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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Need help

    Nice to know Xeirky, just making sure you were safe is all, not trying to sound like your Dad! Glad that you can sort out the carb still might be better to buy a complete one rather than mess around with the dodgy one, Hope you get it sorted ready for the fine weather, if you ever visit the UK you will need a boat rather than a bike.
  2. ER! where are you? that is what country no use telling you about a great bloke down the road if your in Pakistan is it.
  3. Looks like we have invented a new word "GROUCHED" as in ffs why did that break? Or where is the nearest motor cycle repair shop as I am f***ing useless at fixing things! (sorry grouch ) Bad luck Cynic you will have to stop reading Grouches posts!
  4. slice

    Need help

    Hi Xeirky, Might be a good idea to do an "INTRO" new members section before diving in with a question, just friendly advice, nice to say Hi first when you meet new folks. As to your carbs I think they are a 4 bolted together and if so then your going to have fun trying to separate them, usual deal is to replace the whole thing as this is easier than pissing about with trying to get them apart. Try EBAY for a replacement set. Or your local breakers yard. If this is you first bike then I hope you have taken some form of training BEFORE you ride this thing, it's NOT like driving a car it will KILL YOU if you don't know what your doing, seriously you really need to find out what your local training centre recommends, ask around and see what is available. Not telling you what to do but anyone who gets on a bike without training is going to end up "AT BEST" in hospital.
  5. slice

    Best Guess?

    Hi Preload. Wondered if you might be along! Your right I think, but as I say in the advert NOT MINE so I really have no idea what should be on it or not, as far as my neighbour is concerned that's how it arrived 20+ years ago and that's how it's stayed. Been sitting under a shelf/bench thing all this time covered with good intentions and sod all else unless you count cobwebs and sawdust I suppose! To be honest it's not as bad as it seems in the photos as up close and personal it's quite good for how it's been treated, was amazed that it actually had compression and the wheels turned. Someone will want it no doubt and probably be very happy to own it, at this time I/we have over a 150 people watching it, go figure?
  6. slice

    Best Guess?

    Thanks Merv Just done it and also my neighbour confessed that he guessed ??? the numbers when I called him (DICK!) so it's NOT the 350A but is the 350B still ok with that but the lazy sod didn't want to get cold so told me what he thought I wanted to hear, went and looked myself all sorted now and neighbour is now trying to get his head out of his arse!
  7. Thanks KP I just might go and buy some, there are mind pictures that just will NOT go away!!
  8. Thank you for the mind picture of you sitting on your thumb Foamy, got to go and scrub my brain mow to remove THAT picture!!
  9. slice

    Best Guess?

    Thank you all, Mervin your a star mate exactly as you stated the tank is off of the 250 that was part of the original deal cos the original one was rotted out, just had a look and it is 6 speed (DOH!) and the barrels have 350B on them engine and frame numbers match and start with 521, so appears to be a genuine bike with a few bits off of the old 250 he had, after 20 years things get lost and I suspect that is what happened here. I am letting it run to the end Drewps as he will not let me do a buy it now cos neither of us know what the thing is worth, still don't as most of you say it's only worth what someone will pay for it. Thank you all once again for your time and thoughts it's very much appreciated. Martin.
  10. slice

    Best Guess?

    Hi All, Would not normally ask this but just wondering if anyone might know what a good price for a Yamaha RD350B might be? I only ask as I am selling one for my neighbour who has had it in his garage for the last 20 odd years, so as you can imagine it is more than a little dusty rusty and generally in poor condition, all the parts are there and it has a V5 from 1975 so a genuine candidate for a resto, but I have put it on to ebay and am snowed under with OFFERS! even tho I said no offers in the advert, bloody pointless putting it in there really! Still just curious what it might be worth as I am not now a stroker fiddler, used to be but like something slightly less manic now, any good guess from the resident 2 stroke fans would be welcome, thanks all.
  11. Hi Liege, Welcome to the YOC, some one will know how to fix your bike just ask in WORKSHOP if you have any questions and all sorts will get back to you with advice and rude comments!!
  12. John, Keep going until it's gone and doesn't cover the chain, simple really, and DON'T get it to hot really f**ks up your kitchen if it smokes. See preloads photo (previous page) says it all really.
  13. I used this "CHAIN WAX" many years ago, it was brilliant stuff and every 6 weeks or so would take the bonnie chain off and give it a good boil, never had a chain break or even squeak on me, believe it or not my DAD told me about it and he used it on his BSA back in the late 50s.
  14. Hi Rob, Not sure but he does do all sorts of seat covers so best I can say is give him a call.
  15. Grouch it might be possible to tie a bit of string/wire to the end of the old cable and pull it through so you can then reverse the process to put the new cable in, bit fiddly but doable if you have the patience! Otherwise the fall back position would be "Go to garage, give nice man MORE of your money and then go home and sulk!!"
  16. Hi Robbie, Had the same problem, in the end bought one off of EBAY, they were about £30 and came with all the hardware, Can't remember who I got mine from but they were on there every week so should be easy to find, was a UK company by the way so no outrageous shipping costs. YAMAHA XJ750 - 1982 to 1984 - PATTERN REPLACEMENT SEAT COVER - NEW If you type this in it should go straight to the item, hope that helps. Oh and £24.95 and a fiver delivery.
  17. Watched the Vid DT, seems fine, at least it runs just the 50 yards of rust to sort out but it will make a nice ride once it's done.
  18. Hi Fattybum I to have lots of Zonga, can you introduce me to the nice rich man as he seems a little soft!!
  19. Tommy, I only spotted this article by chance and thought that it might highlight a problem I was unaware of, seems that NEVERSAYDIE has already addressed it earlier but I must have missed it, might be worth a look. thanks for your comments as it's nice that folks can get some good out of all this interweb stuff!
  20. Ttask you got to remember that BMW's don't have indicators there only there to round the corners off and you have to give a F**K about someone else!
  21. Matthew, It's a beautiful bike don't f**k it up by taking bits off before you really get to grips with it, must say tho really envious of you, you're going to have to change your name to "JAMMY BASTARD"
  22. Hi David, might be an idea to say Hi BEFORE you start asking questions, you will get more that way. The people on here like to know about you, just the same as if you were in the pub and talking to someone, you wouldn't just start asking questions of strangers without first saying "Hi" would you? So if you go to "new members" section and say a few things about yourself that will make folks a bit more inclined to answering your questions, I think the term is "NETIQUET" or not down to you.
  23. Well done Matthew the term "JAMMY BASTARD" comes to mind, should make a fine ride when you have it all done,
  24. Thanks benny that makes sense but I did not know that the higher octane was without additives so one problem cured. NEVERSAYDIE a bit sarky really as I did not see your previous post so was not aware that you had already described this problem, as to where the total stations are. Still not looked at your post so not sure what you described but I thought that it was of interest that there will soon be 10% ethanol in fuel and the likelihood that in future it will grow so anyone with an old bike needs to be aware that the problems are approaching rapidly and need to be addressed now and not some time in the future. Not interested now and will sort my own bike out. thanks for your input though as I'm now aware that others have discovered this and even commented on it.
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