Everything posted by NE0
One too many keys
Having replaced the ignition switch on my bike as you could start it with a screwdriver blade, it was so worn you could start it with the handle end!! I've now got yet another key! I really could do with only ONE key, trouble is I can't see how i can!!! I've now got 5 keys! The original key for the steering lock and another for the helmet lock which is non original. The new one for the ignition switch and one for the top box,plus the chain lock key! I was thinking about getting a locking petrol cap but that means getting yet another key!! making six! Surely I'm not the only ONE? Can anybody beat my set of keys?
Moscow ride on a R1
I've just seen this , sent to me by a friend, I didn't see this original posting. I'm not sure if he's irresponsible or reckless or simply just mad! he's certainly got balls made of steel?...titanium if its stronger! I was always taught to ride on the assumption "treat everyone else on the road as a complete idiot.....that way if they do something unexpected you won't be surprised!" He's obviously got no regard for his own safety or the other drivers! This guy, clearly believes EVERYONE on the road will NOT turn into his path, change lanes unexpectedly or even open a car door.... On the various comments of the video on you tube and elsewhere (where I saw it) it mentions he's doing 87KPH on average (54mph) worryingly he's obviously done it before It does promote the question. Don't they have Police in Moscow? they obviously don't have cameras like we do! having said all that I must confess I find the video strangely addictive, (I could never ride like that) but in a sense you have to admire his ability to make split second decisions,even when there doesn't seem to be any seconds left to decide! then picking his way through the traffic, and fitting his bike through some unbelievably narrow gaps between cars....(especially after the 4 minute mark) This link fills the screen, press play and turn up your speakers!! Worth a watch, but I won't be trying to emulate him......I'd like to live another day or a few more decades yet at least....something i think the black devil will not be doing....... Anyway good music...I think it comes from the Matrix! NE0
DT 175 MX Project
German site? I think you're looking at the wrong post, mine was links to ebay for Yuniparts and Yambits wiring looms at £46 mark
Road rage!!!!
Yup you're not alone, I too was riding to work on my 400/4 when some nameless bastard decided to pull out of a side road across in front of me, I slamned the brakes on and sounded my airhorns....he then shouted out "IMPATIENT C U Next Tuesday"!!! As if i was in the wrong!!!! hope he drops down dead with a massive coronary.....
DT 175 MX Project
Nev its a lot cheaper to buy a new one and fit it straight on, see this other thread for details, look for my post on page 2 and the links to ebay should still be valid, but they're under £50 new. thats a £20 saving and that doesn't include your time in making it!! DT175MX Electrics
79 DT175 Mistery..... won't run
Well done dave, seems like having cleaned the choke you solved it..... but looking at the thread, pauls first question was.... see he knows his stuff
79 DT175 Mistery..... won't run
just my pennys worth..... its not something simple like the engine kill switch being on OR a faulty ignition switch is it? Its just that I purchased a new ignition switch from yambits the other week, fitted it and the bike would NOT start, no matter what I tried. everytime i turned the key to ON it was being grounded, yet everything checked out fine until I turned the key... you can see the culprit arrowed, I simply moved the leg away from the solder and it all worked. I appreciate this seems unique and you are getting a spark, but are you testing the bike one way, and when it comes to actually trying to start it doing something different. if you're confident fuel is getting through, and you've got a spark...... is there anything else which is different........... i.e you're turning the key, setting the kill to off, the fuel tank breather is clear. Is there anything your doing at the time different which is causing the problem. I'm just thinking out aloud here... Are you cranking by hand, or standing to one side of the bike, are you doing anything different which might give you another clue where to look. Are you getting a spark at test start, Perhaps sitting on the bike causes a wire to be under stress and grounding like the kill switch...stuff like that?
2 stroke oil - strawberry flavour - WHY?
yeah but it was a response to a feedline which, you got to admit he did set himself up for it,...I couldn't resist
2 stroke oil - strawberry flavour - WHY?
Each to their own mate!....... If you like the taste of them thats your choice
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
As I said at the very beginning........
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
Obviously this thread is about converting a DT175MX, however, the principle will be the same for other 6volt machines with similar layout. The ignition side though, whether CDI or points, is a separate circuit and should be unaffected by any conversion. Remember, this conversion is about changing ALL the bulbs from 6v to 12v & Replacing the 6v flasher for a 12v one.( no need to change the horn) The major parts are the 12 volt battery and replacement of the two 6v parts: the rectifier and regulator and exchanging it for an all in one regulator/rectifier. However, I've had a look at the circuit diagram of the DT100B in my haynes manual and i see there is no regulator and the headlight is run directly off the generator whilst it charges the battery via the rectifier. Therefore its likely that the LIGHTING coil appears to be of low output and only capable of doing these two tasks. it would need a regulator if it was any more powerful. As regards to.. I think you mean the HEADLIGHT is still a 6v bulb but the rest of the bulbs are 12v and THEY all run off the 12v battery (which is charged by the LIGHTING coil) If someones gone to the trouble of changing all the bulbs and battery to 12v, In essence YOU have a 12v bike...but without a regulator I doubt you could fit a 12v headlight bulb.
DT 175 MX Rear carrier/ rack
well, it's been a bit of a windy day today! I certainly was aware of the top box on the back, but as regards to 'drag'. No i don't think it does that much. After all its not like having a pillion on the back. ....But it was great not to have to ride with the rucksack on, which is the main reason for putting it on.
