Everything posted by Preload
What bikes have we owned
YAMAHA FS1E-DX DT100 RD250D RD400D XS250 Special XS650 Custom XJ750 Seca FJ1200 XJR1300 FJR1300 RD350B RD400C HONDA CB125S CD175 CD200 CB200 CB250N VT250F CB400N CBX550 CBX750FE Kawasaki AR80 AR125 KH100 KH125 KH250(x9) Z750L Suzuki AP50 GT185 GS550 Other Nippy Norman Scooters Aprilia Ditech Leonardo 125 Habana 125 Yamaha XP500 TMax. That's all I can remember at the moment.
Cam Chain Adjustment - Yamaha XJ550
Hi Jakub, It looks like you have fixed your problem.
1982 RD350LC - Stood 20 years
Scotchbite pads or rotary they will come up like new.
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
Anyone got access to a lathe?
I can see what you are doing Rossonza and it would be cheaper & quicker to remove the 2mm, but it would have to be line bored absolutely bang on, slightly out and it would be scrap, a new axle made out of tougher material would be my fix. On a MotoX bike the bearing carrier is there to spread the load across the axle, they are not fitted generally to road bikes as high impact doesn't happen that often. If you are doing a Supermoto conversion just for road use you should be okay.
Anyone got access to a lathe?
Removing 2mm will make it weaker as the outer wall would be obviously thinner so beware.
Any Ideas ?
Sounds like the carb to me but the only other thing is fit a new spark plug it could be breaking down!
Z bars on a xvs650 -99
Measure the height & width of both and you'll have your answer. Just make sure the bar diameter is the same.
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
Your right there Dirty good barrels are tough to find.
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
I had mine machined as the bore was getting too big. I also reduced the squish while I was doing it.
Yamaha h3d
Thats not the one I was thinking of! I'll have a look on the web.. This what thought? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=yamaha+h3d&espv=2&biw=1206&bih=559&tbm=isch&imgil=8Q6cHVtONYgC1M%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcSZ671Z-Q4cJoitxXg-FlTRZMUOTTW9N4KiUHg4mNuSwVTUYgfRjg%253B351%253B326%253BhycgEDwVFKiOiM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.com%25252Fitm%25252FYamaha-AT90-FS1-G6-G7-L5T-YG1-YG5-YGS1-YJ1-YJ2-YL1-YL2-Rear-Brake-Stop-Switch-JP-%25252F250863916756%25253Fforcev4exp%2525253Dtrue%25252526item%2525253D250863916756%25252526vxp%2525253Dmtr&source=iu&usg=__G6-EPtiwXlX9dqHJzJBobRNaB-A%3D&sa=X&ei=4paJU_eUOYasO8bEgbgL&ved=0CFsQ9QEwAg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=8Q6cHVtONYgC1M%253A%3BhycgEDwVFKiOiM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi86.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fk83%252Fcreaterseed%252FMotor%252520Bike%252FYamaha%252F1967YamahaU5D.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.com%252Fitm%252FYamaha-AT90-FS1-G6-G7-L5T-YG1-YG5-YGS1-YJ1-YJ2-YL1-YL2-Rear-Brake-Stop-Switch-JP-%252F250863916756%253Fforcev4exp%253Dtrue%2526item%253D250863916756%2526vxp%253Dmtr%3B351%3B326
Yamaha h3d
I'm not that familiar with the H3D is that the one that looks like a C50?
1982 RD350LC - Stood 20 years
Soak the piston in diesel or coke first as this can help. I got my RD350B pistons out and that hadn't moved since 1986. PS. Did I mention that I'm totally Jealous.
1982 RD350LC - Stood 20 years
Do the work yourself after all its only a 2 Stroke or do most of it and save some cash. You'll also know that OEM parts were fitted.
Anyone have any ideas about a wobble...
+1 on checking the spokes and also checking the wheels are true.
Don't tell me you haven't done it !
Yeah been there. That's what make you human and not a robot.
A warm welcome Tomy.
Yamaha Exciter question
Please say hello and introduce yourself first!
Carbtune carburetor balancer
I have the early Morgan mercury gauges which were good, I also have 4 bank of Davida dial gauges I dont use either of these as over 30 years old now. I have used a Twinmax electronic carb & injection syncing unit for 10+ years as its far more accurate, you have to calibrate it everytime so you know its going to be working correctly. I cant recommend it enough. I'm even trying to use it on my RD's which isnt easy.
Carbtune carburetor balancer
At lest you can calibrate your gauges off it.
FJ1200 chain seems to bind on front sprocket - calling Tasky
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
That seems reasonable.
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
Looking good, can I ask how much they are from Allens as I'm getting low now on Jets?
FJ1200 chain seems to bind on front sprocket - calling Tasky
I've seen worse than that Dutch, I would check the sprocket carrier bearing these can fail and feel like there's grinding sensation.
Yamaha parts interchangability
Going by the last 7 digits I would think there were the same however, the Virago is a twin and the FZR is a 4 so the displacement per piston is different unless the stroke on the Virago about twice as long. I'm assuming your looking at the Virago pistons as you found some cheap.;-) I'm only guessing myself though so its your choice.