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Everything posted by slice

  1. WHAT!!! No thanks keep those pictures to yourself thank you.
  2. Thank you, another descent intro, some could learn from you mate, Welcome to the YOC the more the merrier, dive in and enjoy your self, all sorts on here and you will find they are mostly Brits but we have quite a few from the USA Canada Australia, feel free to take the piss, help out or just laugh till you cry at some of the things that go on.
  3. If it continues then as above, you have no choice other than to strip it and break them apart, had a Suzuki a little while ago that was solid had to actually get a screw driver and hit it with a hammer to get them apart, no the springs will be ok if you tension them for a few days if they aren't then they were fucked anyway. You just need to keep using it cos if your half hearted about it then they will never fully come apart.
  4. Yeah seen this before, new riders should get one of these free with every bike they buy.
  5. slice

    RIP Oldtimer

    Never met the man but you all hold him dear, nuf said.
  6. Big hammer, whack it till it gives in or something falls off you gotta love some folks for their dedication and sheer fucking stupidity !!! Give him what he wants and stand back making cooing noises like you really think it's great then run the fuck away.
  7. A belated Welcome to the YOC then ceebee.
  8. Haynes usually have it in their "frame and bodywork" section, should be there, sometimes mixed in with where the plastics go and other stuff not related, almost an afterthought.
  9. You already have the problem solved "the clutch plates are sticking" happens when a bike is stood for a long time, try pulling the clutch lever in and wiring it back to the bars overnight, that usually frees the buggers up, if not then you have to take it apart and break the plates apart cos they can almost weld themselves together if left for a really long time, or just keep using it till they free up, a good long run can normally sort them out.
  10. Check your cable for "tightness" ie is it free moving when disconnected at both ends, sometimes the cable can wear through the lining and snag on the metal outer causing drag at the lever, just a thought cos it does sound like you clutch is not disengaging properly to cause that much wear in so short a time. Just a thought.
  11. slice

    2015 R1 oil leak

    It helps if you say HELLO in the new members section, folks are wary of one hit wonders. And it's just polite to say hello BEFORE you ask advice from strangers don't you think? As to your question, have you changed the copper washer on the drain bolt when you last serviced it or did you just bung the old one back on? If it's the actual side cases of the engine leaking then you have to replace the gaskets as if they are leaking then they are fucked and need to be replaced, a photo really helps with something like this as it's near impossible to "guess" where you mean the leak is coming from. Anyway Welcome to the YOC and hope you stick around as new folks are always welcome to join in
  12. Hi Leigh, Welcome to the YOC.
  13. Hi welcome to the YOC, ask your question again in the WORKSHOP section, you will get more replies there.
  14. Thinking about what you said Grouch and was wondering if it's because your buying cheap chains? They do stretch a bit but should last a year or two without dangling down on the road. D.I.D chains are £60+ quid a set but cheap ones are only about £30+, try an expensive one and see if it gives you more life, sometimes you pay twice as much but get 3 or 4 times the life out of a chain.
  15. New members section, SAY HELLO ! THEN ask your question, one hit wonders are usually ignored. Just sayin.
  16. Hi and welcome to the YOC, it usually helps if you SAY HELLO first before you start asking for help, if you would be kind enough to pop over to the new members section and say hello you might get more help. Imagine your in a bar, would you just ask strangers questions or would you introduce yourself first? Someone on here has already done this so they will help out if they can.
  17. Any biker is welcome, if you have to own anything other than a Yam then I suppose a Triumph is almost as good Jimmy and Bippo will be pleased.
  18. I really enjoyed that mate looked like you were having fun.
  19. Hi Rob, Say hello in new members section, that way you will get more feedback, one hit wonders are a problem on here, ask for help, get help, piss off never to be heard from again. If you don't say hello why should they talk to you?
  20. Has to be the cap Mc, if it hisses like a snake then your going to have to strip it back and see if the hole is blocked, other wise just drill it a bit bigger. Also check that the sealing rubber is not positioned wrong, some need to be in exactly the right place to work correctly, should be a ridge around the out side that has a break in it to let the air in.
  21. Now that's an office view to envy Jimmy.
  22. No only half a bike so not really that ARTY! There's no girl either so pretty poor if you ask me.
  23. slice

    OH bugger !

    Well thank you all for your insights, I had best get a new tyre then as it's Z rated, I will use the repair kit to make it safe then it's down to the tyre shop and open my wallet.
  24. slice

    OH bugger !

    Got a bloody great screw in my back tyre , goes right through the tread not the side wall. Have any of you used one of these tubeless tyre repair kits at all? I have one on order but not sure if they are a temporary fix only or a permanent fix, do any of you know which it is? Looked at the "Mushroom" type but the write ups are a bit on these are not to good so bought a push through string thingy, do these work on=k and again are they just a temp fix or do I have to fork out £150 plus for a new bloody tyre?
  25. You have got to love those things Drewpy, ain't no such thing as private any-more tho.
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