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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Hey Man long time no speak!!! hows things? Have you checked the woltage of the battery before starting then after starting? just to see how much she drops then switch on the blinkers to see if it drops some more? Not sure about what battery is in mine but go onto wemoto.com and buy one from there you should get it through the post with in 2 days. them fit an optimate charger to it to keep it in top condition.
  2. Im With Mr Dickwad, its down to the police mans descresion most of the time and the other day i was at the start of a duel caridge way waiting for the lights to go green and sat next to me in the left hand lane was a cop and our eyes met and all i got was the thumps up lol when i first had my straight troughs on i was pulled into to road census by a cop and he looked round the bike and the only thing he pulled me up on was i had no reflector on the number plate but he was a biker and said that he hates the ones MOTers put on the bike so couldn't blame me much and sent me on my way. Just be nice to them and im sure they will be nice back,
  3. Nope my 125 wasn't called any thing as i didn't have her long. Black Betty is my 650 which you can see the project if you click on the link in my Signature. but i did like that 125 in the vid! very cool
  4. Sadly it sounds like you need bigger jets again, i know how you feel man i had my Carbs out 4 times till i got her running good and now i need to take them out again as i just checked my plugs and she is running a bit rich. Sadly changing pipes have a knock on effect to the carbs and its all trial and error with setting them back up again. Keep your chin up......its all worth it in the end.
  5. Hi Scott better late than never on the intro lol. Nice looking bob you have! i too started out on a XVS 125 which i bobbed then moved up to the 650 which is now bobbed lol. one word of warning tho.........i too had a side number plate holder but a little too ken on a left hander and it was soon dragging behind me like a rat on a lead. Don't get me wrong they look good but i think only as a show bike kind of good tho not a practical thing at all. Also why not get those shocks powder coated white? brake up the black a bit as there is such a thing as too much black! my bike (Betty) has 4 types of black on her to give contrast and a spattering of chrome with gold headers just to brake up the black. any who keep up the good work!
  6. So what happens if i drive at 10Mph? do i travel 10 miles in 30minutes? Epic!
  7. Welcome to the site Matt, Its always annoying when some little gremlin gets into the bike and cocks things up! what actually when wrong with it to make it go from working to not working?
  9. When i left the Army i did a Christmas temp job in Currys and i know what you mean Foamy some of the customers and mainly the work force are complete c**ts! I'm just glad it was a temp job and i wasn't asked to stay on lol
  10. Noise


    Lol yer thats what im thinking! we will see tho i guess,
  11. Am i classed as a day walker then? i do 7 till 1630hrs? lol id like to know if im that special
  12. I do the life saver while walking and when driving the car! lol
  13. Noise


    Yer im phoning up the kennel club later today to ask them whats the best/right questions to ask the rescue center about the dog but Ive already told the missus we are only going there on Friday to "LOOK" will take her out for a walk and that to see what she is like she is a 2 year old golden Labrador Husky X (gold lab but with bright blue eyes!)
  14. Any exhaust that has not for road use on them are not road legal, all the rest are fine and is mainly down to the MOTers descresion, you could always fine a bloke who will custom make you a set if you ask about or just go the e-bay route like i did (but i chopped mine lol)
  15. See a hair drier is the next thing to go into a mans tool box lol
  16. +1 nice hot hair dryer followed by a soft plastic scraper like credit card type thing followed by meth spirit to remove sticky stuff. no harm will come to the paint work unless you are rough with the plastic scraper. But def start off by heating the little bugger up with the missus's hair dryer, fantastic bit of kit! i used her's in doors one to help dry my wrinkle finish black paint lol
  17. Noise


    Lol na dont worry dude i exactly the same when i write things........makes sense to me when i write it but every one else don't pmsl. The missus isn't petrified with every dog out there its just German sheps as her next door neighbor had one that bit her but she's seen some about and meet one of them that a right old soppy git n fallen in love with him but as we all know all dogs have there own traits so can never trust a dog 100%. would you trust every human being 100%? um.....no lol
  18. Na I've had a shit day too, (not as bad but) just found out i have to stock check 598 odd items plus find 100 odd lost items in um.......2 days! Fan dabby c**ting dosy!
  19. my feet do vibrate side ways when at high speeds......(normally start to go at 85 then at 90-95 im squeezing the tank with my thighs) but i also have short stumpy pegs that i got off my mates race bike. Again as tasky said you can adjust the leavers as per the manwell so shouldn't be too hard to solve.
  20. Very nice! i do like the XS engine id love to do an XS 650 bob but just aint got the money. Where did you get the fake oil tank from? im after doing one on my bob but just not with the box style that you have. im thinking an old fire extinguisher??
  21. Yer i know its shocking! the missus gets a similar result too, she's only got a KA but if she fills up at ASDA she gets less miles than if she fills up down at Co-Op im not sure if its the supplier of the fuel or what not but i do think that there is different qualities of the stuff, bit like say a British prostitute and a Amsterdam prostitute lol like this old saying "Alcohol free beer is just like licking your sisters fanny..........................tastes the same but its just not right!!!!"
  22. Sorry to hear this man, but as long as your still breathing and aren't a vegetable then that's all that matters! Will you get another draggy or you gunna have a think of some other toy?
  23. Noise


    Whys that then? its just that the last dog we had when i was living with the folks was a blue merl colly called Trip and he was a stray which we got from a rescue center and he was a fab dog, very affectionate and loyal, still had a bit of stray in him as when we walked him he just totally ignored us and done his own thing till we showed him his bone n he come running back. I see what you are saying in a way but if every one followed this advice then no big dog will ever be rescued and will all be off to Davey Jones locker.
  24. Ive not really tasted the old stuff so i cant really comment on the taste but i know if i fill up the car (MG ZT 2.5 V6) at ASDA with say £30 of normal petrol it will last me bout 150 ish miles may be more but if i fill up down at Co-Op (used to be Texaco) the same amount of fuel i would get 250+ miles driving exactly the same! so i bet they do chuck some sort of health and safety crap into the mixture which drops the mileage and performance out of it!
  25. So at the end of the universe is it just the static channel on all the time?
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