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Everything posted by slice

  1. Ah you see your talking with your "CAR" hat on, with bikes it's a bit like HOW MUCH? Guy on here a few weeks ago wanted a single mono shock for his FJR, are you sitting down? the price was £5000+ to supply and fitting was extra FFS !!!! Radiator on my FJR is £600+ front headlight £1600 that's if you buy OE parts, so tell your friendly Yam supplier that your quite willing to service it yourself and let the next owner decide if they want the bike or not. As for warranty it only covers stuff that really should not break in the first year anyway.
  2. slice

    May need help

    Well if nothing else you have your Christmas presents sorted out mate! Should sell easy Foams nice looking cars.
  3. Far as I know Jimmy, if you keep the bills to prove they are genuine OE parts there should be no problems, plus you can sign the book to say it's been done. mate of mine had a stamp made up to stamp the book said something like " service done properly by owner"
  4. slice

    May need help

    The cars you showed me were really smart Foamy, have you got any more yet?
  5. Harry, engineering is the same on bikes and cars, you can stamp your own book if you have to, the book is only there to tell the next owner that the servicing was done on time, as you work on vehicles anyway your more then aware what needs doing and to be honest when I service my bike I do it right cos I'm the one riding it. Keep all of your bills for parts and such cos they count for a lot as well to the next owner, a full service history is great but not when the people who do it are right toss pots.
  6. First thing I would want to know is WHY did water get inside the friggin dash when it's on a MOTORBIKE FFS ? So if it rains, then you have to have a bag over it do you? Guy who you spoke to must have a B+PHD that's BULLSHIT PILED HIGHER AND DEEPER.
  7. Yeah it's the simple things that get you every time !!!
  8. Spark plug torque, I've never bothered with it, as you say pinch it up and usually 1/4 turn to seat it properly, you know if you get it wrong cos the dent in the bottom of the tank will show you , fuel injectors are really common now so if your looking for what to do then youtube is your friend here, all injectors are more or less the same car or bike just bigger or smaller. If you have a fuel filter on your bike check it to see if it's got loads of crud in it, if so then some might have got through to your injector point, clean it out or replace it and that should be about it, then if you can remove the injectors check them for how clean they are and that they aren't obviously blocked. Your manual should have all the info you need to take off and replace the injectors. I've heard nothing but good thing's regarding the YBR on here, seems to be a pretty good all round bike that isn't to hard to fix and fettle. This might help? https://youtu.be/rLuAVhVp44Y bad sound tho ! This is pretty useful to https://youtu.be/XjA8reEK61I Yamaha official video.
  9. Hi Danz, welcome to the YOC.
  10. slice

    XS1100 Misfire

    Just to throw it out there have you thought that it might be a fuel problem? rather than an electrical fault, I only ask as if it only misfires when your out on it it's difficult to tell the difference between a misfire and a fuel starvation problem. As I said just a thought.
  11. slice

    Colour of FS1E

    Not to sure what your question is? If it says it's "YELLOW" in the log book then there's your answer, is it another colour? Or perhaps you could explain a bit more what it is you want to know.
  12. Really nice sound Mc, I actually like the colour scheme tho seems the guy you got it from had some good ideas.
  13. slice

    first snow

    Seems Jimmy that Scotlandshire is about to have a bit of a pounding, you had better break out the Skiddoo mate. You might need a dog, one of those with the barrel round it's neck !
  14. slice

    May need help

    On the BOOZE Jimmy, you had best talk to Foamy about that, he's and expert on bidding while shitfaced!!
  15. Just bought a set for the FJR, much bigger bike I know but they have a really positive feel to them, my test if they need changing or not is to get a mate to use the brake while you check out the ends of the lines, if they bulge, even a little bit, then change them, some folks of course ride gently so spongy brakes are ok I suppose, but I have been known to stand the thing on it's nose when not paying enough attention.
  16. Borrowed from another site. Here’s one for you clever lads !!!!>>> The Movie Test>>>> This is pretty amazing. Mine turned out to be ‘ Raiders of the Lost Ark'.>> I was surprised how this worked. Be honest and don't look at the movie list till you have done the math !>> Try this test and find out what movie is your favourite. This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 18 films you would enjoy the most.>> Don 't ask me how, but it really works!>> Movie Test:>> Pick a number from 1 - 9.>> Multiply by 3.>> Add 3.>> Multiply by 3 again.>>> Now add the two digits together to find your predicted favourite movie in the list of 18 movies below.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Movie List:>> 1. Gone With The Wind> 2. E.T.> 3. Beverly Hills Cop> 4. Star Wars> 5. Forrest Gump> 6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly> 7. Jaws> 8. Grease> 9. The Joy of Anal Sex With A Sheep> 10. Casablanca> 11. Jurassic Park> 12. Shrek> 13. Pirates of the Caribbean> 14. Titanic> 15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark> 16. Home Alone> 17. Mrs Doubtfire> 18. Toy Story>> Isn’t that something....?>>> DON CHERRY, Canadian Hockey Commentator for CBC Television, was asked on a local live radio talk show, what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists. His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience. HIS STATEMENT:"If hooking up one rag head terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camel shagger will save just one Canadian or American life, then I have only three things to say: 'Red is positive, black is negative, and make sure his nuts are wet."
  17. Yeah that would be fine I'm sure, the difference between full and semi synthetic is small really except that semi has "real" oil in it and full doesn't but full is usually more expensive as well, the other thing is that semi can be as much as 50% or as little as 10% "real" oil so your never quite sure what your really getting, where as full you know it has what it says on the tin. To be honest as well I prefer to use fully synthetic as it usually (in most) circumstances lasts longer and does a better job.
  18. Sorry mate I can't help with what oil to use in your bike, there are some lad's on here that have the same bike as you why not PM them and ask what they use? But having said that the 2 oils you have mentioned seem to be good enough for your bike why the problem in deciding?
  19. Oh dear, did you get a receipt for the bike when you bought it? Cos if you did that may be the only way to prove your the owner, if you bought it off of the net, say EBAY for instance print out the sales details as well. You might have to go the long way round to get it registered if not. Does it have a registration plate? cos if it does you might be able to get a new document if you say it's been lost but the details on the bike must be exactly the same as those on the V5. This might be of some help https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-registration-certificate-v5c-log-book
  20. slice

    first snow

    Seen the weather forecast for your area Jimmy, do you all have webbed feet?
  21. Hi Andy, Welcome to the YOC.
  22. No mate just Foamy !!!
  23. Spot on Cynic nice description, this is why on (modern) engines you need the manual, you can't guess it cos it has to be right.
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