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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    i`m done

    Well done mate many congrats.
  2. Hi OM, vids look ok and should give you the info you need, glad that the shop agreed that it was probably just crud in the carbs and the exhaust that needed sorting, as you say just find the exhaust leak and bung it up temporarily for now that should make it much easier to sort out the running probs, I know in the vid the guy talked about carb cleaner and it's really important that you do not get it on the gaskets or seals as it will eat them away and then you will need a carb kit to repair your mistake, they are expensive for what they are so just be careful splashing this stuff around. If you have the manual for the bike just follow the instructions for setting the needles to sea level or normal running, as your going to have the carbs apart anyway it will just be remove the clip on top of the needle and move it up or down to the place it should be for your location, be careful when you take the clips off as they can jump off under tension and disappear without trace over the horizon, also be careful when putting the diaphragm back on that you don't trap it in the joint between the carb and the top, just do it up loose first and try the slide to make sure it runs smooth before you tighten it down. That's enough for now hope you get it sorted and get to ride before the summer ends.
  3. Hi Dug, Welcome to the YOC, always nice to have new folks, join in the fun and sarcasm, sounds like you have a sense of humour you should fit right in.
  4. WHAT !!!!! OLD DOG'S, you cheeky BAS***D it's half my age. OH yeah see what you mean parts are hard to come by!!
  5. Good ideas there Homer good luck, hope your trip works out and the bike behaves. Yeah, know the shop but never been in there next time your up this way pop in for a cuppa.
  6. slice

    Doug Henry

    When I need it I want him to build my wheelchair!!! he may have no brains but he's got ball's.
  7. Even Grouch can't F**K up a tin of plus gas --- can he????
  8. Christ Homer how long has the oil been in there!! 15K seems an awful lot of miles I do mine ever 2nd oil change about 5K, not saying your wrong or anything but does seem an awful lot of miles before changing it.
  9. See where your coming from with that, what about another make of bike altogether? Might a Honda wheel (for instance) suit your needs or any of the hundreds of wheels out there do the job your looking for after all they just hang off of the spindles, might be that the fittings for brakes discs are a consideration but there must be something out there! Just my thoughts on it, no doubt everyone will chime in with reasons that this can't be done but that's what were here for ain't it?
  10. Nice looking wheels, would they alter the dynamic of the bike as they seem a bit heavy duty especially for a 125, what do they weigh with the tyres on?
  11. slice


    I think I wet myself over the goth REPOMAN who said he was "well travelled" if this is evolution then we are in deep shit!! where do these people come from? Are they allowed to vote! or God forbid have children. I am definitely getting to old for this.
  12. Hi Dave, as you might have noticed 2 years ago this is the NEW MEMBERS section not my bike wont start section (see workshop-bit of a clue there!) and it's to say Hi and tell something about yourself and what floats your boat as it were, seems that 2 years has not sold you on the Yam as a good bike to own and all your problems are nothing more that everyday faults that we all suffer from the odd bit of wiring and rust are about par for the course, not sure if you bought your bike new or not but as it was 2011 when you first posted and your bike is 2010 it could be, so you ride it every day and I assume you do have it serviced at the regular intervals and it's still running ok and you wash all the road crap off of it when it needs it plus you do a weekly check to see that all the bits work and it's dry stored (out of the weather) then you have every right to complain that YAMAHA have not held up their side of the bargain BUT if you just ride it everyday and leave it out in the rain and snow and NEVER check anything till the service light comes on then your a right muppet for expecting it to run forever with out some TLC, if you only come here to whine and complain about the poor deal you got from your local Yam dealer then to be honest mate you can (fill in with your own words) and complain to someone who gives a shit!! PS Welcome to the YOC always nice to meet new people.
  13. Best course is a process of elimination really, what have you done that might be responsible for the noise? Have you fitted anything like mirrors or indicators to the bike or have you moved something that could be the cause of your problem? Moaning (wife) Whining (kids) or is it more a matter of rattle thump or groan? Plus the obvious is the whistling in your helmet not the bike at all. On a more positive side to things if it's making a noise in 5th does it make the same noise in 4th at the same speed? If not then it might be a gearbox fault does not have to be serious could be a stuck selector or worst case might be a bearing going or even the drive shaft might need to be looked at could be a loose nut. Would help if you could identify where the noise seems to be coming from front back left right? Might be a wheel bearing, easy to check, running out of ideas here!!! Will wait to see what you come up with.
  14. It's alright mate not the first to forget and sure wont be the last, in your own time if you would, Thanks.
  15. Hi Turnip Welcome to the YOC, used to live in Sussex many years ago but managed to escape to somewhere that has roads that aren't full of traffic. Oh and Hondas and Yams aren't that different and as long as you have a manual you can't really go far wrong.
  16. Jimmy your right!! Mods putting things on about Ley lines and Tarot cards next.
  17. Tommy is right don't just snap stuff of cos your pissed with it, find a way to undo it ask a mate who lives close by to have a look perhaps between you you can find a solution and think of the cost of buying a whole new starter motor against a few hours fiddling around with it, up to you of course but the short answer is "DON'T BE A DICK".
  18. Hi Stuart, Ok first things first, you would not walk up to strangers and start asking questions would you? so PLEASE do an intro BEFORE you dive in with a question. Go to "new members" section on the front page of the forum and have a look see what others have said to give you the idea and then someone will be along to help you out. Not a problem mate just nice to introduce yourself before you start in on "How do I fix my bike?" PS welcome to the YOC Stuart, nice folks on here lot's of knowledge and helpful advice especially when you have said Hi.
  19. slice

    Nailed MOD 2

    Well done Mailee another 40 years and you will have it all sussed out.
  20. All the rain now you come out with this!! I have to blame someone so your IT!! And I was out doing my usual tootle round the forest and was passed by a bloody great BMW (bike) with more lights on it than Blackpool and he never even waved or shook his fist at me, miserable git.
  21. Welcome Steve the YOC likes people with a sense of humour so you should fit right in!!!
  22. I'm with Bippo on this (as always she talks sense) if the noise was coming from the side you took off then start there, DO NOT keep taking stuff off just cos we think you should, think about it!! was it the side you have off making the noise if so then give it a proper going over before you whip the other side off. Look for metal shavings rub marks or burnt areas any wear on the bearings (do they rock up and down?) Go through the side you have off before you dive in to something else, that is a road to disaster. Good luck keep plugging away mate.
  23. slice


    Cynic, did you find out anything about the mod to the clutch? Is hydraulic an option?
  24. Welcome to the YOC, nice to have new faces joining in. Hammers fan here born in East Ham.
  25. slice


    Well done Grouch, not before time but better late than never mate.
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