Everything posted by LiamDTR
Wow!! gorgeous bike you have there, congrats!!!!
More horror stories than Halloween night
To be 100% honest, the only way you're never going to have an accident is either never ride a bike, or become a Jedi! I've had one scrape before and that was an NSR 125 (first 2 smoke I had ridden) binned it after sparing a ginger cats life going around a corner... had a nasty cut on the back of my left leg and a nice metal footpeg scrape going up the back of my right calf muscle, was no major damage to the bike, All I did was look around me to check no one had seen the shame, hopped back on and went home after getting it to fire up. I honestly expect something to happen each time I go out but you just nut up, wear the right gear and keep your wits about you. Everyone on the road is out to get me, and especially people with L plates at the moment. Went into town with the Mrs this morning and a lad on a CBR 125 didn't use any indicators, life saver, or any mirror checks before hitting a roundabout for the first left in the middle of rush hour... loads of them around here that do exactly the same!! Safety first!
urine control of your own destiny
Is this guy related to Donald Sutherland? lol I was half expecting him to moan about being brought down by negative waves
test advice.
Personally I would go straight for the DA, Opens the door up instantly with less cost. Getting a bike restricted costs money as it needs to have a certificate (in-case you have an accident etc.), plus for the sake of practicality you can still keep your YBR as a city/town commuter and have your big bike for the evenings and weekends.
Brought another engine for the TS
I'd go for it, as the auction states they aren't exactly too common now. You could phone up gloucester bike specialist and see if they have one kicking around? I doubt they would but the could possibly point you in the right direction. If it doesn't get too high I'd go for it though, nice little project
- HI 2 ALL
Helmet visors and the UK law
It's Guy Martin in disguise!! Seriously though. The flip front lids with the built in shades are excellent! A simple piece of design that is extremely practical. However, If you are in the slightest doubt about the law.. do what I do and go to the local police station, they are extremely helpful and tend to appreciate the fact that you've taken initiative to chat to them and... if nothing else, it gets you in their good books always helps to know the local plod in any case! Best of luck
2007 R6 idle problems
Personally.. If the bike is idle speed is at 1k or less I'd give the idle/throttle stop screw a turn (with the engine running) to the right to tighten it, Only a little is needed and I'd do this until it was touching 1300-1500 rpm, It should be fine but if not seek further advice. HTH Liam
Curse you all!!
Hehe I'd like to think it's a quick 'un I'll probably attend next years in all honesty, my next objective for the bike is to get the engine polished from top to bottom followed by the not put together engine being completely re-done to find out exactly what is in there and how it can be better or more optimal and then, either get a new carb or have my mixture screw pilot drilled out by our local engineering company (Renishaw)and replace it THEN... I will have peace of mind and will ride 180 miles ;P OH also while the engine is out of the bike the frame will get a respray... not sure what colour but no doubt it'll end up black!
Curse you all!!
Lol well same picture as my last post. And ummmm... maybe when I get a van or pickup Blackie, 180 miles!!!!
Curse you all!!
I genuinely cannot believe it... I have fallen in love with the DT, Thus I'm keeping it! Past few days I've had it out and I've covered... 70.6 miles since the bike was taxed!! I'm incredibly pleased that I took OG's advice and kept sticking with it, I've now mastered the YPVS and it isn't lifting so much now. Today I went for a ride out with a friend who owns an Aprilia RX 125 2010 model that is Dyno proven to be 21.7 hp! The DT murdered it!!! I really enjoyed the ride we had (yes we did play throughout the shire), we stopped off over selsley common in Gloucestershire and had an Ice cream while chatting about the two bikes and both of us agree that my lovely little DTR is not for the feint hearted! I'm taking it off of eBay after confirming this post and will be sticking with you chaps indefinitely Once again, cheers for all of the advice and help you have all provided, I intend to keep working on the bike and to get the rest of the panels / tank sprayed up and also get the engine polished when the engine needs working on
DT 125 missing part
I thought the same but it doesn't seem to affect the running of the bike I shouldn't worry too much about it
Went for a ride on the dt...
All is not lost, Another DT has been returned to the road! and soon enough there will be a second
More horror stories than Halloween night
I've seen a few messes from being brought up on bike rallies etc. One of the "best" was a lad (on a DT LC) Went through a rear windscreen, in between 2 rear passengers, front passenger AND driver didn't hurt either of them and all he had was a few bruises, cuts, smashed up bike and dented pride. The lad was actually very appreciative that we all stopped and the first thing he asked is if he could nab a cig off of my old dear And you may say loud pipes jokingly but when I had my bandit I had a VERY loud custom straight through system that made small children cry... but people always knew there was something coming.... especially me maa who'd put the kettle on as I entered town
Went for a ride on the dt...
