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Everything posted by slice

  1. It took 10 days to get an answer Mc, and then you sorted it out yourself, go figure! I would have thought someone here would know the answer? Still sometimes it's the self taught lessons that stick longest.
  2. Oh No!!!!! You hurt him and made him sad, so he should get the bike for free now to make sure that he is compensated for getting shot. I HOPE HE'S DEAD!!!!!!!!! if not put another cap in his arse.
  3. Tasky, You nasty man, you scared him off!! Like Noise I was hoping for a bit more to come.
  4. I still want to go but if there is no room then it seems it might be a good idea to go, not this year, but the next? that would be 2015. Seems the only alternative unless you want to go as a foot passenger. A bit pointless!!! I really wanted to take the bike.
  5. Hi, Just sold my Maxim a few weeks ago, nice bike, sorry to hear that one is now heading for boot hill! The cable on that bike is the same as the one on the SECA, pretty mix and match of Yamaha really, so it might fit your bike but you had best take yours off and compare the 2 before you try to fit it, if all else fails why not try a kit that is available from most bike shops for a few $ that has various nipple ends in, you can choose which end to use and still have spares for the other cables on your bike, I would suggest that you oil your cables before you put them back on as it broke for a reason usually lack of lubricant. Just fashion a tube/funnel of (we call it BLUETACK) and fill the funnel with oil while it is hanging from a rafter or branch and let gravity do the work for you. Hope you find a fix. Ride safe. The kit your looking for is BIKE-IT EMERGENCY CABLE REPAIR or something similar. Found this on EBAY US emergency atv dirt bike mx motorcycle clutch throttle cable repair kit with case
  6. Thanks Bippo but I have been looking at the reviews since I saw it and still want it, just my last chance to own one in this life.
  7. Ok I love my Yammie and I would be loath to part with it, but when I was a kid 14/15 I saw a bike in my local bike shop window and really fell in love with it. Life got in the way and what with one thing and another I forgot about it and just plugged on with what I was doing, then last week I bought myself a new bike jacket from my local bike shop a Bering Oddysee, nice jacket and while I was there lo and behold there sat in the window was the bike I had seen nearly 50 years ago, you could have knocked me down with a feather and I could not believe that it looked so new! Then the salesman jumps in and says it is new for 2013, built in India and has all the mod cons we softies in the developed world are used to. I am really thinking hard about this bike, was going to get an FJR but not so sure now. see what you think of this old timer!!! 535CC Single cylinder 29BHP and top speed of 90ishMPH And all for the grand total of £5,199.
  8. slice

    tinted visor

    A little "stiffness" in the morning is always welcome Andrew!
  9. So you can make water run uphill, clever!
  10. Hi Scott, I think you may be taking the comments a bit personally mate, to be honest you did say your bike has these issues and no one here doubts you sincerity about that but just as you have an opinion on the "cruiser" type bike so do others and having expressed them yourself you should not be surprised that others don't agree with your opinion and say so, the main reason for this forum is to be able to express an opinion and have others listen then see if others have the same problems and sometimes maybe get a solution. You didn't ask for an opinion or help with your problem you just launched into a what a load of crap they were and expected those who own these bikes to agree with you and it comes as a surprise when they don't and question your cleaning and maintenance routine, they aren't having a pop at you their saying what criteria are you using to make these claims. They have a perfect right to ask questions about your comments as they have no way of knowing how you treat your bike all year round and as such till you tell them they will think that your talking out of your arse, I for one am ok with your comments and found it an interesting set of comments that you have obviously thought a lot about, your complaints are fair as far as I can see from your point of view but others might not agree with what you said and told you so. Please don't take these other comments personally, they are, like yours, an opinion, and as such should be treated with respect not derision just because they don't agree with you.
  11. Great little thing! I think the US military are looking at it to carry the soldiers back packs and ammo when on a mission so they can be more mobile, they also have a A.I. driven truck they are trialling for the same thing just bigger and all wheel drive. next thing you know the robots will be in charge!!!
  12. Sorry to see your list of woes Scot, you have really thought about this haven't you, have you ever thought of contacting Yamaha about your problems? not saying that you want redress or anything but feedback from customers, good or bad, would seem to be a desirable thing, they might tell you to foxtrot Oscar but at least you will have the satisfaction of having told someone who counts your thoughts on their bike. Send your message to some of the bike magazines as well, they are always looking for articles related to new and older bikes to fill their columns and if you make it amusing enough they will print it. Plus I did wonder if they have fitted the different tyre/wheel sizes for aesthetics rather than practicality you never know it might stir up a bit of a debate about getting bikes safe rather than smart looking. Stay safe mate.
  13. Just checking DIRTY but is this for the car test? Looked at the article and can't find anything wrong with the idea, I'm sure if I was 17 I would be pissed but as I have 2 sons in their 20 I know what it feels like when they take off for the first time in the car on their own. Of course the poor bloody motorcyclist has been doing this for years anyway so about time the motorist had a taste of persecution. Oh GOD I sound like my DAD!!!! Just shoot me now!
  14. Adrenaline the best drug in the world! Thanks Nigel.
  15. Find a steep hill fill your pocket with lots of heavy things wear a ruck sack with more heavy things ask a BIG girl to ride pillion shove a rocket up her arse and tie yourself to a Ferrari (Forgot this "LIGHT ROCKET") then push off and pray. Or buy a bigger bike! but keep the BIG girl she sounds like fun!!!!!
  16. There must be something connecting the front wheel to the clock! a wire or cable, other wise how would it work? if you can't find the end at the wheel then trace the cable from the clocks to give you some idea of what should be there. As Airhead say's at the very least there must be a sensor!
  17. See told you, nice people, welcome to the YOC.
  18. Hi Nigel, Welcome to the YOC, it's never to late mate as long as you enjoy it and it's cheap plus no one EVER says "Are we there yet?" on a bike.
  19. Hi I like a guy with a sense of humour, you should fit in a treat, just one small thing, would you please do an INTRO in the "new members" section before asking for advice, it's polite to say Hi before you start asking strangers for advise. We like new folks to join in and it makes the site more interesting BUT they are expected to say hello first and then ask for info. By the way Welcome to the YOC the more the merrier.
  20. Oh a HISSING noise, you should have said that first that's snakes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hi, Ok I will take pity on you. Imagine if you will walking up to a complete bunch of strangers and asking them how to fix/repair/modify your bike without saying "HELLO" first, would they ignore you or worse? My point is that it's usual to say Hi in the "new members" section before you start asking questions, your not alone in doing this and to be sure you won't be the last and truth to tell we tend to take the piss a bit when this happens, no offence intended just having a laugh at your expense, so if you would be kind enough to trot over to the section mentioned and write a bit about yourself that would be great, if your stuck for what to say then read some of the other entries to get you up to speed, there are some good ones and some bad ones, if you do a bad one then you already know what to expect. By the way Welcome to the YOC we like new folks to join in and hope your not to pissed off about the ragging!!!
  22. We went blank a long time ago! Also if you do an "INTRO" first you will get more feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Poor little sod!!! Detention for being right, what next?
  24. slice

    Handle bar grips!

    That's the thing I was thinking off Katie, although the price is pretty stupid, as you say gives you a good spread position (I know, it's not my fault ok!) and you can adjust up or down depending where you are and what your doing (this is getting awkward now) time for me to go away.
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