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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Gaerc (urp!) Welcome to the YOC mate, glad you could join us.
  2. Hi Shad, Welcome to the YOC, oh my your gunna fit right in here, 2 strokes are some of these guys wet dreams!! And a proper intro, well done mate.
  3. Well that's the picture sorted, Noise sitting on a fence, what about the writing? Could we start with "WHERE'S MY F**KING T-SHIRT" perhaps?
  4. Anything that makes you a better driver/rider is a good idea, a mate and I were going to do the local Police rider course last year but he had his bike nicked so we didn't go, but this year I plan on doing it just for the fun of it, most folks who are on it are there cos they got caught doing something stupid and it was this or a fine, I would like to do it before that happens.
  5. Thanks mate it's always nice to get to know new folks. Ride safe.
  6. Nice to know Drewpy, well spotted mate.
  7. Hi Ping and welcome to the YOC, nice bike the R1 few folks on here have one so you should fit right in.
  8. Hi and welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section rather than a "how do I fix my bike" question, it's ok your not the first, but you will get more feedback if you put your question in the WORKSHOP section rather than here. So if you would be so kind as to redo your intro (say something about yourself) and then repost your question you might get a few more answers. We do get a LOT of one hit wonders who want advice then, without a thank you, bugger off never to be heard from again, not saying that's you just it makes folks wary about helping out if your just here for info and not to join in the forum, hope someone on here can help you out and good luck getting your bike sorted.
  9. Hi Tommy, Yeah just got it MOTd and so Sunday it's on the net and sold as fast as I can get rid of it, not that I don't think it's pretty and all that but it's been a right PITA from the start. Just hope someone small want's it cos if your over 5ft 9 you can't ride it without curling into a ball as it's tiny.
  10. Ok folks I have finally finished this bloody monstrosity who knew what a right pain in the arse it would be. Suzukis are right bastards to work on is all I can say, even tho I got it cheap it has turned out to be an expensive lesson in how to do up an old bike. Made a youtube vid for when it goes up for sale next week but I expect to make a loss on the whole thing, not that it really matters as I only wanted it to have a project, but if I see another one then it can quietly rot away as far as I am concerned. Anyway here she is in all her glory. http://youtu.be/Zu1M6EibcsM
  11. slice

    Nailed It!

    Congrats on your new job Bippo, leaving the countryside and moving to the city will be a wrench though, never mind dear the future holds lot's of surprises let's just hope they are all good ones.
  12. And the next day you will get a nasty T-shirt from them.
  13. Hi freemp welcome to the YOC
  14. Mc I did mean that you took the dishes "OUT" before you used it !!!
  15. Well worst case scenario is a gearbox whine, that would be a gearbox strip down if that's the case so let's hope it's not that, if the wheel bearings are wobbly then that's where I would start just cos they need to be done if they are in any way loose, the final drive does also have bearings inside and they should be oil soaked as they sit in an oil bath most of the time so if you have oil then they should be ok but you don't know if the previous owner maintained the bike properly so it might bear checking out, your best bet if it's not the wheel bearing is to get your local bike mechanic to test the thing and see if he can come up with any ideas but if you have already tried him then look for someone else nearby. Most of these noises are usually fairly easy to locate if you have the right kit so just keep plugging away till you find the cause then fix it but don't buy anything till you know what the hell is making the noise. that's my advice anyway others nay have better ideas, hope some of that helps?
  16. Before you buy anything you need to make sure what it is that's making the noise I would think, just changing stuff till you fix it is going to be expensive. My bike is 32 years old and the shaft drive is SILENT and original, it must be a bearing if it's whining rather than something rubbing. As it only makes the noise when it's moving have you tried it on the centre stand to see if the noise is there when it just runs in gear but not under load? your best bet would be to see if you can borrow the local MOT stations rolling road and see if you can spot the defect with a long screw driver used like a stethoscope, just my thoughts on your problem. PS when if ever where the wheel bearings checked or changed?
  17. I know it sounds daft but if you bung it in the dishwasher at the highest setting it will blow more than the crap out, it has been known (when SWMBO) is at work, for various bits of my bike to get a thorough cleaning in the dishwasher and even the plastics come out like new, just a thought but be aware the "little woman" will have your ball's on a sharp stick if she catches you !!
  18. Would this fit? could come under the "MOD" section your thinking about?
  19. Hi Nate, We are just a bunch of owners that like to chat about bikes, Yamahas and anything with 2 wheels really not an official site for Yamaha. Having said that if you put a bit more meat on the bone of your question one of the guys or girls on here might be able to point you in the right direction. Hope that helps. PS see below thought someone would know how to.
  20. Jimmy I can say from experience that the thought of a "DESK" job is worse than the actual job, believe it or not I really enjoyed what I did both on and off the road but there comes a time when younger folks start looking like your kids and then it's time to use your experience to teach them how it should be done, we are the old farts they think, but what they forget is we used to be the young guns full of piss and vinager but time to tell others how your job should be done is never wasted even if your bolted to a desk. Again good luck at the interview and make the right choice for you.
  21. Jimmy, I can tell you from experience that leaving the road and taking to a desk is not for the faint of heart but and there is always a but you will regret not trying out a new job, I was promoted to the equivalent of your inspector and found that being in charge of the troops was much better than being one of the troops, and when i retired I had the extra bonus of the indexed linked pension at the higher rate than if I had stuck to the road, it may not seem important now but when it's your only income it really does make a difference. I wish you luck with the interview and hope your choice is the best one for you. Good luck mate.
  22. It's been known for some time that most of the world calls the UK "treasure island" cos they can charge more for the same shit, the only way to get the price down is for everyone to refuse to pay the asking price and demand that they sell it here at the same price as anywhere else, can you really see that happening? Me neither.
  23. Linc you would do better to put this in the WORKSHOP area as most folks will not see it here.
  24. Hi Chappy, Welcome to the YOC, short and to the point I see!
  25. Hi Habbie, Welcome to the YOC.
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