First Bike
Well here's a laugh for you, genuine period photo taken around end of 1977~1978, This was my first bike!......bike?.......alright scooter! I restored it ...i.e decoke and new rings and painted it blue!!! fitted the crash bars and air horns and added a load of mirrors and front screen. (yet to be added in this photo).but take a look at thoses flares...got to be 12 inches ( my feet were size 12) The best bit is this was BEFORE the mod revival which was a year or two away. I used it on the road to pass my test and used it for a couple of years before it was scrapped as an MOT failure so I replaced it with an Orange one and swapped the chrome and mirrors over, then came the MOD revival and I duly sold it for over £250.....that was a bloody fortune then!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time.......I only paid a few pounds for it!!
Removing grips
Come to think of it I used washing up liquid to put the buggers ON!!
Removing grips
you could always wait until it rains hard! Have you ever noticed they always start to move about during a downpour!..well mine do!
Sorry to be a pain lads but....
No way.... My 1976 cb400/4 is NOT fuddy duddy!!! we're seriously going.... here boys!!
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Looking at your earlier photos, I see your bike has the round tube swinging arm, so I assume is an early DT175MX i.e 1978-1979 (mines registered 79 but is a 78 model which Paul helped me to understand) However, knowing YOUR luck and that you've got the wrong loom it would be funny if you've got a early swinging arm on a later frame wiring looms for both the round tube and the later square tube are available. i know 'cos I bought one! Yuniparts do the earlier loom for the Earlier round tube 1978 2K4 2K4 = engine/chassis number 2K4-000101 onwards. feb 78 into 79 and it also fits 2X2 = engine/chassis number 2K4-010101 onwards. during 79 only as the wiring diagram is the same in the Haynes manual ISBN 85010 300 3 QH034 click here and Yambits do the later looms 4J4 with the Later square tube. 4J4 = engine/chassis number 2K4-020101 onwards. 1980 to feb 85 click here I purchased mine from Yuniparts, the looms become available periodically or you could email them. I swapped mine only a few weeks ago AFTER my 12v conversion. N.B these ebay Links might be invalid if you're viewing this post after july2011 They only last a few months after they have been active
DT 175 MX Rear carrier/ rack
...and now with GIVI removeable topbox in matching colour scheme!
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi Phil, I must confess I'm very pleased with my 12v Conversion of my MX. As you've just read it you'll see I've added that I've recently upgraded the headlight to 45w and its clearly a lot brighter, I appreciate its a lot less bright at low speed i.e stopped at the lights, but thats so far not been a problem, Once you're off its bright enough, not as bright as my 400/4 light, but then the diameter of the Hondas headlight is a lot bigger and a few inches lower which clearly makes a difference. I won't be converting the bike back to 6v thats for sure.
DT 175 MX Rear carrier/ rack
Well no luck getting an original, one did come up on ebay recently i did have a bid but it went for a bit more than I wanted to pay (Got a feeling that was you selling paul ) I kept up a fruitless search on ebay, but in the end decided to 'modify' one I purchased a buy it now rack for a Skyteam ST for £12 being black it meant I didn't have to worry about any chrome. I promptly cut off the fixing brackets and set about fabricating a pair of new arms with my MIG welder. Keen eyes will have noticed I also fitted a helmet lock, my DT was missing the original one and on ebay a NOS one was over £50. However, i purchased one for a XS250 for £15 and fabricated a mount for it welded onto one of the arms. A quick respray later and I think it looks ok........what do you think?
DT 175 MX 12volt conversion
(posted earlier) More news.... Still not had to externally recharge the battery which means its still on the original charge. This proves the battery is being charged quite happily on the charging circuit. remember I ride with all the lights on day and night! Anyway, just to let you know I've sourced a 12v 45w/45w bulb same design as the 6v one with the 3 holes in the flange from good ol' ebay. Look for APF Bulb 12v 45/45w its a lot brighter than the 35w, and is at maximum brightness above 3500revs. Not saying it lights up the whole street but an improvement all the same. I've taken off the fiamm air horn as I think the 6volt horn (i never upgraded that part) sounds much louder with 12v supply...don't worry it can cope with it. NE0
Hi from near Brighton.
Hi Stiggy, A warm welcome to you (Suns been shining all day on Brighton) Just along the road myself from Brighton around the Portslade area. If you're into older bikes you might have seen me around on mine
DT 175MX Exhaust Baffle
OMG the producer of the video needs a course in how to edit! Made my eyes go funny, all the chops and repeats, he must be on drugs!!! OR I must be getting old..........
DT 175MX Exhaust Baffle
Trouble is I've got nothing to compare it to OG Its not that heavy, must be aluminium, so its likely to be aftermarket. I've not got all the receipts for work done so I don't know when it was replaced. I've seen the wadding available at yambits OG, is one pack enough? does it compress?
DT 175MX Exhaust Baffle
OG I can only assume its OEM. The bikes only done 19000 from new and there are many receipts for work done. Exhaust pipe welded on 3 occasions match the 3 small patches on the bend...just where its got a hole now! No mention of a new tail can. The can is a smooth black cylinder with 3 allen screws which hold the end cap on. No numbers visible? The wadding inside just falls apart when pulled. Its oily and black as expected. I've got a spare exhaust chamber for the front to fit on, (needs a gasket and connecting rubber first) I assume replacing the wadding will effect the noise level.... just trying to comply with Mr plod ..........and my neighbours i guess!!!