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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Yamaha 1968(?) YL-1

    It does plug drain holes when you use it, you have to make sure that you clear them after treatment or you will get puddles inside the frame, other than that I have found it to be pretty good stuff. I found the best way was to find the drain holes and plug them with plastic, usually rawl plugs, and remove them when it's all coated and dry.
  2. Just so I know Dutch, have you checked the pipes that I mentioned and are they leaking? If your man won't or can't do them they are real easy to do, it's just the float bowl screws that are a pain in the arse as they are made out of some sort of Japanese cheese and filings, should take no more than a couple of hours tops to do and that's another thing ticked off the list of things that go wrong on an FJ. It's a pretty short list of things that break on these bikes.
  3. Oh God this is really going to get out of hand when Foamy reads this ! PS Now I have to wait for the photos. I know I'm sad
  4. slice

    Yamaha 1968(?) YL-1

    Waxoil is good stuff for inside of frames, it stops the rust bug from spreading and gives the parts you can't reach a bit of protection, for £30 or £40 it really means that you never have to worry about condensation inside the bike again.
  5. As Meat says A BIG FUCKING HAMMER !!!
  6. Impact wrench, hand type is for on or off but mostly to loosen tight or rusted bolts, you hit it with a hammer and it slowly undoes the bolt/nut, yes you can rip the head of a bolt right off if your not careful. Does your bike not come with a centre stand then?
  7. It's a Triumph Jimmy they leak from the factory !!!
  8. 1 Torque wrench certainly. 2 Descent electric drill with reverse 3 impact wrench hand or air 4 parts washer just bought one myself, would not be without it now 5 carb balance dials or gauges for multi carb bikes. I could go on for hours but some tools you only use once or twice a year, but when you need them it's nice to have them in the box.
  9. Not "SOME" money but LOTS of money, I had a quote to service the FJ from my local bike shop, £139 plus parts WTF!! I did it for £75 including all filters and oil plus a set of iridium plugs !
  10. It's been out in the cold and wet for 3 MONTHS? and you want it to just start? Have you charged/changed the battery? Cos if not I'm surprised that it even turned on. How about the petrol in it have you replaced that or is it the stuff that was in there 3 months ago? I only ask as fuel with ethanol in it only lasts about 3 months then starts to separate out and there will be water at the bottom through osmosis. You had best drain the tank to get the shit out before you run it through the engine. As to the starting fault, do you have the owners manual? cos that should have a guide to what the various start up faults might be.
  11. slice

    Yamaha 1968(?) YL-1

    What's the old saying "never judge a book by it's cover" if you throw enough money at it it will be brilliant tho you might need a mortgage to pay for the list of parts. I do love seeing these old bikes rise from the rust.
  12. Yes that part of married I know well !!
  13. slice

    YAS1C 1968

    This is a bit like "Gold fever" how many bikes can you fit in your garage/shed? I'm clearing them out and your lot are buying them like sweeties.
  14. Steve your going to be in SOOOOO much trouble !!
  15. Looking good, tho it would have been nice to see "the wife" in the bath rather than some old bit of metal!!!
  16. The carbs are easy to get off and you won't f**k the rubbers up, he's a tit. the fuel actually drains out of the over flow I think you will find and not into the sump/oil, if you start the bike run it for 5 mins then turn it off and watch the ends of the rubber hoses that come off of the carbs, there are X4 from each float bowl and 2 from the pass through fuel line, the 4 are the ones that really matter as they are the ones that leak the most, if they are leaking then all you need is a set of new float valves and seats, if it,s running from the 2 fuel lines between 1/2 & 3/4 then that is why it's running rough, it will drain the carbs on the right (looking from the rear) hope that helps?
  17. No but is an idea to see where it's coming from, just so you know, check your oil every week anyway to be sure it's not pouring out other than that all bikes leak somewhere, try owning a Bonnerville or old BSA if you want to see oil pissing out, now Jimmy will be along to defend the honour of all things Triumph Just to say have you checked the torque tightness of the head? especially as it has not been on the road for a while, gaskets can get a bit stiff and crunchy if you leave them to long, it might just be that they need a good few runs out to get the oil flowing ok and the gaskets to spread after it has been laid up for a while. Don't panic it's just a temporary thing I'm sure.
  18. Simple answer is no, just do them up to the torque setting and leave them there, never add stuff that was not there in the first place, at the correct torque they will be fine.
  19. She looks nice mate you must be well chuffed. Lots of work in that one, if you don't get at least a mention in their paper then I don't know what will?
  20. slice


    Well done you, now all you have to do is get used to more power, stay safe.
  21. Yeah nice one mate you can now sit in traffic and not look like a steam engine !!!
  22. slice

    Bike overheats

    Hi Manny, it's normal to do an INTRO before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, so if you would do that it would be great thanks (new members section), now your problem, I think you might need a bit more info before anyone can offer advice on what the problem might be, if any, you see saying "it gets sluggish" is not what most would call helpful, not your fault mind it's just that is not much to go on. So if you would be kind enough to say WHY you think it's a problem and what it did before you had this fault! then that might help with an idea or two as to what might be wrong. We're just a bunch of people who like riding and we help out if we can but like most of these things without enough info we can't help till you tell us more mate. Anyway Welcome to the YOC.
  23. As long as you don't show the bloke getting his head ripped off or the other leg going through your back window you'll be fine
  24. slice

    Saddle sore

    Just bought a new seat for the FJ Meatloaf, it really has made a difference to riding, before it was 50/100 miles and I HAD to get off now still get stiff but no were near as bad. similar to this, made by Tony Archer in Huddersfield.
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