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Everything posted by slice

  1. Shaun, what about one of those long bottle brushes that you get from your local home brew shop, they have long handles and stiff bristles, might be just what your looking for.
  2. Did my test in 1968 I was 16 and knew it all, yeah right !!, passed as the instructor didn't want to get wet and he watched me from the tea room as I went round the block, I bought the tea, then we had a bun and I rode home, it's a wonder I didn't die as the only training I had was riding round a mates field at the weekends when I was 14 till I was old enough to ride legally. I think it cost about £4 to take your test back then.
  3. Noise, as I said before if you come up the M5 then I can meet you as well. tho to be honest I have been looking at the A road routes rather than the M/way as my bike is 34 years old and I will not thrash it 200 miles up the m/way.
  4. If my mum is on here I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Mothers day.
  5. Greetings Dylan always nice to have new folks join in.
  6. Nice one mate, always helps if you swear at it, nice set of spanners to, they should keep you going for a few years.
  7. Ok so it looks like back to the drawing board time, I think Jimmy has a point, number 3 is a bit garish, so can we have a show of hands for what colour shirt we would like? I go with Jimmy on this the earlier one was a bit better than the BRIGHT BLUE.
  8. Thanks Lassy, No 3 for me as well, nice one.
  9. Welcome to the YOC Chris, always nice to have new people join in and a project is always fun, if it feels good to you then why not just have a go what's the worst that could happen. (Watches wallet slowly dissapear down the drain hole !!!!)
  10. Airhead better ask Bippo if he's a giver or a taker !!! Ducks and runs for cover !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. My FJ had not been taken apart for 20 years and all the nuts and bolts were rusty, this thing would take a welder and his mate to get apart, if you buy this you need deep pockets and a visit to the shrink !!!!!! I hate to say it but some bikes are just to far gone even to be worth trying to fix them, you MIGHT get a few parts off of it but in my opinion it's a scrapper.
  12. What would the costs be Tommy, that might help people decide if they are interested or not, I mean as you got it for free last time !!!!!
  13. Personally I would take it apart and have a look myself, if it's the springs then it's an easy fix and you will be surprised how easy it is to do this job, rocking the bike back and forth is a bit of a pain but to be honest it's the cheapest fix out there. one other thing comes to mind however have you looked at the cable and clutch levers? it might be a case of adjustment or just a good lube of the various parts. can't do any harm.
  14. Hi Vince, Welcome to the YOC, unless he put car oil in then most motorcycle oil will be ok, car oil has loads of addatives in it that will make your clutch slip but not stick them together, it might be that you have the wrong springs in or the old ones are weak, did he change the springs as well? other than that the best you can do is take the clutch plates out and see if they are still straight as a bent plate can make the clutch behave in the way your describing. Try measuring the springs when you get them out to see if they have the correct length, (look in your manual for the sizes) as they can become compressed over time. that's the best I can come up with without looking at it myself hope that helps a bit. PS you will get more feedback to your question if you do an INTRO in the new members section as folks like to know who they are talking to.
  15. dt only melt in July if it's +1.
  16. To be honest the bike rider was in the wrong with this one, he's definitely in the RIGHT turn lane and I bet the driver of the van thought he was turning into the lane he came out of, not saying he was right to pull out but the biker was a dick for being so far over.
  17. I like the blue as well so another one down, who are we waiting for now? I also think that dt has a good point about a GLOBAL T-shirt, it would be nice to offer something to the fellow members in the colonies !!!! Oh my I'm in for it now !!!
  18. Me to Lallasro just let's get it done, don't care what colour don't care where it's from just please get it sorted.
  19. Hi Mark, Not to sure what your question is to be honest perhaps if you could tell a bit of the back story we might be able to help, some of the guy's on here have registered bikes from overseas and they will be more than pleased to help out if you explain what it is you actually want, not being awkward but where are you going with this? It's usual to do an intro (new members) section before you ask a question it's just polite to say Hi first before you ask strangers for their advice, thanks.
  20. slice

    XJ600S carbs

    Nothing to do with them being old really Chris it's just a matter of adjustment, either do it yourself or take it down to your local bike shop and they will do it for about £30.
  21. Anything but "PINK" ok. I do like the blue & white.
  22. DON'T CARE JUST PRINT THE BLOODY THINGS !!!! Sorry about that, if we leave it to a "COMMITTEE" vote were going to get nowhere. My vote is IT WILL DO. Actually I like the green to.
  23. Measure your present cable then add about 4 inches to the total then look for a cable that has the same ends as yours but is the new length, that's the best your can do I'm afraid, if you leave it and then take it for an MOT it will fail because of the over rev due to the cable length. Rerouting it might work but it's designed to work in a specific place and if you f++k with it (take it outside of the normal route) then you could kill yourself if it jams. You could try a set of emergency cable nipples from EBAY, cost about £8 for a set and you can make your own cable up to fit.
  24. Jake if it's a 2 stroke and it's sick you will have people falling over themselves to help you out, for some reason there are a lot of guys on here who just love these old smokers, good find by the way, always nice to bring a bike back to life rather than turn it in to dog food cans.
  25. slice

    Forum tidying

    DT, I would say that's a definite thank you for your sterling work in keeping the forum from becoming a complete madhouse, well if you discount Noise - Bippo - Up-yours - Andrew - and not forgetting Foamy who will be along shortly with a completely inappropriate video of some sort !!! All it takes is a few people to ignore the forum rules to turn it into anarchy. From me tho Thanks mate.
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