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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Bolton Welcome to the YOC, Lot's of DT fans on here and they just love helping to fix these strokers, we all have questions that need answering, just jump in and feel at home mate.
  2. I have concrete and old bits of floor tile in my garage Tom your obviously a bit POSH with "CARPET" are you sure you should be here with us common folk? :biglaugha: PS I do like your bikes mate.
  3. Squirt some oil down the barrels before you turn it over and leave it to soak for a few hours or you might damage the bores, just saying !!
  4. I have heard that the ethanol eats the rubbers in older bikes? Especially the rubbers in the carbs which can be expensive to replace, and someone on here also said that you get better MPG out of high octane fuels again this is only hearsay so those who know feel free to jump in and explain why this is!!!
  5. Welcome to the YOC Keali'i always nice to have new folks join in.
  6. Check your voltage from the reg to the battery, see if the output is 13 or 14 Volts or if it is over that, multimeter on the battery terminals and read the output if it's off then your reg is stuffed an easy fix.
  7. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO in the "new members" section before you ask a question cos it's polite to say Hi before you dive in to a "how do I fix my bike" question, your more than welcome to the forum but we get a lot of one hit wonders on here who just want info and then without a "thank you" dissapear never to be heard from again, so if you could find the time to just say a bit about yourself that would be great thanks. Hope someone has an idea on your problem and can help you out.
  8. Hi Luke, Welcome to the YOC, always nice to have new people join in and we all have questions that need answering, glad your enjoying your ride and there are a few 125 riders on here who are usually more than willing to help out if you have a problem. If you have techie problems then your best bet is to ask in the WORKSHOP section and wait for someone to help out.
  9. Yeah sounds like a clutch cable to me, at least that's what I would check first, then move on to bigger things if not that.
  10. How loud is loud? unless you have a DB tester there's no way of telling is there, you could try standing it next to another 400 and comparing them but unless you know someone nearby that has one that's not a solution is it, as long as the silencer is original equipment and all the baffles are intact then it should not be a problem.
  11. Hi Simon, Welcome to the YOC, lot's of 2 stroke guys and girls on here you should feel right at home mate.
  12. Can't fault that can you? Looking forward to your repair thread when it starts, always nice to finally own a bike you wanted as a kid and could not afford, mine would be the Royal Enfield 250 roadster original but SWMBO would need several new frocks and shoes before I could even ask the "can I have?" question.
  13. My bike is 32 years old and Fowlers have some of the parts on the shelf and can usually get what I need in a couple of days, Wemoto offer some parts but not all of them, you can only stock what sells after all so if your having problems then the internet is your best friend if you have time and patience. Glad you could join us on here by the way always nice to have someone to MOAN at if there are any problems
  14. For around a grand that's a lot of bike, if you have the room and the time to fix it bite his hand off and take it home NOW!!!! If you were in the UK and the bike had stood out for 20 years under a sheet it would be welded to the ground with weeds and covered in rust and the only thing holding it together would be the spiders holding hands.
  15. Hi Stig, Welcome to the YOC, if that's your first ever bike then unless you do some training first your going to DIE !!! Please tell us that you have ridden before and that this is not really your first ever bike? It's a 750 rocket and you need skill and knowledge to handle something like this.
  16. Hi Mike, Welcome to the YOC, you might be better adding a question in the workshop section as this is only for intros usually and some folks might not see your post. I'm sure someone will have an idea about your problem, they just love 2 strokes on here, hope you get it sorted.
  17. With a broken middle finger you couldn't even give him the one finger wave mate , sorry to hear about your spill still at least you will get it repaired if he was insured.
  18. Welcome to the YOC Sean, glad you could join us, both nice bikes, we don't really mind what you ride as long as it's got 2 wheels and makes you smile.
  19. Not to worry mate we have waited this long another 6 months won't make any difference !!!
  20. slice

    Nice ride, slowly

    Yep Foamy your right on your 50 it will be 47MPH
  21. Hi Airhead, It was a camera sold by a company called "SPORT CAM" but it broke after about 11 months and I sent it back for repair and have heard nothing since, they are a bunch of crooks who took my £300 and then just ignored my letters and emails and even the court summons that I got against them so if you thinking of buying a camera avoid these dogs like the plague, I have now bought a new one that was £100 and is waterproof and comes with all the bells and whistles which is a TCL SVC200 from a company called "JOO VUU" who are really good on price and dispatch plus they actually answer their emails and phone. Shame as the original one was a belter but the after sales & support was criminal. PS thanks Lassy much obliged for that mate. Watch this review if your interested.
  22. Thank you both, quite pleased with myself, as an old fart I don't do this sort of thing!! How did you get that onto here Lassy?
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