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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Question for Lee

    Thank you Jimmy I had not thought that was possible and now know different, bloody hell, so next time I sell ANYTHING it's straight onto the insurer and cancel even if it costs me a few quid!!! I am flabbergasted that this is true and sad to say some scheming git's will no doubt do this just cos they can. You live and learn. LEE your worth your weight mate. PS just read the link Jimmy again "BLOODY HELL" the poor sod is in it up to his neck and when some solicitor says he might be liable and it's a "GOOD" thing his home is jointly owned you know your on a hiding!!!!!!
  2. As dt says you need to give more info on what you have tried and if this was a slow fault, did it get slowly worse, or did it just stop and now won't go? so lots for you to do before anyone can help I'm afraid other wise as dt said your on a hiding to nothing. It's like fixing your bike in the dark otherwise and we can only give you our best guess as to the problem. Is there fuel in it? is there a spark? are just the first 2 questions of many.
  3. slice

    Question for Lee

    Jimmy let me get this straight, if I sell my bike/car/lorry/bus whatever and the insurance has say a week to go and I don't cancel the insurance and the dumb arse that buys it then crashes it and has no insurance, how am I in any way liable? If I have a bill of sale and he has the title V5 for the machine then he is responsible not me or my insurance company as I am the one insured on it not him and there is, as far as I know, no way to transfer my insurance to another person, to be insured in the UK for instance you have to be insured for your self and the other person has to have their own insurance as well so any accident involving the vehicle would be the responsibility of the driver/new owner not the previous owner. I know the law can be an ass at times but pretty sure this guy has nothing to worry about regarding legal or liability for someone else's accident. Sorry did not mean to hijack your thread but this is a conundrum and your right to bring it up just in case this is in fact true. Just had another thought on this, if say I gave him permission to drive it, his vehicle has broken down and he needs transport then he would still need his own insurance to drive, my insurance would only cover the third party not him, other wise it's what our police call TWOC (taking without consent) and that means it would come under the stolen vehicle scheme where insurance companies cover each other in a knock for knock scenario, my head is starting to hurt now and I need a lie down!!!!
  4. That's a kicker Mel, won't something else fit? £216 is a hefty price, suppose you now know why so many bikes get nicked (nasty bastards that they are) they get spares for free.
  5. My other bike (Shh don't tell anyone!) is a Suzuki and that has these adjustable levers on it, sort of turn buckle thing that lets you decide if you want the bite point to be full reach or closer to the bars, has 4 adjustments on it, you still have to reach to the lever from the usual position but it actuates much later in the travel. Hope that is of some help. The Suzuki thing is just between you and me ok!!!!!!!
  6. Oh well if he had been driving a BMW or AUDI it would explain why they are such dipshits!!!!
  7. I see your point, let me know what you want me to do. I can cancel it and make up an advert if you want or just leave it and see who is interested then make an advert later! Whatever you decide is good for me. Only one thing tho I have not made any yet so it's more a what if than a do you want. If 10 peeps are interested then I will know how many to make and if only 1 person replies then I will have a lot of spares.
  8. Ok I have finally decided to make some YICS tools, to those that need them I am offering them at cost, I have arranged to have them made for about £25 each and have asked for 6 of them so I will obviously have a few spares, if your interested them PM me or leave your name up here and I will get back to you. To those that don't know what a YICS tool is a brief explanation, if you have a YICS chamber on your bike then you have to blank it off before you can balance the carbs, the YAMAHA price is so expensive that most folks just send their bike in to have it done for them but it's so easy to do, why pay someone to do what you can do your self. I will be using Stainless steel rather than the YAM Aluminium ones so there is no danger of bending or damaging it like the Ali ones, So if you want one or are just curious then contact me.
  9. slice

    Gasket set?

    Dt I have been married for 38 years and still don't know which way the wind is blowing, a new frock is apparently "ESSENTIAL" and my sons University fees are also something that I apparently "HAVE" to pay my bike is so far down the list that I need binoculars to find it AND I know it's there, the trouble with an old bike like mine (1982) is that the parts I want are not made any more or they seem to be made out of rare elements that cost 4 times as much as a normal bike, example is a full set of luggage that is on sale in the US and it only costs about $450 with shipping included not new, original parts, which is more than I paid for the bike when I got it, oh well lets see how these and a new gasket set go down, I might be sleeping in the shed for the next few years!!!!
  10. Yes unless your REALLY good with a sledge hammer. I think it will come out the other side if you take the heads off in-situ, pretty obvious really when you think about it as the only thing stopping it from coming out both sides is the head frame distance.
  11. slice

    Gasket set?

