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Everything posted by slice

  1. Well the time has come to sell the XJ, had it for nearly 4 years now and will be sad to see it go but has anyone any idea about what it might be worth? Just asking cos as some of you know I rebuilt it about 4 years ago and it has all been done, looked on EBAY and even looked at Google but they are becoming pretty rare now and this one is fully finished and even has tax and test on it. Plus I have a s++t load of spares that can go with it, anyone have a useful idea about the best price? Going on EBAY this weekend and was thinking of a starter of about £800 and see if I can do a deal. I have spend well over a grand on this old bike in the last few years but realise that you never get back what you put in. If you want a look then it's in my vehicles section, not trying to sell it HERE !!!
  2. Was thinking "That's a long way to go, Romania !" when I clocked the Leeds in your location.
  3. No prob mate just pointing out this netiqet thing Glad you sorted it.
  4. When some of us were 11 Harleys were new!! (not me tho)
  5. slice

    MOT fail ?

    As above, you can't have bare metal pegs I'm afraid on a road bike.
  6. Well sorry to say "I'M OUT", just been to the quack and I'm up for an Op on my back so can't make it, I had Cancer a few years ago and it damaged my back (non Hodgkins lymphoma) so I hope you all have a great time. Bit of a bugger really as I will be bed bound for 6 weeks once it goes ahead and that's my summer riding over !! Take some photos if you would and let me know how it goes.
  7. Been there done that waiting for the OH BUGGER !!!
  8. Pretty subjective really, it's worth what your willing to pay for it, if you want to make money on it then you have to cost out the time and money you need to spend against it's eventual value, or if you just want a project and keep it then the end value is irrelevant. Your best bet is to look on EBAY or Craigslist and see what similar bikes are going for, offer 10% or 15% under that and see what he has to say. Bear in mind that a non runner has no real value as a bike only as a group of parts that MIGHT run in the end. Someone will be along to tell you what it might be worth but really without a picture to see the state of it it's pretty near impossible to give even a vague estimate.
  9. And now you know why most 17 year old's buy a car and scream round the streets. It cost about 20% of the bike test and can be passed on your 17th birthday if your lucky. Although there have been roumours that a similar test regime might be in the future but don't hold your breath as the car lobby is much bigger and more powerful than the bike lobby such as it is.
  10. Yeah people do neglect the fuel cap for some reason, it only gets used when they fill up and then forgotten. Old bikes should have the thing stripped and checked "just in case", yours is a prime example of what to expect after 20 years of never looking.
  11. Airhead I'm in if I make it, the FJ should be ready by then and it will need a good run to settle everything down, 400 miles should just about do it, so book me a place if you would, staying at a hotel nearby tho so if you want I will PM you my mobile number?
  12. DT your a STAR !! just got it all sorted and the PUFF PUFF sound has vanished and it runs a treat, thank you all for your help and advice.
  13. You know what DT I completely forgot the bloody carb balance , DOH!! I mean FFS what was I thinking (not) going to go and do it now and see if that fixes it, thanks mate. This getting old stuff is starting to get serious.
  14. Thanks Tomy, I have looked at all the exhaust and apart from a tiny blow on the cross tube, which I fixed, there is no leaking anywhere, I fitted new everything in the way of seals and it just bugs me that it has this chuff chuff noise all the time. I am going to have the bugger apart again just to put my mind at rest as if I blow it up just cos I was to lazy to check I will be kicking myself for the next 6 months.
  15. Thanks, yeah I think it's a rocker cover off job, oh well I shall get it right this time.
  16. No Tasky I have the throttle cables off now and it's still doing it, the only thing I can seem to remember is that someone suggested, was that if the valves were to tight then you get a puffing chuffing from the bike but can't for the life of me remember if that is true or if I imagined it! Anyone else have a theory ? Cos this is doing my nut in. PS the pipes are both ok and no leaks same from the system at all.
  17. Ok fellas if you would be so kind. just got the monster up and running nothing to serious happening other than the odd rattle and stuff that will settle down once it's all bedded in, but something is annoying me tho and want to ask if it is a problem or can I ignore it? What it is , there is a puffing type chuffing noise from the left hand exhaust, it's not there all the time but more often than not. I checked all the valve clearances when I rebuilt it but it's possible I might have misread one, the plugs are ok and have a whopping great spark and the battery is ok, fuel is new and I have rebuilt the carbs so don't think it's them but just stumped as to what it could be. Found that the throttle cables are really tight and it is reluctant to shut completely off, I have them off at the moment and will be rebalancing the carbs this PM, but this bloody chuffing noise rings a bell in my head about something to do with this sort of problem but can't for the life of me remember what it is that makes it do this , hoping one of you might have a better memory. Thanks all.
  18. As above really, all those who answered your question say that the Harley is a good bike and they say that the Yam is also a good bike so your only real question should be, do I spend twice as much on a bike or half as much on another bike? If you can afford the FB then fine but if you want a bike that is less trouble to maintain and cheaper to run then it's the Yam all day. But as above there are cheaper 2nd user machines out there with full Harley service history for half the price of a new one! Good luck figuring this lot out.
  19. Workshop questions should be in the "WORKSHOP" ? Intros in the NEW MEMBERS SECTION (hint).
  20. No surprise there Tommy !! Go on admit you enjoyed it and the nice man will bring you a sweetie !!!
  21. Welcome to the YOC Ben, hope you get it sorted ok.
  22. Ok is it just me but "HOW MANY FINGER DO YOU HAVE?" I mean you would need at least 6 to operate 2 levers FFS !! and when did someone think it was a good idea to fit the rear brake on the handle bars? 5 more years and I will have to ask how to ride a bike as all the levers and shit will be in the wrong place. Yes I'm getting old and starting to sound like my Dad!!!
  23. Ok Foamy you need to follow me into this nice soft room, someone will be along shortly to give you a nice shiny pill !!!
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