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Everything posted by NE0

  1. according to my DT175MX 1979 parts list, 66 Sunshine Red is listed which cross references to SR 3928 I appreciate its not 1980 but it may be helpful. I'm sure Airhead will have the most accurate details.
  2. A couple of years ago I purchased a front and rear mudguard for my 400/4 from california (before they did reproduction ones) I purchased them on two seperate occasions. The rear guard was about £75 with p and p, then it got stuck at Heathrow for customs and excise, import taxes and heathrow handling charge.I contested the VAT saying it was secondhand, they sent me a load of HM government forms to complete and still got stung. Heathrow notified me it had arrived and was in 'holding' It was pay up or it was sent back and i'd still pay handling charges. Final bill was over £100 and it took 4 weeks extra on top of the 2 week arrival time. i understand it was all to do with the value on the consignment sticker by the sender. Next time i asked him to put a value of $10 on the consignment i.e make it worthless. (it didn't effect his end it was afterall a secondhand part of questionable value!) and it went straight through. Arrived 10 days from purchase. I did think if it got lost I'd have trouble proving its worth if it only had $10 on it ........but then i thought heh! even if it was valuable i honestly didn't think I'd ever get anywhere near its value, as they would never pay up anyhow.
  3. Hi Pierrick, glad to see you're still around.... As regards to how many on the road, theres probably very few.............. Most motorbikes you see are quite modern. ie under 20 years old. Classic bikes i.e older than say 1980 are not that common here in the UK. You do see them, I ride 2 myself, but I don't see loads when I'm out and about., lots of modern ones but not 'old' bikes. I'll be lucky to see another DT 175MX in the same month. To be fair 60's bikes are rarely seen on the road on a monthly basis. During the summer you're more likely to see them at classic car shows, transport festivals and the like. Of course you will see them more in the summer, good weather etc, but i think its reasonable to say a YCS-1 is one of those rare bikes. I don't think I've seen one or indeed anything resembling one on the road for decades. If there was lots, putting YCS-1 in google would probably bring up lots of photos, but there are few, the ones I found were of a blue one! To me thats a good indicator to the number out there. Plus if there were "hundreds about" theres a good chance they would be a member of this club and we'd have heard from them I can't speak for everyone here on the YOC but I'm sure many will agree with me.
  4. where did he go? did I scare him off?
  5. Hi Steve and welcome I'm just outside of Brighton with plenty of free advice and help if needed is it 2 bikes you have? 175mx in your profile, 250MX in your intro.
  6. Could be something as simple as a stone stuck in the tread or worse.......... a nail head! however, if it's only happened since you changed the speedo cable and the speedo goes to the front wheel, then I'd be looking at that end first!!
  7. Looking at the front mudguard having a straight stay, and low slung straight pipes plus the size and shape of the side panel I think its likely to be a 1969 Yamaha YCS-1E http://classic-motorbikes.net/images/gallery/yamaha_ycs1e.jpg the earlier 1967 YCS-1 had a shorter front stay which was only half as long and higher handlebars. http://classic-motorbikes.net/images/gallery/yamaha_ycs1.jpg Bearing in mind there must be only a few left.......... the top picture is probably a picture of YOUR bike you're looking for!!
  8. Well just ridden home in the snow! (monday 10pm) Got several inches of snow along the south coast road, which happens to be grid locked due to the A27 being closed and everythings is forced onto the coast...........where the road works are!! The little ol DT was the only vehicle moving! lots of ice under a layer of snow!! Only two little skids!.....bloody hairy though! 1st one: the car in front had no intention of letting me pass and as I did I found a bit of ice and around i went 180 degrees, feet out! never fell off. 2nd one was when i practically made it home and turned into the side street and found the ice agian.....another spin, but no spill. Did 7miles in 40 minutes...cars are taking well over an hour and a half to do the same distance. So much for the warm air from the continent...............maybe next weekend!
  9. Not sure it went very much above 10 degrees on the south coast! Snow forecast for sunday!
  10. Well here we are at the end of the week...... What happened to the warm winds from the continent? Its dull and grey and raining with snow forecast next week! I admit monday and most of tuesday was blue skies, but it wasn't a tit monday down here!
  11. Its just been dull, grey, overcast, damp, cold, rain and sleet down here in the South East for what feels like weeks! On the plus side I've been out on the bike in all weathers............so no need to get my battery charged any further
  12. Which forecast do you read Blackhat? Met office doesn't mention it........ UK Outlook for Wednesday 6 Mar 2013 to Friday 15 Mar 2013: Through the rest of the week and into the weekend it will become increasingly unsettled and generally breezier with spells of initially light rain in the south and west gradually spreading northeastwards to affect Scotland later in the week. Some heavier rain is also possible in the southwest later. It will become milder than of late in the south with temperatures closer to normal. The drier and brighter weather should last longest in the north, with a chance of hill snow over the Scottish mountains once the more unsettled weather arrives. Also, a risk of gales developing in the far northeast and southwest of Britain. Into the following week, it will probably stay rather unsettled with temperatures near normal initially, but perhaps gradually returning to colder than average later on. Issued at: 1600 on Fri 1 Mar 2013
  13. NE0

    Do you wear a Hi-Vis?

