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Everything posted by slice

  1. As above the Triumph sprag clutch can be a concern, don't worry to much about it tho as long as it runs and drives ok you should be fine for a few weeks. And as for "the wife" flowers mate, lots of flowers, oh and cakes or anything with chocolate on it and you'll be fine. Ps this is what to listen out for when you try the bike out, if the sprag has failed or on the way out you get this noise.
  2. No prob mate glad I could help. Good luck with your "stroke"
  3. Hi Tom welcome to the YOC mate.
  4. Yep I think I can. http://www.brooksuspension.co.uk/yamaha-dt250-shock-absorber-rebuild-repair-service.html http://www.falconshockabsorbers.co.uk/repair001.htm http://www.twsuspensiontech.co.uk/suspension-restoration-refurbishment/ I'm not saying any of the above will be able to help, you just need to make loads of calls. So what you do now is call them and see if they can help. I did the same thing a couple of years ago and even if the guy I was talking to couldn't do it they always had someone else that they knew who might be able to help. Just a question of perseverance and blind bloody stubbornness really.
  5. Are you sure it doesn't say +/- 4 ? Usually with this sort of thing they give you a best level and let you adjust it to your weight and riding style, so if you go slow you have less to make it a soft ride and if you go fast you have more for a firm/hard ride. Not saying your wrong just that it seems to be unusual to see + (plus) without the - (minus). Just sayin!
  6. As above, I was told "you can't repair or refurb them" and then the next day I found a guy on the net who did just that. If you look hard enough there is always some bloke tucked away in a shed who will blow your mind with his skill and expertise.
  7. slice

    Ohhhh Shiney

    Ah "connecting rods NOT "Con rods" sorry mate just put it down to old age!
  8. slice

    Ohhhh Shiney

    S/S is best in my opinion, it gets dirty but really don't need a lot of cleaning whereas alloy even with a coat of lacquer needs care. Can't help with con rods and such, last place I used went out of business in 1979 (gulp!) Pride and Clarks in East London I seem to remember. I have an XJ 750 tank in the garage, been there for the last 4 or 5 years, dry stored and stripped, I figure if I haven't used it by now it's never gunna get used, if your interested let me know Jimmy.
  9. I did think it looked good too mate. Nasty stuff to get I your eye but cleans stainless in seconds.
  10. Get it insured on the frame number get it MOT'd THEN go to the DVLA and pay the fee and get a V5 . Unless you have a reg number it has to be done this way to prove they are not stolen. You might be a really nice bloke Bryan and this is just your way of dealing with stuff but usually folks say Hello in the new member section BEFORE they ask a total stranger to help out. Put yourself in our place mate, a stranger just walks up to you and says they want a favour they don't say "Hi" or shake your hand they don't introduce themselves at all just wade in with a request for help, what would you say to someone who did that to you? By the way why should someone with a HPI account they paid for give you free access to their account?
  11. Then get a £600 bag of bolts off of ebay, that will give you 10 weeks to get the other one up and running while still riding what ever you can find. Then sell it and get some of your money back. Got to be cheaper than using public transport and a LOT more fun.
  12. Hi Grandpa, welcome to the YOC. Glad you could join us, gives me hope that at 64 I have a few years left in me to rocket round the countryside.
  13. Cynic is right, don't go down the spare engine route unless there is a hole in the casing and the gearbox is fucked! An easy repair if you take your time and are logical when it comes to the stuff you need to do. Gasket set a gallon of paraffin for washing down and patience, plus a group of guys who will try to help out with your questions is all you really need mate.
  14. Just a quick note on cleaning the rusted downpipes on your bike. I haven't seen this before, some of you might have, but it seems to be a good trick to keep your exhaust clean and make it last longer and when you think how expensive they are to buy it makes sense to keep them for as long as possible. I don't think I have seen this on here before so it might be helpful to some of you. The state of this guys bike and the cracks in the frame say it all really FFS!
  15. Hi Ira, welcome to the YOC.
  16. slice


    NO WE DON'T!
  17. Does your bike have the Y.I.C.S system on it? If so your going to have to buy or make the yics tool to balance the carbs after you have cleaned them. From personal experience it's easier to make one than try to buy one as they are as expensive and rare as rocking horse shit, see here for how to make one http://xjbikes.com/forums/threads/home-made-yics-tool-diagrams.72713/ As above take LOADS of pictures as you take them apart and buy the manual as well if you haven't already. It will have an exploded diagram in there to help you re-assemble them. Also just as an aside do remember that the bike is METRIC not IMPERIAL nuts and bolt's. You might already have the right tools but it is a lot easier to take the bike apart with the right tools. Just sayin! Sorry just noted that the measurements are in metric not imperial on the YICS tool picture so your going to have to figure that bit out yourself!
  18. Nice one mate, got the FJR booked in for next week can't wait to get out there again.
  19. Hi Russ, well to be honest it seems that these clowns have reassembled the clutch wrong, if it was me I would take the cover off and strip the clutch down and reassemble it from the manual. For what it's worth I bet they have got the plates mixed up and it's causing heat and drag. Just a guess mind!
  20. Have to agree with Bippo on the evilbay thing, you get loads of views and after you have sifted out the wannabees and clinically insane you usually get a buyer.
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