Everything posted by Canny lad
Any good welders on ere?
Guys the downpipe for my RS125dx is too short at the silencer end and i need it entending by a couple of inches,,, Do any of you UK guys have the equipment and expertise to do this and if so can you let me know what you would charge to do it thanks lads
Tyres for classic bikes
yeah tubeless have a much stiffer sidewall i spose... ok well i will see whats about and might even fit them myself if i can find some tyre levers unless the local bike shop fits them for free... have priced up a few tyres on ebay as a comparison and they have a huge range in price i must say
Rectofier question
yeah i understand it now Tone...with th eold battery the genny was throwing as much voltage out as it could to try and top the knacered battery up which in turn overloaded the electrics is that correct?... with a new one on it doesnt need anywhere near as much so it calms it down to the correct level
Tyres for classic bikes
will that keep the calibration right on the speedo Merv?... if it does then i might go down that route and improve the handling abit.. also these would be tubed tyres i presume?
Tyres for classic bikes
yeah just had a look as well... might be able to fit a slightly bigger tyre as long as it doesnt upset the speedo... the wheels are RD200 mags so will have to seek advice on a bigger tyre...
Tyres for classic bikes
thanks Merv... erm reasonable from where?? lol oops its there now
Tyres for classic bikes
Guys when the time comes i am looking for a pair of tyres for my RS125 but something more modern than classic tread patterns... the one son at th eminute are Avon Supreme which maye or may not be original and i want something up to date.. Can you recommend a good tyre to use and the sizes are 275/18 front and 300/18 rear
Yamaha V50 Wheels wanted
check this page on ebay as there's a pair of wheels and tyres on here for a V50 http://shop.ebay.co.uk/itsnew2u2010/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562
Yamaha Tzr 50 Speedo Problem
that just sounds like the lighting block... is there a canventional mechanical cable screwed into it also which runs down to the front wheel speedo drive?
Yamaha Tzr 50 Speedo Problem
is the speedo on them activated by wiring then and not a conventional speedo cable?
Yamaha Tzr 50 Speedo Problem
have you checked the cable?
My Restored TZR 125 (1988)
nice job mate... she looks in great nick... wouldnt mind one of those mesell but too pricey for me
Do you Tweet, Face, blog or Link?
well for me facebook has been a good tool to use as i found members of my family i hadnt seen for 40 years and long lost school friends... however your'e right about people posting bollox on there or just general shite...
N West Rally Blackpool
No such thing as a cheap triple these days lol... wish i had kept my KH750 i had back in the day
Rectofier question
Just a quick update.. i changed the loom yesterday and after sorting out the spaghetti in the headlight and fitting new bulbs front back to front as well as a new rectifier i checked that all the bulbs worked which they did.. Started the bike up and although never caned it revs wise i did rev it abit and the bulbs remain intact...
N West Rally Blackpool
would love to have came to this just to see the triples... lovely stylish old girls and shame the video didnt have the sound of the bikes rather than the cheesy music Maybe next year
Rear Brake linkage
the bolt which sheared was probably weak and as soon as you applied rear brake it snapped causing the rod to wrap around the spindle...once you get it stripped out and checked, a new bolt to the brake stabilser it will more than likely be fine.. like you said you would rather do it now while your still in one piece
Rear Brake linkage
well personally mate i would strip it out and take a look.. you cant be riding wondering why it did it... it is worth tkaing the time to check it out and see if all is well
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
use amorall to clean the plastics and back to black for the shiny finish but remmeber to buff it off or it goes sticky
Identification help please fellas
thanks Tony i will take a peek.. ok theres no hex nut Tony only what looks like a core plug.. see attached [ic
Identification help please fellas
upper forks are 30.2 mm and lower 39.25..
Identification help please fellas
Guys i wonder if you could help me ID which model RD these forks are off and also the master cylinder..check these pics out and see if you know as i cant order parts unless i know the right model...
Rectofier question
the ignition switch is buggered or shud i say has been screwdrivered in the past... i only used the ignition on position 1 as i havent any bulbs in the lighting side of things at all after they all popped last time... i checked the white wire too the ignition and back down the loom to the genny multiplug.. i did it with the battery off and igntion in position 1 again and all seemed ok... never checked the switch gear though... i will check out the loom under the bottom yoke tomorrow as didnt have time today
Rectofier question
JIm is that the white wire from the recifier?.. i will try it with the multimeter and see if it has continuety...i take it you mean where all the wires in the main loom head upwards towards the headlight? checked the white rec wire al the way through to the generator and all ok. red wire to battery is also spot on.. put battery on and started it with the idiot bulbs in place.. 6.5v on idle and revved it slightly but not too much and didnt go much above 7v... didnt wanna rev it too highly initially but will try that when my neighbours are out
Rectofier question
oh i am still thinking about it mate,,,, just wanna make sure i spose that if i connect one as you say that it will cover everything.. Battery not overcharging and bulbs not blowing etc...