    I never wear one either. However, I always do my best to ride just in front of big juggernauts!........nobody ever turns into the path on them!
  14. Very Nice indeed......Is it Yamaha or aftermarket, and was it specific to the DTMX range or did it fit others? Either way, thats a great find you have there,................ebay?
  15. Seems they were never buried at all..........just an urban myth. archival records showed that the RAF unit that handled shipments through Rangoon docks only received 37 aircraft in total from three transport ships between 1945 and 1946. Most of the Spitfires that were in Burma at the time appear to have been re-exported in the autumn of 1946 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21483187
  16. if its a tight coil like a spring then it will be a stripped thread from a bolt hole, not normally the bolt itself,( they tend to loose the thread and the threads get worn away) The bad news if the thread is stripped theres nothing for the bolt to thread onto...you may need to consider a helicoil if they do one that size..... On the other hand a tip for the future...... I've always replaced my sump bolt with one of those magnetised ones. example here.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAGNETIC-MOTORCYCLE-OIL-CLEANING-SUMP-BOLT-ALLOY-10mm-/320584663278?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item4aa455c0ee That way any metal parts will be 'kept' in one place, until the engine oil is changed. never of course had any bits but its an insurance and piece of mind should it ever happen.
  17. This might be one of those Urban myths but............. Apparently if you piss on your car windscreen its like a deicer and keeps the frost off ......................Bet that stinks too after a few hours!! and I expect you'll end up with footprints in your bonnet!....... unless you've got a good aim!!!
  18. ....and if you do use vinegar for anything, it needs to be White Vinegar which is actually clear not white. but whatever you do don't use Malt Vinegar. Thats the Brown stuff you put on your chips!!! They are different and the Malt stinks of vinegar compared to the white one!!!
  19. However, if we do end up with ALL electric vehicles....due to health and safety they will probably have to have a "noise maker" added so you can hear them coming!!! I bet we'll have a load of EU rules too, so everybody will sound like ice cream vans!!! OR they'll have different "sounds" for different vehicles OR "Greensleeves" for cars!, Beethoven for trucks! and motorbikes?.....................Terminator intro!
  20. Sort of.......but not road legal!!! Ice speedway have spikes in the tyres, superb grip!! http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Eisspeedway_Maschine_05.JPG
  21. NE0


    I just thought she had nice tits!
  22. Was that from touching the FRONT brake? Trial bikes can do well in slippery mud, snow is not that different providing its deep enough! its when its ice or a thin layer of snow which acts like an ice rink is the problem. I recall riding across snow fields in the late 70's without any problem.......only to take a spill when rejoining the roads and all the slush and ice.
  23. Thanks Paul, Why couldn't the haynes manual have put it in your simplified way? I've just been down the shed and done it ,................. I won't tell you how much it was out by ! But I could have used the slack as a security chain!! I obviously didn't do it right the first time! I've got a feeling I did it with the bike on the pit shop stand..... I'll still go ahead and get the sprocket kit and do it right next time too! at least i can use it for work until the weekend.....
  24. Last night , for whatever reason my drive chain jumped the rear sprocket cog and came off! No damage! the engine stopped! I came to a stand still pretty quickly..........nobody about!! When I rebuilt the motor last year and had the wheels rebuilt, (foolhardy i know!) but I never replaced the drive chain and sprockets at the time! I just reused the old ones (I know I didn't know its history) Its done now ok?................don't go on! Anyway, back to reality! I know what needs to be done, new kit from Wemoto this weekend! I guess its all down to adjustment, which is where you fellow DTMX guys know a tad more than me! My 400/4 is easy to adjust, you pull the rear wheel back and adjust the chain tension with the bottom part of the chain for the up and down play.....easy.....No automatic chain adjuster! DT....auto chain adjuster!, loads of slack chain! seems its got about 20 links more than it should have!!! ....ok bit of an exaggeration! What's the correct way to adjust the rear chain with these tensioners and are there any nuggets of information and how to do it for the best results! Anyway with such a title i'm hoping you'll read how to do it the easy way from all the Easy Tip posts to follow..........over to you guys!
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