Well I've popped "Boris" on eBay unfortunately, I've really enjoyed the bike today but I think it's a little unfair that it's only going to be used as a commuter at the moment and personally I'd prefer a 4T for that purely based on mileage. As I said, I will definitely be getting another DTR in the near future as it is a really fun bike to ride. Today proved a lot better than yesterday, managed to keep the front end down (just), new spark plug fitted and I got my short lever so the fat bars will be fitted before it is sold. Stupid old clutch lever is practically welded to the current bars so had to wait on it. I want another DTR soonish after this one is gone but I'm going to really take my time over it with no rushing so It can go on the road looking awesome and not only that but tuned to hell Will get another load of panels in advance and a tank to get them painted how I want them to be (similar idea to the metallic blue) so I can just throw it on and it'll look the dogs nuts PS. I got a bit of a tan on the face an all!! crackin day!
Went for a ride on the dt...
Okay okay.... So maybe I do like the bike!! Had some issues today regarding a spark plug.. AGAIN! However I was initially out with a couple of mates to find a chap called wolfie who has his own bike shop in the middle of nowhere. Bike just died (As it does) and they were kind enough to bugger off and find me a spark plug! put it in and within 2 kicks it started, shall have to adjust from 4T mindset when it comes to this... went out for a ride with one of the two mates to get to this workshop... I really really enjoyed it!! So much that I went for a blast on my own afterwards and you can finally have a picture lol, Yes we have gorgeous scenery near where I live It was actually a little brighter than that but my phone seems to not like the idea of pictures!
I have a bit of a headache after an incident this morning.
If you have your gear covered on your insurance as well it's a win - win scenario I hope your headache goes!! Dirty 1 - Pigeon 0
Went for a ride on the dt...
Picked up on something I wanted to mention actually, The rad scoops really do cause a LOT of drag, I noticed how much force actually presses into them and it is incredible, I could see the plastic flexing like mad... Even the bandit was more aerodynamic lol
Went for a ride on the dt...
Went for a ride on the dt...
Ruddy hell, that's fast for what is supposed to be a 125 lol. I'll look into it but I'll probably get shot of this one and the next DTR that I do will be better than this one... I'll make sure of that! and quicker but it'll be my "sunday" bike lol
super motoing a DTR
You'd have to change both unfortunately. Go with a DTX setup if you can. You'll need the following. DTX Front forks (not yolks or clamps). Front wheel Caliper Disc Speedo drive and cable Rear DTX wheel (should go straight on, if it were a tdr conversion it'd be more work).
Went for a ride on the dt...
lol Blackie, I will be back indeed! I'm not sure on how quick these things are supposed to be but It doesn't really go above 70... It's how quick it gets there, Kept up with the local nutter on his KTM without really trying. If I had the balls to do a Vid to upload on teh utoob I would but I have not the camera or police awareness to pull that off!!! As mentioned, something like an XT or WR type thing but must be a yam or a sooozoooki (again). I'm intent on doing a DTR from near enough scratch when me and my girlfriend get a place of our own rather than renting! I'll have to try to scrounge a go on a dyno or something before this thing sells but not sure It'll be around long enough or if I have that good a shot of luck
Went for a ride on the dt...
I tried... the Yamaha Power Valve Satan wouldn't stop kicking in!!! It's mental, I've always loved 4 strokes anyway!! AND!! The pictures are all shameful at the moment, they make me want to cry as it's not as I wanted!! Don't get me wrong the bike is insanely fun but with the amount of coppers around stroud is ridiculous. I would love to keep this thing as a Toy... but I can honestly say I can't afford to.. yet I fully intend on buying another maybe next year and restoring it bit by bit with no rush to get it on the road. At least then I will actually be able to appreciate it some more So not quite the convert lol
Went for a ride on the dt...
Well just letting you guys know, after much enduring the bike is finally road legal! I want shot of the damn thing now... 4 stroke please!! I love the fact it's been insanely tuned and is rapid as fook but when I have the front wheel lift I want it to be because I made it happen not just because the bike is mental!! Worryingly it still has the standard gearing/sprockets and it tries to lift in 4th as well... I'm thinking maybe an XT or WR next lol great bike if you don't live in an area that is heavily policed but not worth my license! Shall list it over the weekend on ebay I think!! However... I'm making sure my next bike is a Yammy 4 stroke! No room for influence on that lol Also a big thank you to everyone who has helped me so far!! top bunch the lot of ya
From the land of the rising sun
They already do, just not at £2.50 (probably is to be fair)! I used to collect and sell swords on eBay back in the day when you were allowed to do so! A lot of the Tsuba' were mass produced by some tradition defiling arse! This video however... epic, watched both parts and fair play to the bloke it looks awesome!