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Everything posted by slice

  1. You "MIGHT" get away with a 750 set of barrels but 900s are a step to far I think as the stroke will not be enough to work correctly, although the engines look the same externally I think you will find that the crank range (up & down) will be the major problem, you had best check what the throw on the crank is before you start anything.
  2. Bad luck mate at least you know who to blame !! Anyone who says they haven't done something similar is a damned liar.
  3. Have they been clear coated over? Some do this to keep the fuel from damaging them, try rubbing them down with a bit of wet & dry then try the heat gun again. My best guess anyway.
  4. As above mate, just line up the TDC mark on the rotor then the 2 marks on the cams, inlet and exhaust and bob's your uncle.
  5. Where's the DIPSTICK ? Riding the bike !!! :biglaugha:
  6. The simple answer is "NO" cos it gets hot and all you will do is make a sticky mess, why not try an old tin cut to shape and jammed in the gap till you can replace it, won't look pretty but might just get you through a week. PS worst case scenario is that if you use rubber tube it will catch fire and burn your bike to the ground ok if you have TPF & T but the insurance company will be snotty about a claim.
  7. If I were you I would check the earth connectors and the light switch itself might just be a simple broken wire or bad earth. The other thing you can do is clean the contacts at the fuses just to make sure they are clean and not shorting out when they come under load. That's what I would check first anyway. PS if it all works when it's locked then look at the ignition switch connectors as well they might be buggered.
  8. Ok who wants one of these then ? It might make your bike sound better
  9. Hi, It's polite to say hello first before you ask a "how do I fix my bike " question !! Now I know you didn't know this and your not the first to do it so if you would be so kind as to do an "INTRO" in new members section just to say Hi and let us know your not a one hit wonder that would be appreciated. So finally Welcome to the YOC and hope you stick around as the more folks on here make it a much better place to be.
  10. Ok so what your saying is that if you move the wiring/bulb around the light either comes on or flickers correct? If that's the case then it has to be the bulb holder or the contact to the bulb that is the root of your problem, if it flickers or goes out further up the cable then I would think it's probably a faulty wire or connector, try putting a multimeter on the wire end and then on the furthest connector away from the bulb and see if the connection can be broken, that would point to a broken wire internally, my best guess anyway.
  11. Ok First things first your plug is fine, about the right colour and not burnt or running to lean, second the "POOL" of oil is not really a pool so much as about normal so forget it, third and most important of all It's polite to say hello first before you ask a "how do I fix my bike " question !! Now I know you didn't know this and your not the first to do it so if you would be so kind as to do an "INTRO" in new members section just to say Hi and let us know your not a one hit wonder that would be appreciated, one other thing this type of question should go into the "workshop" section not the General / Bar section as otherwise it gets difficult to follow who is talking about what and where. So finally Welcome to the YOC and hope you stick around as the more folks on here make it a much better place to be.
  12. Hi Ryan, Welcome to the YOC.
  13. I see you have LED's on the front but do you have LED's on the back? That might be why your having this problem, I seem to remember from somewhere that LED's need different current/amp rating to standard light bulbs, not to sure about this but it might point to a solution to your difficulty. My best guess anyway. PS just reread your post so you do have LED'S. DOH!!
  14. Waxoil is good stuff but I thought it was only for the inside of things like doors and panels on cars, my mate has used PLASTIDIP on his car wheels on the inside to keep the worst of the crud off and it's been on there for about 2 years now and still going strong, it does not completely cure off and so when it gets damaged it seals itself over, just a thought, you can find it on Google and it comes as a spray or tin I think and you can buy just a small tin or great tubs of it. Not cheap tho but if it keeps your bike rust and dirt free worth it in the end I suppose. our recommended Primers, which are available in Clear and Grey. Available Colours Black Blue Brown Clear Green Orange Red White Yellow Custom
  15. As above Tim welcome back, all you have to do is ask one of your mates to just slow down enough for you to keep up and then follow the leader, when he goes to fast let him go and catch up on the straight bit's DON'T try to be something your not, only experience can teach you how to ride and good advice from those who know, my local police force does a weekend training course for most months of the year and it's only a few quid to get on the course, give your local force a call and see what they do in your area, a lot of the guy's on the course are there because they got caught speeding and it was that or a fine but some are there cos they want to survive. Ride safe mate.
  16. Why would you "shit on paper"? Don't you have a bog?
  17. That seems fair Tommy as she has been carrying him for all these years !!!!!
  18. What goes through your head? Let me see, bits of glass - metal - the odd camera and anything else not tied down I should think!!!
  19. All done Noise, wish her luck from all of us.
  20. I'll do a tenner as well Noise, just let me know where to send it (not to your favourite pub!!) I can do Paypal if that helps.
  21. slice

    Summer is here

    At least they are interested in being here lads, could be worse you know just a bunch of old farts moaning about today's YOOF and how it was in my day Ha Ha Ha , no really if at least one in a hundred finds this site useful then that's a job well done. Plus some do stick around and make the site interesting and fun.
  22. Yep that's a project alright. Nice to see someone who has time and patience to get these old smokers up and running. Welcome to the YOC mate you will be knee deep in advice on here some of the folks here will be only to glad to help out.
  23. As above take it back, but just one thing is it actually oil? Stick your finger in it and see if it might be petrol that way at least you know what fluid is falling out of it. Not sure if your bike is injection or a carb model but if it's a carb then you might have a sticky float which is allowing a dribble of fuel out when it's standing.
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