us, she likes small rat like dogs where as i like a "mans" dog...... so a happy medium i think we shall go for.
  6. Das German es Gut Now drop one lol
  7. Noise


    Let me guess Kev.......its called spike? pmsl! I like all dogs but Staffies are not the dog for me to be truthful think they mainly attract chav attention etc also the missus HATE's staff's so i think that is one breed thats a no go but its still sad to see that the majority of dogs in rescue homes are staffies. I think we are set on a German shepherd just need to get this fucking mother in law to see sense
  8. I just talk shit to them..................weather..............politics..............my daughters toilet habits etc if they can talk bollocks to me why cant i do the same?
  9. Noise


    Im Sorry to hear that man she looks lovely! one of those snuggle down at night type dogs! your new shepherd looks just as nice tho! Labrador is cool too! I keep looking at your old girl and she is making me want a German Shepherd more and more every time! just need to get both the missus and 'er mother on board too lol
  10. Noise


    Is that a female or a boy? I absolutely love German shepards! yours is gorgeous! Im still trying to get a "proper" answer from the mother in law about getting a dog as she said to me "i rather you didn't" which really isn't a yes or a no........but she is not replying to my messages which is pissing me off as i do want a dog for all the obvious reasons but the missus doesn't wanna get a dog in case she either kicks us out (which i doubt she will with us having our 10 month old girl) or make us get rid of the dog which we dont wanna do as it will be yet more un-necessary stress for the poor thing. So im stumped! Like i say we have no tenancy agreement binding us to any contract, we live in the house so are not going to destroy the bladdey place and "IF" the dog happens to brake some thing (very un likely apart from the odd hole in the garden) then we will replace/fix the damage. what you guys think? lol
  11. Noise

    Fire bike

    Very nice looking bike, and great colors too. MY only bad bit i don't like is the look of that exhaust. But still............if i could ride it id join the fire service just for that reason lol
  12. Noise


    Well this has come to a screaming stop as my Landlord (mother in law) said we cant have a dog even tho we have no tenancy agreement or any thing! So we are now looking at moving. Not only due to the fact we cant have a dog but she is a fucking bitch! our gas fire is WELL over due a service so we contacted her to say she needs to get british gas out to do the service and she came back with "can you do it and pay for it as i have no money!" so where the fuck has our rent gone too? o yer thats right 2 weeks in Goa, week long cruise for two, 1 week in Spain and a 2 week Christmas Carrabien Cruise for two 2 plus beach wedding. all in one year! Least our money is helping some one enjoy their life lol. Now its time to "TRY" and get on one of these first time buyers scheme things fun fun
  13. Noise


    That's awesome! cant find any down near me tho to adopt tho but i think im set on a German shepherd tho seen these two lovely ones that im gunna phone up about in a bit. Mishka http://www.happy-landings.org.uk/rehoming_detail.php?homing_ID=507 And Max http://www.hollyhedge.org.uk/vas.asp?location=Kennel06 Hoping i can go up and meet either one this week end.
  14. Noise


    Sorry must have worded my post wrong at the start, I want a dog for the love of having a dog, the enjoyment of walking him/her and the whole "mans best friend" milarky but also to have it as a deterant to those who wish to help them selves to my property. Ryan your Sheep dog is lovely n so is your husky, will have to show the missus the sheep dog as i dont think she has even considered one yet. Whats the breed like to keep? And Kev, me and the missus aren't Bull Terrier people but Angus dose look quite cool lol Cheers for the help so far guys n i hope to have another member of my family some time in the near future to love n look after
  15. Noise


