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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    miss me?

    You do realise Noise that is going to cost the same as a new bike? Just joking mate if it gets you through then more power to you.
  2. DT, Just as an aside, just got a quote for the FJ which was £66.75 from Gocompare which is pretty good I think, fully comp and leathers, well jacket and lid anyway, so will be on the road soon !!!
  3. DIng dinga ding yep that's a 2 stroke alright !!! Sounds great mate you must be well chuffed. Try running a bolt up the thread on the dip stick, that way you can see if it's running true or not. Liked the vid but PLEASE !!! next time turn the volume down almost shat myself and the cat is refusing to come down off of the curtains.
  4. Ok thank you for that I shall stick to the old way of doing things. Which arm or leg would you like me to leave as a deposit?
  5. My XJ 82 has a gauge so at least the last 32 years they have been putting them on bikes plus I seem to remember that one of the old Brit bikes had a plastic tube attached to 2 nipples on the side at the front of the tank so you could see what fuel you had left, bit daft really as they fell off or go cut and the fuel drained out. Might have been the BSA Bantam but could be wrong and that was in the 1950s.
  6. I am GETTING OLD !!! I have no idea what your talking about. Someone will no doubt help you out but I will confess that the old Suzuki I just did up had a nifty idea on the brake lever that you could adjust the pressure via a dial on the lever. Is that the sort of thing you were thinking of ? Or do I have to go and look up "RFX - NSV"? You just wait one day someone on here will ask a question and your brain will say "That's in KLINGON"
  7. If you do take the baffles out then your going to have to retime or rejet it as it will burn the tops of the pistons off, at least that's what used to happen, my old Honda sounded great for about 3 months then let go out in the sticks and my Dad said "you broke it you fix it" FFS, was a long push home and the baffles went straight back in when I had it fixed.
  8. slice

    New baby

    That is a beautiful machine Sacha really must be pleased with your new baby, just gotta pay for it now!!! DT I had no idea what it was either just looked damned good tho. If you have to buy another one buy a Triumph now they are just as reliable as the Honda's and such. Plus Jimmy and Bippo will be pleased to have another big "T" on the site. PS to be fair to DT I had to go back and look a 2nd time and STAR is the same colour as the surround and BOLT is in fact LT at the end.
  9. slice


    Would that be a "PORKIE" then? or a "YOODLE" perhaps? Sorry just could not resist, I shall go away and hang my head in shame !!!
  10. Sorry to jump in with a question but just so I know, What is a classic policy and how is it different to a normal policy? Heard about mileage limitations but nothing else. It's just that at the moment I have the 82 XJ and the 90FJ and as I only do about 2/3K a year wondered if it might be easier than faffing around with one policy for the each bike. Again sorry I could look it up but seems you get more info from people who have done it rather than trawl through about 400 pages of waffle!
  11. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, hope you enjoy the site and any advice you want just ask, someone will be along to help out. Ride safe.
  12. W T F is a unicorn zone, I'm to bloody old for this stuff, going for my afternoon nap !!!
  13. I think he means the torsion bar from the rear wheel/brake to the frame, not sure till he comes back!!
  14. You will notice that not one of the girl's on here has made a comment !! Suppose that says it all really.
  15. That's the way mate. save a quid when you can as long as it's not the stop and go bit's everything else is just down to taste and how deep your pockets are.
  16. Yeah that hose is wrong and unless you sort it it's going to let go at some point, is it just to short or the wrong shape? try a hot air gun on the bugger if it's just a tight fit. Looking pretty nifty tho, was one of your better buys I think. PS if the hose has to have a kink at the end to fit properly then look at a car rad hose, these are usually longer and stronger, and you can cut one down to fit, as I'm a cheap bastard I like to improvise where I can and paying £50 for a genuine hose as opposed to £5 for a car one makes more sense as far as I'm concerned. Others have the right to disagree (INCOMING!)
  17. slice


    He might look cute but he's thinking just turn round so I can piss on your leg for getting me wet !!!!
  18. On my XJ Andrew there are 18 balls in the top and bottom race, as the DTs say it's about not losing them when you loosen the nut off, just go slow and it's a doddle to do just time consuming what with taking all the controls off and the forks out it's just a bit of a faff to get to but really rewarding when you get it all back together and it feels light and the handling suddenly becomes like it's on rails. Look in your manual for the correct procedure and you won't go far wrong.
  19. Just done the ones on the FJ Andrew and they were as dry as a bone probably 10 years since they were last off if not longer FFS!, it might be that the bearings are ball rather than rollers that would give you some movement, my XJ is ball bearings and can get notchy when not tightened just right. It's the cheapest thing to repack them if they run quiet when you have them apart, as DT says do the cheap things first and look for the obvious. Hope that helps a bit?
  20. Dreams are something to aim for not to achieve, as soon as you pass your test find another bike and ride that then do it again and again and again finally you will realise that when your on the bike your the only one that can't see it!! By all means do some of the things you were going to do to this little bike but spread it out over many bikes and eventually you will realise that they are all just fun. Can't wait till you pass the test so we can all shout "TOLD YOU SO"
  21. Hi and Welcome to the YOC Your question should be in the WORKSHOP section not the welcome area, don't worry most do it !! So if you would be kind enough to go over there and ask it again that would be a great help, thanks.
  22. HI Mikey, DT is right about that caliper, don't even think about fixing it, just chuck it and go for a replacement as he suggests cos you will be chewing gravel or the back of someone's car if you ride with that thing. PS just asking here but in your 2nd photo, close up, is that another crack/fracture just to the right of the rusty philip's screw? Someone has really done a number on the thing if it is, must have fitted it with a sledge and a cold chisel !!
  23. Hi Daren and welcome to the YOC , it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section before you do a "how do I fix my bike" question, it's just that we get a lot of one hit wonders on here and if you intro yourself then folks are more inclined to help you out, so if you would be so kind as to pop over to the new members section and say a bit about yourself it will grease the wheels as it were. Glad you could join us and hope you get to stick around. PS quite a few of the members on here are from your neck of the woods so you should get lot's of help and advice.
  24. Oh my that is beautiful mate, whatever you paid it was worth it. Let's hope it runs as well as it looks.
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