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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Noise replied to eddiebadboy's post in a topic in General
    I'm sporting a trimmed 4inch beard with 13 tats going from my fingers up to the top of my arm, only ones that really hurt was the fingers and just inside the arm pit. Best way I find growing my beard is keeping in clean and use beard oil. I use grizzly bear beard oil from boots and plain old savalon for after care for the tats. Still got more to do to finish
  2. Noise replied to mrtone's post in a topic in General
    Merry Christmas to you all from the noise family, hope you all have a good Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2017.
  3. I was looking at the bulldog before I bought the xjr looks like a lovely bike! What's the ignition barrel like? is the key a bit sloppy inside or hard to take off the steering lock? if so maybe when you accelerate the key moves ever so slightly and tricks the ecu that your in start up mode again thus triggering the sweep.
  4. British transport dept take note, a 2" diameter pot hole shouldn't take 7 men, 45 cones, 4 weeks notice, 6 mile detor and a bag of gravel to fix.
  5. Noise replied to RhysWithTheXVS's post in a topic in The Bar
    Out of curiosity what was the size of the standard jet you took out and what size did you put in?
  6. Noise replied to RhysWithTheXVS's post in a topic in The Bar
    Again, did this problem start after you fitted the new pipes???? no point confusing yourself with compression tests and wasting money on test gear if it ran fine before you fitted the pipes as this proves that there is nothing wrong with compression to start with.
  7. Noise replied to RhysWithTheXVS's post in a topic in The Bar
    Didn't it run ok before you fitted the straight through pipes and re jetted? If so then this problem is something that you have given it. Most likely you have re jetted wrong and she is running too rich and is bogging it down. the rear cylinder will look in better condition to the front as it is protected by the front pot and your legs so doesn't get nearly as much shit n crap from the road. The only way your know if it is a new pot is by taking it apart and checking the tolerances.
  8. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    Tell ya what tho they are the best £22 I've spent. today I thought I'd wear my new winter gloves which soon become painful to have on. so being a bit risky I took them off and even at a tad over the national........... (open to imagination) I had zero wind chill on my hands and it was as if I was riding with my hands in my pockets. will definitely recommend them. but not riding with no gloves.
  9. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    O yes, today wasn't as fun in the rain, wet weather gear (builders jacket and pants) worked great but hands got proper wet n cold so I've fitted a set of bar muffs to keep em dry n warm for the winter. Next will be tassels n studs.............haha
  10. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    What I mean with it being top heavy, it's when your pushing it back into the garage you feel it more than the 600 bandit. It is better with a full tank in the bends tho, but to be fair it's not a massive difference.
  11. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    This thing kicks the teeth out of the gsf, I can only comment on the 600 tho as never ridden the 1200 so wouldn't know what they are like. But here is how think they compare. 600 Bandit: good bike, goes like stink but all the fun is at the top end and not much at the bottom thus you spend most of the time screaming the tits off it. Great handling and flows into corners brilliantly. Light and nimble which is good for manual handling and they are a nice low commuter. XJR1200: Fantastic, oodles of low down grunt, long drawn out gears that seam to never end, you can simply chuck it in top gear and cruse down the road on tick over at 60, but then open its throat to go into full hooligan mode. Cornering is a doddle and it sticks to the black top like shit on a blanket. Tad on the heavy side when at stand still or general manual handling tho. Very top heavy with a full tank too.
  12. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    She's here and after taking it to work I have to say I should have bought one sooner!! What a bike, stick it in top gear, 60mph and only pulling 2.5k revs, sit there and relax....... Open her up tho and holy dogs dangles does she pick up and bugger off down the road. Some blemishes on rocker cover Just under 50k on the clock Nice race can.
  13. Noise replied to Spike101uk's post in a topic in The Bar
    Could try taking spark plugs out and letting the pots vent for a hour or two. To be honest I've never actually flooded a motor and couldn't tell you a "good way" of doing it. But thinking logically about it, venting the pots would be a good and cheap start.
  14. Noise replied to Spike101uk's post in a topic in The Bar
    Dose the throttle work and spring back as it should? Did you replace or remove / meck about with choke cable? Did it take some effort to get that fecking nipple back in the hole thus you lifting the butterfly up n down? If so you might have flooded it.
  15. Noise replied to Spike101uk's post in a topic in The Bar
    Take a picture of where the old one goes. Or just make a mental note. Take old one off and put the new one through they route the old one was. Hardest part is getting the fecking nipple back in the carb lifter
  16. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not sure what was up with the bandit, three weeks before its went bang I'd just done a full service so had nice new oil and filter. The bottom end was the old bit I didn't inspect or overhaul. Will Def get some pics up as soon as she's been delivered. Plus you can never really stay away from the yams for too long
  17. Noise posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey guys and gals, hope all is well? Not been on in some time as been having a right old nightmare! Keeping a very long story short I managed to kill the bandit! All that effort down the pan after the bottom end going bang in the most spectacular way on the way home from work. So she has now gone to a new brave owner after selling it for spares n repairs. But not all is doom and gloom, today me and the wife just made a trip up to Swindon to purchase a rather nice 1998 XJR1200 for a not so bad price And will be delivered next Thursday. took it out on a test ride and to be fair I really didn't want to go back to the shop, just wanted to keep going and going! So easy to throw the front end up and get the shaky grin on your face. will have to get pics when she's delivered
  18. Noise replied to jimmy's post in a topic in General
    Beautiful trumpet.
  19. Noise replied to mechmanuk's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Popping is down to unburnt fuel firing in the pipes, my Betty (650 draggy) used to pop like a bastard and spit flames like a mother.............. this was down to bigger main jets and more air flow (but mainly due to the big jets) Try a set of baffles, this should give you some more back pressure and keep the un used fuels in the pot to burn off and reduce the over run back fire. You will hate the stock pipes, as tout said this big beefy bike turns into a grannies mobility scooter with them on and your soon slap the V&H's back on within a week. Or the other cheap fix is to ride past the dog walkers and not roll off the throttle.........no back fire then
  20. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Na still not getting nothing, didn't do much to it this weekend as i was having a few birthday drinks so was not in any state to hold a screw driver haha. One thing i did do tho was plugged the clocks back in and when i turned the ignition on the nuetral light came on but the oil warning light didn't and i can't rememebr if this is on the same line as the starting sequence or not Might try and do a video of what its doing / not doing
  21. Noise posted a post in a topic in General
    Well after buying one of these new build homes we came to realise that the gardens are more like Glastonbury festival than nice tranquil grassy planes. So after re doing grass seed etc etc for the past 3 years I thought screw it and done this..........warning it kinda shows off the female side Seats / storage area (still need painting and one more to be made) Nikkita had to pose too haha Fake trees and gravel (some slats still need painting) Corner sofa idea Back rest made from off cut slats
  22. Noise replied to Jammie Dodger's post in a topic in General
    Suzuki bandit can be restricted to comply with A2.
  23. I could really do with a set of those for my two girls! Haha
  24. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yer i did, all brand new electrical end of the starter motor, made sure as to spin the rotor by hand to bed the brushes in for better contact before shoving a current through it. Went to do the old electric drill on the front sprocket idea last night only to rememebr that its a shafty.......(DOH) so no joy on that. I then sat down with the wiring diagram and double checked every thing and all seams fine......? Going to borrow a multimeter from me buddy today and go find out what she's putting out and check me earths, its gotta be something simple as power is getting to the starter motor, just not enough to spin it up
  25. Noise replied to IKE's post in a topic in Projects
    Now this is what I keep telling my mate he needs to do to his XJ!! Cracking job buddy she's gunna look fab when finished