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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice


    Well done, great news just in time to get a BIGGER bike for the summer!
  2. No Not just you, I thought it was odd but Alex said he was doing some work on the site and I assumed it was that?
  3. Mervin you have a savage streak, my names not there (thank god)
  4. slice

    Latest Disaster

    I can beat you this time Grouch, Just got back from 4 hours waiting for the AA to get me and the bike home, a small problem that became a BIG problem about 40 miles from home , I am now doing the Grouch dance to ward off anything else that might come my way.
  5. slice

    Module 1

    Well done Bippo always nice to get a test under your belt.
  6. Hesitate to say the obvious but have you tried a bike shop? Got to be one near by you and they might know of someone selling their bike, my local one always has a bike for sale board inside and if your not to fussy they can be "INTERESTING" ie the shop wont buy them but someone might! just a thought. plus they might know a local dealer that has a good deal locally. Good luck with your search.
  7. Welcome home Grave, first thing when you get home get your self a deep fried MARS BAR!
  8. Mike more info than I wanted thank you, now where is that mind bleach??
  9. slice

    Misfire or what?

    Just for those that kindly answered my query I have found the fault, took the bike out today and all was fine until I had gone about 2 miles then the dreaded misfire came back, been working on it for days and thought I had it pegged but this time I found that the number 4 pot was cold and fiddled with the HT cable and lo and behold found a break in the cable right up under the tank so could not see it until I had my head right up close and there was a damn great spark onto the head bolt, must have worn through some time in the last 30 odd years, so some superglue and a piece of shrink wrap and good as new.
  10. Cynics right cupcake, older bikes are smaller and you get to give an old bike a new lease of life, RD is manic but fun to ride you will kick yourself if you don't try it. And they are still making spares for them so no probs with getting parts or servicing.
  11. slice


    Ahh now I see it! It would have been better if someone had used the LAMP POST.
  12. Hi Boner., Welcome to the YOC.
  13. Hi Grave, I think you will find that it says, Motorcycles registered AFTER 1st Sept 2001 require a plate on the rear of the vehicle only, now correct me if I'm wrong but any thing past the mid point is the rear and it don't matter if it's to one side or not. I would think that you will have no problem with a side mounted plate as long as it is well TOWARDS the rear. P.S just got this from a mate, The plate MUST be mounted (side mounts) on the right no further forward than the swing arm spindle, but most of this type are for the US market and so are LEFT side mounts but he has NEVER had a problem with it being on the left side nor has he ever been stopped and asked to move it. Hope some of this helps?
  14. Stick with it Fakhir, strip it down and remember label/photo of everything as you go, bits get moved and mixed up so make it easier for yourself from the start. What can't be repaired can be replaced but try to keep as much as possible, surface rust can be taken off with wet and dry and new paint will make it pop, take one job at a time that way you wont be overwhelmed by looking at it as a whole, good luck mate let us know how your doing.
  15. Ok Mervin, how did you get my address book???
  16. Ok I want all of you to promise DO NOT TELL my wife this!!!
  17. slice

    Misfire or what?

    Thanks Drewps will fit a new filter today.
  18. Welcome back THAT MAN, glad to have you join in.
  19. Been driving/riding since I was 14 so that's hmmmm! well a long time and NEVER had a ticket, got zapped by a few cameras but nothing from them so assume no cameras in the box, it's not about what you do but where you do it and always being aware of who might be around the next corner. NOISE your sister sounds like a game girl!!!
  20. OK! I have to agree that it is cool and even skilful BUT did not laugh! nor can I see what is wrong with just buying a new stick for his chisel? Don't get me wrong admirable but SNIFF you really need to get out more!!
  21. slice

    Misfire or what?

    OK thanks all, will drain the tank and check out "FLOATY GUNK" and try new plugs or swap them around and if all else fails swear at it till it stops doing it , that might fail of course but I will feel SO much better afterwards.
  22. slice

    Misfire or what?

    Thanks lads, It has 4 carbs but just filled it with fuel so not a low fuel problem, new plugs this winter but always a possibility will try swapping them, I was thinking it might be a coil breaking down but it was still firing on the other 3 cylinders and I think it's not possible for only 1 bit of the coil to go bad, not sure about that tho. And NO GROUCH has not been round but maybe I have been cursed with his demon (must stop laughing at his antics), will have another look at it 2moro and see if any of your ideas has an effect. Thanks again.
  23. slice

    Misfire or what?

    Ok folks if you will do your best to think what this might be I would be obliged. Took the bike out yesterday ran well and had a lot of fun right up till it started to fart and misfire, checked the plugs (ok) checked fuel lines(ok) was stopped on the side of the road swearing at it and it would not start, then out of nowhere it fired right up but not firing on number 4 cylinder. is it possible for one side of the coil pack to break? Fiddled with the HT cable and found it had a spark but still would not fire so decided to ride it home anyway and sod the damage it might do, half a mile down the road it fired up and went like nothing was wrong, the only other thing I had done was turn the fuel tap to reserve!! Oh and when it first behaved badly I had just passed a little sports car at about 80 so was also wondering if coil pack can break down with heat/stress? Any thoughts on what might be the problem would be appreciated as I am stumped, by the way this is NOT the first time it has done this (misfired) but the first time it has actually ground to a halt, first time was on the M5 at a steady 75 for a couple of hours. Thanks all.
  24. Don't tell me YOUR GIRL number 2 Sacha??
  25. I use "GOOP" it comes in 1/2 and 1 pint bottles, use 1/2 pint per wheel, if you get your tyres changed tho you need to tell the guy changing it that you have used it, they get REALLY pissed off if you don't tell them and they get covered in crud, not nice stuff to get off either, water soluble but takes ages to get the little bits of rubber out of all your crevices!!
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