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Sgt Mike

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  1. Hehehehe!!! Maybe he doesn't want to be king. If he was he wouldn't be able to feel the mellons.
  2. Is somebody practicing to get a role in the Brokeback Mountain sequel? Bwaaaahahahah
  3. Sgt Mike replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in General
    You won't see them in your local showroom, but you can take a leisurely stroll to your not-so friendly Libya dealer and for a not-so-reasonable price you may be able to get one there. I say "maybe" because of the supply and demand thing, it seems that prices have gone up considerably lately. I wonder why?
  4. Sgt Mike replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in General
    Neversaydie have you been talking to Al Gore again? Hehehehe
  5. How 'bout a pair or two of these guys. http://www.gussetclothing.com/dmk.html Don't be offended by the "Made in America" thing, it's just that we, like you have been bombarded with so much Chinese stuff that it's nice to see something made home for a change but you know I'd definitely buy a a UK made product even if it would more expensive than the Chinese junk.
  6. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    I thank all for your welcome and again I'm sorry for being a dufus. Now if only the dang weather would warm up so I can straddle my iron horse and blow the carbon out of it.
  7. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    Nah,,Nah,,Nah,, we can take alot of ribbing and I know he was just jesting, the fact that he's an ex dog face and all, what else can be expected. Heheheheh But don't you go berating my Marine Corps.
  8. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    I never heard of that in that term Merv. I'll have to remember that one. Dang,,, I'll have to stay away from room 101.
  9. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    Very interesting and informative. That yeoman is good, but I object strenuously object to his disparaging comments about the Royal Marines. I am a former US Marine and am proud to acknowledge that we are an elite fighting force based on the history of the Royal Marines. Hoooowah!!!!
  10. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    I don't care who you are, that there is funny.
  11. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    Yeah!! I was a young 23 year old kid and had something similar on my pisspot(helmet) while I served during the Viet Nam era and it went like this, "Though I walk through valley of death I shall fear no evil for I am the meanest mother F'er in the valley. But then everybody else had something similar on their helmets and I'm here to tell you, bullets don't care how mean you think you are, they have a way of taking care of that. Anyway that was a long time ago, so now you can pretty well guess how young(old) I am.
  12. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    Rebuild it, it'll be a great tourist attraction and a good income for the queen's coffers. Ask the Chineses, their getting a lot of money from the peasant tourists who visit the great wall.
  13. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    And again you're correct, I think. From what I have read Scotland is the only "nation" that England invaded but was never conquered. Scotland never submitted to the crown, according what I can gather and according to Braveheart. Educate me if I'm wrong here.
  14. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    Thanks Merv, I appreciate your understanding and I'm sorry for my derogatory comments.
  15. Sgt Mike replied to Sgt Mike's post in a topic in General
    Not confusing at all as I have been in the valley of death a long time ago and I do not fear evil, well may be a little.