    Thank you both, ok new OEM parts it is, just have to tell her indoors that they only do these ones, oh well what's another bollocking!!!
  12. slice

    Gasket set?

    Ok wise ones if you would be so kind I need some advice, I am going to rebuild the XJs engine this winter (as I have run out of projects!) and wanted to know if you might tell me the best place to get a gasket set, I can buy an EBAY one for about £50 and it has most of the bits I need but cheap is NOT always cheerful, so any one with a (clean) thought on where might be a reasonable price coupled with a reasonable quality set supplier would be appreciated.
  13. I sense a teeny tiny touch of ENVY in your post Jimmy, admit it you want your bike to look like this don't you?
  14. Bit like a solar powered torch Andrew only works in the sun!!! They are for night use after all and unless he leaves his bike outside all day seems a little pointless. If you fit these things to your bike then they will use power and the battery will go flat, you say that you have "several things attached" to your bike so my guess would be that your pushing the battery to hard with all the junk you have attached to it, so if you want the lights on at night turn the other stuff off and see what happens, unless it's the alarm in which case the first thing to happen will be someone nicks it!!
  15. WHAT!!!!???? is this some new code that we have to learn? TALK ENGLISH DAMN IT!!!!!!
  16. Tommy would make a great ambassador !!! Straight to the point and blunt as a blunt thing.
  17. Drewpy it's a VIPER RS-V121 not a wonderful helmet but has flip front and all of the above don't think they make this one anymore but have upgraded it to something else, I would buy another one in a heartbeat. Oh and forgot to mention it also has one of those fighter pilot sun visor thingys.
  18. I want one of those!!!! But SWMBO says I have to sell my other one first ARGHHHHH!!! I keep telling her it's NOT the other one it's my YAMAHA but I get the blank look and a sort of not understanding smirk, so your not sentimental your attached to it in so many ways that trying to explain to someone who does not understand is nigh impossible. I built my bike from the ground up, I know each and every nut bolt and washer and even know that the bike is not worth what I spent on it but it's MINE!!! SO buy the FJR and store the Fazer you know it makes sense (well to you anyway) as an aside there is a bloke who lives a village over from me DURSLEY that only works on FJRs and he is supposed to be the one and only in the UK as a go to guy on all things FJR " FUDGE MOTORCYCLES (FJR CENTRE) " look him up if you get a chance.
  19. After all is said and done it's a crash helmet and even the worst ones will take the sting out of a fall, I'm sure it has to do with the quality of the materials used and the amount of staff you employ as to the price you pay at the door. I have a cheapo lid that has Blue tooth phone & intercom and I think it makes tea while you wait for the Ambulance after and accident, plus it has an automatic last number redial so if you do fall off you don't need to have your phone on you to call for help!! all for the grand price of £60 what's not to love?
  20. I did see some one UNLOCK his car to get in at the beginning of the clip, you have to wonder WHO would steal it???????
  21. slice

    Ice skating!!!

    I do believe that you can actually shit yourself with fear, only because so many of the people I used to pick up from fatal RTAs were, not to put to fine a point on it, covered in crap!!! But this can also happen after death when the body losses it's ability to control it's automatic functions, not a nice thought but "SHIT HAPPENS" as they say. Sorry to all those offended by this but death is with us all the time you just have to wait long enough and he/she will find you, plus you grow a sort of gallows humour when you deal with death on a daily basis.
  22. PLEASE can we stop mentioning the PHOTO of the mankini, I have to scrub my eyes every time that thing appears or is dragged out in a conversation!!!!!!!!!!
  23. slice

    Ice skating!!!

    Annoyed Noise is what I am, mainly cos it's partly my own fault and I should have been more aware of what was in front of me than having a good time, plus dying cos some git can't maintain their car properly or at least check to see that bits don't fall off all over the place, having said that only a few weeks ago I had bit's fall off my bike so I'm as guilty as him/her, just the adrenaline talking yesterday felt like I had an electric rod up my arse!!! Oh well live (hopefully) and learn.
  24. Oi !!!! I have a screen, it's not the odd blue bottle that worries me it's the wasps and thumb sized bumble bees that I want to avoid. Oh yeah and I'm OLD!!!!!
  25. I would think Bob's right, if it's designed not to have a battery then it should be ok, if not then it's a problem with the wiring not the lack of battery, check the wiring over and make sure all the terminals are clean and that the earths are all ok and then ride off into the sunset, if your still not sure then get a local electrical mechanic to check it out for you before you ride it. PS And PLEASE do an INTRO in the NEW MEMBERS section as it's polite to say Hi before launching into a question from strangers. Welcome to the YOC by the way always nice to meet new folks.
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