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Everything posted by slice

  1. Welcome to the YOC, the more the merrier.
  2. If you like her "CALL HER" don't wait a year you dummy!!!!!!!!!
  3. Foamy has his own league, no one else wants to sit by him, she looks like a nice girl so that's foamy fu**ed.
  4. Wait till one of the Girls reads this, you are in Soooooooooooooooo much trouble.
  5. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, Just one small thing, if you walked up to a bunch of strangers and started asking them about your bike and how to fix it how would they react do you think? Especially if you didn't say hello first just launched into a question. So if I might ask nicely, please do an INTRO in the NEW MEMBERS section before you start in on how to fix my bike questions, we like the fact that you are here and we like that you have a Yammie and we even don't mind that you live on the wrong side of the pond (lots of your fellow countrymen/women here) it's always nice to meet new folks and have them join in "BUT" some will not answer your question till you say a hello, not cos we're a bunch of grumpy Brits but cos it's polite. If you need inspiration then read some of the other intros to give you an idea of what's expected. Once again Welcome to the YOC.
  6. slice

    Meme challenge

    The MEME terrorists have taken over, you will have to negotiate to get it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Mervin, That MUST be GROUCH "one spanner" and I love the FABRICATE your own, been there done that got the scars to prove it!!!!!!!!!
  8. Foamy "YOUR DRIBBLING" on the keyboard again aren't you? Mervin I take it back GOTH'S do party.
  9. Mervin, DO GOTH'S party??? Or am I thinking EMO?? Come to think of it what does this all mean?
  10. slice


    Was thinking of rocking horse shit actually, makes great pot scourer!!!!
  11. Perhaps he should try this!!!!!!
  12. slice


    Wonderful stuff "Cuckoo shit" has all sorts of uses!!
  13. Remember that one NOISE, funny thing is he never came back!!!!! Odd that when you think about it cos we all got involved, maybe it was a misunderstanding? Seems he thought that his bike would do some amazing speeds but he didn't like the tone of our mocking helpful advice.
  14. Don't be a stranger Z, come back and tell us how you got on!!! Good luck mate.
  15. You say you took OFF a 12V battery but the bulbs are 6V and then you put back on a 6V battery? Not sure where you are with this, one of the guys on here will come up with a reg/rec reading to help you out. 12v system should be as stated 14.5V or there abouts, but you need to find out what it is actually putting out before you do anything else. Put a meter across the battery neg - pos terminals when it's running and see what it reads. I do remember someone saying that to convert your bike to 12V you could use a TZR125 generator, maybe that has been done to your bike? Cos it originally was a 6V system when it was new and some folks hated the lights (or lack of) on the bike.
  16. Ok if they return a little then you might have more of a problem than you think, it might be that the forks are bent, possible I suppose as this will restrict the forks from moving freely. You will have to use a square to check to see if they are straight and it might be that only one of the fork legs is a problem.
  17. Until you take them apart your not going to know what's wrong, for all you know there are no springs inside, and as Airhead say's it might be simply a case of to much weight on them, take the top bolts off and look down the tubes if you see springs and oil them it's to much weight if you see no oil or springs then you have the solution to your problem.
  18. You have a short circuit then, that's why the battery is going flat, disconnect the indicators and lights (remove fuse) and see what happens?
  19. Drewpy, NO IT'S NOT, look on good old youtube and be amazed, these guys are something else. I just wish I could do it.
  20. If I could do that I would VOLUNTEER to cut the grass!!!!
  21. Next to your name at the top of the page you should see a red marker with a "1" in it, click on that and you should get a drop down list with the message underneath. As to your question about the head removal with the engine in, I have never known a cylinder head that won't come off with the engine in the frame but suppose there is always a first time, the top nuts come off then you should be able to lift the head clear of the studs, they usually only project about an inch or so above the barrel so you should have room to wiggle the head over them and lift it clear. Sometimes you will get the studs undone along with the head bolt and that will make it easier to get the head off. Hope some of that helps?
  22. Andrew you have a "VERY STRANGE" view of the world !!!
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