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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Grouch, Ok should be easy enough, if you look at the section front fork2 on the list you will see bolt number 37, I think this is your pinch bolt ie locks the spindle from turning, undo that ( take it right out) and the try to turn the spindle, you would be best to squirt some WD40 on the inside of the spindle where it goes through the opposite fork, that is the opposite side to the nut, that should be all you need to do mate. PS don't forget the bike will want to lean forward when you have the front wheel off so put a weight on the seat (as far back as you can) or chock the engine to stop it leaning forward.
  2. If they are deep then there's not much I can think of that will get them out, you could use a touchup pen that will mask it but of course it won't remove it, what ever you do your going to have to cut them back to a good paint surface, there's nothing out there that can make scratches disappear I'm afraid. Some polishes say they can colour match your paint and blend the scratch back to a close match but to be honest they are not that good and they need doing on a regular basis as it washes out over time. Someone else may know of a new product that works but to be honest the only way to get a deep scratch out is to cut it back and respray the area. If your bike has a lacquer coat then you could try taking that off and respraying the lacquer coat, tried that before, really difficult to get a match that don't show through tho. Sorry Katie best I can think of.
  3. I think you might have a problem doing that Foams, more the fitting of the turbo to the carbs than anything else, going to look a right Frankenstein and your going to have pipework under over and through to get it to fit, if your up for it anything can be done but it's not something you want to do with guess work, what turbo would you use as bigger is not always better when it comes to fitting the bloody thing on to a bike.
  4. Measurements will still be in metric even tho USA uses AF I think, things like fuel tap will be petcock and some other odd ball names but easy enough to work out, Clymer and Haynes are near enough the same as to make no difference. Buy one and you should be ok.
  5. NO!!! She'll grow up like you and that's not something we should do to anyone Foams !!
  6. slice

    XJ6 Coolant Change

    Usually if they haven't been wound on by a gorilla they are perfectly ok with being use once or twice, if it's split or bent then you have no choice but change it but to be honest it's usually a copper mix type washer and they are fairly common on all vehicles, try your local car factor or bike shop, they will probably have one in a drawer or tool kit that will fit. Most nuts and bolts don't have a part number as such they usually have a measurement like M6 M8 or something similar, try measuring it, across the width of the washer and just get one that has the same diameter and thickness and that should do you right. Obviously the hole in the centre has to be as near as you can but even there you can get away with slightly tighter or looser.
  7. Ah I see what your saying about the arm but you have to remember they drive on the wrong side of the road so he's the passenger
  8. Hi Karina well done you, a proper intro, just ask your questions and folks will help if they can. Good luck with your project.
  9. I seem to have a thing for Suzukis at the moment, went to my local bike shop to get a puncture repaired and guess what bought 2 TS models that have been sat in a garage for some years. Not in the best of condition but I have most of the parts and they are 2 strokes, which I wanted to play with so look at the pictures and weep, what was I thinking? One on top is a TS150 and the one on the bottom is parts of a TS100 got a box of parts that belong to it. Not sure what I will do with them at the moment but shall take the engines out and have a poke round to see if I can get them running, should keep me busy through the winter. SWMBO was not thrilled that I again go out with one bike and come back with 3, I think I can hear thunder off in the distance !!!
  10. Sorry as above meant replace it not buy new!
  11. Hi John, Welcome to the YOC, we're all afraid of your Mum if we call you Yarzie she'll come after us
  12. To late, bugger I'm fresh out of MIND BLEACH could try this I suppose?
  13. He's found his own sock then?
  14. Hi, Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to say hello in the new members section, just a bit about yourself and it gets you into peoples heads as some one who will stick around. Glad your interested in bikes, we have quite a few ladies who join in on a regular basis and they will be pleased to see another girl onboard. Don't use foam rubber or anything else as an air filter use the proper filter it might cost more but your bike will love you for it, just bunging stuff in and hoping it works rarely does, if you have a local bike shop near you then pop in and ask who they send their seats to for refitting or rebuilding, they usually are only to pleased to help out as you might come back with more custom if they are polite. As for the other parts you need well quite a lot of the folks on here are Brits and we have quite a few from Canada some are from the USofA so if you wait around long enough one of them might be able to point you in the direction of a good parts supplier. Hope some of that helps and glad you thought to join in.
  15. Easy with the engine out (groan) or a bit more fiddly with the lump in the frame, but that aside not rocket science as you say just read the manual first then have at it.
  16. Welcome back, just one thing for me to say really "bin it" buy a new one, that way your back on the road and don't have to wait around for months while it gets fixed then spend months going back and forth trying to get the bastard thing to run properly, cos with the best will in the world if the engine does seem ok but then gets a fault is it the accident or just wear and tear, don't even think about repairing it. Just sayin.
  17. Watch this, Capt was minding his own business and then !!!https://youtu.be/o2Q5ldUE-u8
  18. slice

    OH bugger !

    Your right Mike, was just interested in the temp get you home type of plug that is used by some people, got it fixed now, local shop did a inside out plug repair so no worries.
  19. Congratulations Meat, just beautiful, the baby of course not you you ugly bugger.
  20. Welcome to the YOC Rob.
  21. Best advice, phone the maker/manufacturer of your pipes and ASK them if you can remove the baffles and what other mods you need to do if you do take them out, most exhausts are designed to be used "as is" and if you mess with them you might have to re-jet your bike to compensate for the loss of back pressure, if you just go ahead and do it anyway you could burn the pistons and valves by running to rich or to lean. So don't just drill it out cos you can, research it before you tackle it. try here http://www.ixilsilencers.co.uk/ It's a good idea as well to do an INTRO in new members section, most folks will not take any notice of one hit wonders, hope you stick around and Welcome to the YOC.
  22. If you want to go faster but don't want to ruin the reliability then buy another bike, no matter how you cut it if you fuck with you bike and make it more sporty then the reliability goes down as the speed picks up, basic sense really the more you take off or fiddle with the more delicate the bike becomes, you can have it bored a big bore kit fitted new jets in the carb nice shiny exhaust, all of which by the way cost a frigging fortune and you MIGHT get another 10 or 12 MPH out of it but any more and it becomes a bomb between you legs, they make these bikes for learners not racers, don't listen to folk who say you can get 100+MPH out of them cos you can't, at least not for more than 5 minutes and then it's back in the garage to rebuild it. Pass your test and go bigger it's the only sensible way. By the way your bike is supposed to already go to 88+MPH (140KPH) how much faster do you want to go on a friggin 125?
  23. Dave this post is almost 6 years old mate you'll have more luck if you ask in the Workshop section by starting a new post, right after you say hello in the new member section (hint)
  24. Welcome to the YOC, you'll know Captf he's on the Telly !!!
  25. Glad you back Sacha, where you been?
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