    Hey Guys and Gals, Bit of a weird one but what kind of dog/s do you have (if you own a dog) just that im in the market for one and cant make up my mind which i want to adopt. I wanna get a rescue dog as i want to give one a better life/home than they previously had. The ones i found so far i like are: German shepherd (a big possibility) Collie (not 100% sure yet) Inuit (would love one) Husky (again would love one but very high maintenance) Lurcher (missus hates them) Rotty (missus is scared of them) I want a big dog because over the past few months there has been a spat of burglaries in my area and about 4 nights ago my front door was "tried" but was locked so they left, so from now on when im at work the missus has the doors permanently locked but when we are out together she is more nervous than you would normally be. So what would you guys recommend?
  16. Noise

    top tips

    Don't talk to strangers Remember that even dogs sniff ass holes before they talk!
  17. Noise

    Biker kiss

    A tough looking group of bikers were riding when they saw a woman about to jump off a bridge, so they stopped. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?" "I'm going to commit suicide," she says. While he didn't want to appear insensitive, he didn't want to miss an opportunity either, so he asked... "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a kiss?" So she does... And it was a long, deep, lingering kiss. After she's finished, the biker says, "Wow! That was the best kiss I've ever had! That's a real talent you are wasting. You could be famous. Why in the world would you want to commit suicide?" "My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl........". The authorities think she may have been pushed.
  18. Personally i hate add on parts.......panniers.......crash bars.......sissy bars etc so i would say no but in a completely different breath i do see the point in them but i still think they wreck the look and lines of the bike and add too much un needed weight to a bike even more so on a 125! if you add the high way hawk catalog onto your beloved two wheeler then expect to loose up hill and over all performance. Either way enjoy it and do what you like and keep it to your taste
  19. I have no idea either! lol when i took my old main jets out they where both the same so i replaced them with two identical sizes in both and she runs fine. But im no mechanic and not o fey with the XVS1100
  20. I would LOVE to come to this but as its my wife's 1st mothers day i think id be murdered and the bike attacked with a hammer upon my return. lol
  21. When you change the main jets over the tick over will change and she may become lumpy at the bottom end. Just take your time.
  22. Noise

    A year on

    So is the restriction kit coming out now?
  23. Noise

    Black Betty

    Yer i was all against a front mud guard but i stuck it on there the other week end when i went to Southampton to see family and they gave the weather shit so i thought i would put it on, now i think i like it on there too lol. but i might change the shape of it at some stage or change it all together when and if i get a springer put on her.
  24. Noise

    Kevlar jeans

    I got a pair of kevlar jeans too, (never had to see if they work tho) but my old bike instructor come off his bike at 40mph with his dragging jeans on and he said apart from them riding up and getting gravel rash on his lower leg they worked great! i don't wear mine at the mo as i got them Christmas 2010 and i've put on a bit of fat since then and they don't fit
  25. Hey man, i had the exact same problem with my straight through pipes, ran great on chock but when i went to over take or open her up she lost all power popped banged and farted. Sadly you will have to re-jet her, take the spark plugs out and i grantee they will have a whitish powder on them meaning she is running week, take your carbs out and drain them and remove the float chamber covers and see what size main jet you have in there, then go onto wemoto.com and get a few sizes up. For "example" i had 90 main jets in the carbs when i started and my needle valves where set on the 1st notch, i then went up to 122.5 main jets with the needle valves set on the 4th notch, the bike ran better at the bottom end of the rev range but died as i got up to speed (running too rich) so i then down sized the main jets to 105 with the needle valve still on the 4th notch, she now runs like a dream! I also had to play about with the pilot jets, when i took the carbs out i wound them fully closed and then advanced them 2.5 turns, (this was with the 105 main jets) she was a tad lumpy at the bottom end so i then advanced the pilots another 1 turn, problem was then sorted and she is groovy! Like i say this is just an example and it will be trial and error till you get her right, the main jets are only £3 a pop on wemoto so don't panic with the price its just a bit tedious till you get it right. Word of warning tho (you might already know this tho) if you ride the bike with it running either too week or too rich you will fuck the pistons up and this will be a costly re-build so if you do ride it before you do this work take it easy and don't thrash her. Any more help just shout!
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