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Everything posted by slice

  1. As Above a temp fix sure but "instead of" that's a no in my book.
  2. I have the XJ 750 and that also has the rattle, it's just how they are, most of the noise comes from the clutch basket and even if you buy a new one it will rattle as well, tho not quite so much, you are just going to have to live with it, if you want quiet then buy ear plugs !!!
  3. Yep Airhead is right that has to be the FUGLYIST thing ever !!!
  4. That's a good idea Joe, put up a photo when your done to let us see how it comes out.
  5. To much fuel not enough air would be my first guess, adjust the air flow and fuel flow.
  6. Well done another budding mechanic, even the small jobs can give you confidence, not that changing both sprockets and chain is a small job, the more you do the better you get and as you say think of the money saved.
  7. Are you sure about this? Most forks have a 10 weight oil, very light and not 40 weigh as it will give you a VERY rough ride in the cold weather. But if that's what it says in the manual then you might be ok I suppose. Just as an aside Fork oil IS NOT engine oil it's really specific stuff for your forks, if in doubt ask your local Yammie dealer.
  8. As above, if you don't know what your doing you can really screw it up so give it to MIKE THE BIKE and let him fiddle with it plus you don't want a Chef with greasy finger nails doing the food UGH!!! Welcome to the YOC by the way the more the merrier. YES, please do an INTRO.
  9. Could be a stuck float Tommy that would put fuel in the oil but usually it pisses out of the overflow on the bottom of the carb, other than that, as you say, it's probably the fuel tap that's knackered.
  10. FFS !!! Feliks your going to be seen from space with all that glitter you have on board and now the POWER RANGER SUIT people are going to have to wear sun glasses !!!
  11. Drewpy has a point "DON'T" forget your helmet Ha Ha Ha !!!
  12. Hi KA, Welcome to the YOC, post up a picture of your bike.
  13. Sniff, I have a Bandit 400 in the garage wonder if I could fix it to a boat ? not a lot of snow here but water we have loads of.
  14. At least you will be warm on the way up and dry on the way back Tommy, always an up side if you look for it !!! Have a fun time mate really envy you the experience.
  15. You can't just fit a loom from something else to make it work, you have to lengthen the existing loom to make up the extra length, sorry and all but there are some things that can't be done and this is one of them, you could get someone to make up a loom from scratch for you but that might cost more than the bike/trike is worth. Wish you luck with your project. PS your also probably going to need longer cables as well but they should be easy to source and make up.
  16. Hope you enjoy your trip to Barbados DT, someone is going to get a slap at Squires !!!
  17. Why don't you use that stuff they spray on to car sills and front bumpers that keeps stone chips and such like off? Sorry to say can't remember the name of it but it's got to be out there somewhere, my mate had it done and the coating was always slightly fluid and any scratches were covered over in a couple of days as it spread back after being damaged, you can either over spray it or get it in the colour of choice, as I say sorry can't remember the name of it. Probably something like stone chip protector !!! Just had another thought on this try PLASTI DIP on google their paints are guaranteed not to be damaged and are waterproof.
  18. slice

    ybr 125

    You bought a bike and THEN want insurance, oh dear, we have all been there I'm afraid, your best bet is compare sites and just hope that they take pity on you, good luck mate I'm afraid that you will have to take what you can get as far as ins is concerned and being outside with just a padlock will make you no friends. If you can somehow get it stored inside and out of sight it might bring the price down but not by much I'm afraid.
  19. The advert says CB 900 HALOGEN, so are you looking for a Honda headlight? or are you just buying this cos it looks like your one. You have a SR 125 and not sure if you can run Halogen headlights without the inverter fitted, so your best bet would to be ask at your local Yammie dealer and see what they say before you fork out the cash for this one. My advice anyway others may know different.
  20. Hi Tony welcome to the YOC, lots of guys on here who know about your bike so ask your questions and get out your cheque book cos parts for older bikes can be expensive or even impossible to find, wish you luck with your resto.
  21. Drewpy, they have been doing this for years at least as far back as the 70s cos most modellers used to do this if you wanted to make ultralight aircraft, dip the model in the tank and pour the coating over the water and lift the part up through the film, it's an easy process and you can do it yourself if you can get the coatings or just want to cover your parts with a thick film.
  22. Tommy I keep a copy of my licence under the seat of the bike "just in case" have you looked there? If not there how about in the glove box of the car, always a favourite.
  23. As Blackhat say's bent gear lever but if you have to bend it out then replace it as well as the lever. Bad luck Groucho a shame to have bent your new bike but anything can be fixed. Put up some photos mate so we can see the damage and suggest how to fix it.
  24. Signed. WHAT A SHIT HEAD, 2 years for her death and 4 years for perverting justice, it's a mad world where your life is worth less than the law that is supposed to protect you ?
  25. As above it's a bike and your always welcome, the Suzi is a nice bike hope you enjoy it.
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