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Everything posted by slice

  1. Has anyone mentioned the engine mounting bolts being loose? Or even something that has just come loose inside the engine/frame? Just a thought.
  2. Riding with your toger in = red helmet
  3. slice


    Who can we SPOCK I wonder?
  4. Did they not come with a fitting diagram?
  5. Your right Jimmy, 266KKg or 586lbs still bloody heavy when it's rolling away from you and your an old git!
  6. Hi Stuart, Welcome to the YOC.
  7. Thank you all, I tried NOT to think it was the wife's fault but !! It's a soft top so yes it really does need to be inside when the weather is dreadful.
  8. It's only worth what someone will pay for it, no matter how many hours or spares you throw in. Good luck hope you get your price.
  9. Ask Foamy if he will do the T-shirts, that should be good for a laugh !!!
  10. Have to agree with Steve (above) about the test ride mate, you should ride it even if it's around the car park of the shop, that can tell you a lot about any bike especially how it handles at low speeds. If you tell them you will only buy if you can test it they will come up with a way to get you out on it. I once heard of a guy who took his mate with him to view a bike, the mate had a full licence and had been riding for years so no probs with the test ride then round the corner he jumped on and took it for a spin! Not suggesting you do that but who's going to know unless you bin it?
  11. slice

    Awesome Helmet

    Don't think so mate, try looking it up on youtube they have a selection of peeps that own this and loads are broken or have just not arrived from the maker.
  12. Sounds a bit odd to me, you can't ride it till it warms up and you have to race? the engine, not how most bikes are built but I suppose that if that's what it says in the manual then that's what you have to do.
  13. Thanks Bips, just one of those things I'm afraid but annoying. yeah 700lbs is impossible to stop, spat me across the garage like a orange pip.
  14. SWMBO said that she wanted her car put away in the garage, ok says I and went to move the bike out of the way, it's on one of those wheeled trolley things so it's easy to move around the garage, didn't notice the bit of lino that I had been using had got rucked up over itself as I wheeled into it's usual position, you CAN'T stop 700 pounds from falling over when you don't expect it to fall over can you? Snapped the right mirror off like a carrot and scratched the fairing !"£$%^&*() son of a bitch !! I am not a happy bunny today but truth be told it was the dumb arse on the handle bars . So have just bought a new mirror and will see if I can polish the scratches out.
  15. Welcome in mate, more the merrier, noobs are always welcome cos they make it interesting. Stay safe.
  16. slice

    Awesome Helmet

    Looks good Andrew but it has a rep for falling apart and the tail things breaking.
  17. Well he is allowed his opinion I suppose, but he seems to forget that 80% of road deaths are car drivers, I imagine that would not sell news papers tho. And yes he's a KNOB as well.
  18. Yeah as above Ian, low down weight and easy to chuck about, if I didn't have the FJ I would have one of these.
  19. Nice looking bike Ian, could do with a bit of a tidy up but then so can most of them, I had the 750 and never really had a vibration problem the only thing was the bars were tingly to hold on long journeys so I bought a set of GRIP PUPPIES, recommended by the guys on here, and never was a problem again. This one looks like a small FJ1200, cool.
  20. Like it Tommy. Has a retro look to it, now get off of your fat arse and paint it !!!!
  21. Yeah I'm with you, where are all the pictures that were promised?
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