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Everything posted by slice

  1. Not laughing just wondering how a PASSOLA 50 or an RD 350 can cope with the man mountain on them?
  2. Well if it's not firing then you will get fouled plugs it's that simple if the new HT leads don't fix the problem then you need to be looking at the coils to see if they are ok, best to check all the ignition wiring while your in there and make sure that all the connectors are tight. There are some 2 stroke God's on here who will tell you chapter and verse about your bike and know doubt have a fix for you up their sleeves, but might I suggest that you do an INTRO in the new members section first as some folks are reluctant to answer questions from one hit wonders, we get a lot on here who just ask a question and are never heard from again not even a thank you just rock up fire out what they need and gone. Good luck getting your bike running.
  3. Fawzi. Ok the throttle stop screw is just that, it stops the throttle from completely closing thus shutting down the engine, you should be able to turn the screw about half a turn and gently adjust the slow running rev range. it will not run the engine lean or rich as it only adjusts the speed of the engine just stick to the manual specs and you should be fine, you usually have to wait for the engine to reach normal operating temp before doing this as it will run slower when cold/cool, just warm it up and do small adjustments DON'T wind the screw around till it falls out or reaches the end of the thread small is best when adjusting the slow running, you'll find it easy once you get the hang of it. Good luck.
  4. They think they are "COOL" but what they forget is that some guy does that for a living and get's paid to wander about up there. like the music tho.
  5. EEUGH !!! That is horrible, can I ask why you would want to pick up doughnuts with your feet? On second thoughts DON'T tell me the answer will be just as horrible.
  6. Don't know who or what the "CLIPPERS" are but they get my vote for "bitch slap of the week"
  7. You have to be careful taking the baffles out Matthew cos they actually do a job in there, you will loose back pressure so you need to re time the engine and check your jet sizes and adjust the fuel flow, not as easy as you think just taking the baffles out cos it will eat your pistons if you don't watch out. Had a Honda many years ago and it ate the valves and the pistons after about 150 miles sounded good tho still it fell apart.
  8. Nice to see your back to grin factor 10 Tasky , mine will be about soon but glad your up and running mate. Stone me these things can obviously take a hammering just look at that stator cover !!
  9. slice

    Should i?...

    If you use the translator it seems to be that he actually wants 350 Euros for it, so expect the price to rise before the end of the auction, plus you have to account for the cost of travel and fuel so is it really worth the bother? Also there seems to be some problem with the exhaust that he has on it so there is the cost of repair or replacement to add on, I should give this a miss if I were you mate !!! But if your still going to go for it I'm retired and have a large MPV so I might be interested in a trip if your paying !!!
  10. Foamy can't afford it he's still paying for all the old rusty relics he owns !!! Plus the "CURSE" will keep him poor for the next 12 months.
  11. Yes, Buy a long outer cable and a length of inner cable a box of solder on nipples and job done.
  12. Me to, Front is fine and the club patch says it all. It's a once in a year T shirt if you don't want to wear last years T shirt then put simply DON'T.
  13. Hi Welcome to the YOC nice little bike, all you need now is for it to stop pouring down and you can enjoy your iron horse.
  14. Ok Feliks we are up to 14 GOLD 9 BLACK and 1 WHITE so what's it going to be? You know it should be GOLD why fight it?
  15. I watched this a couple of days ago on another website and first thing I thought was "WHAT A DICK" to fast and doing what you should never do trying to keep up with his mate, ride at your own speed not someone else's, there was a pothole but nothing major about it and truth be told he was lucky the LORRYIST? didn't squash him flat, I did wonder about the final moments where he put's his foot down just before he bin's it, if perhaps he might be a new rider rather than a total prick, not sure about that but either way his own fault and glad the driver had a camera on his truck, that's why I have one on the bike. PS did you see the comment from ANGELA below the video? What a cow, only she it seems is allowed to drive on the roads and only she is good enough to have an opinion on how to ride, F++K me I do not want to meet her out on the roads.
  16. Drewpy is right I will pay up front if you want not a problem.
  17. Me to DT, Mine is XL other than that you will get your money even if I have to be nice to the wife!!!
  18. slice

    Wiring Products

    Only thing I would say Jimmy is that the spade connectors are better than the old bullet ones as they don't get quite the same amount of moisture on them due to the plastic surround, they still get wet of course but are easier to fit (my opinion) and make a better connection. Just my thoughts on it you understand. On the XJ I junked all of the old bullet connectors when I rebuilt the loom and have not had a problem for nearly 3 years. Not what you were asking I know but it all helps (or not!!!).
  19. Dt is right just agree a colour (RED for me) and do it, dark colours are best don't really care as long as they are all the same. Logo front - back or down the sides isn't really important, I can go with YOC 5th annual etc !!! PS NO SAUSAGE EATERS THO !!!!
  20. Voted GOLD just jumps out at you and looks really cool in my opinion.
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