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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    ebay bidding

    Ian, That will be fine once you treat it with some leather care, for one thing it won't fall off will it, got enough belts and buckles to satisfy the most hardened S&M merchant. Seriously tho most of this type of jacket will be made to last and it will keep you warm as well. A good buy if you don't mind my saying, you could have done a lot worse.
  2. slice

    tavelling abroad

    I went years ago with a couple of mates, we got drunk and it's kind of hard to remember much of it, I do remember falling off into a thorn bush and having the bikes exhaust burn my arse tho. Spent 2 weeks going round the sights and have never seen the like of their driving, all trying to get as close as possible and not knock you off, they thought it was hilarious!! Madrid was manic and out in the wilds it was really poor folks who had only the clothes they stood up in, I kid you not donkeys and really loud m/cycles are not a good combination. Don't tell the wife but the girls are really pretty and fun to be with!!!!!!!!
  3. slice

    ebay bidding

    As above NO you bid you buy, unless the seller is willing to say forget it. Sorry Ian just the way it is. Also a lot of people use "SNIPING" software to buy stuff, auto bids up to their max and you don't have to do anything just bid what you think it's worth and sit back and wait to see if you win.
  4. slice

    tavelling abroad

    If your going to Spain then it's going to be HOT normally it will be around the 25 to 30 degree mark and if your in leathers then your going to boil!! up in the mountains it can be cooler (hot day in the UK) but on the plains it gets roasting, oh DON'T forget the RAIN either, it can rain so hard that you have to stop till it passes, seen nothing like it before but believe me it hurts at a standstill let alone driving through it at 50 MPH. Other than that it is more fun than you will believe, mad Spaniards doing death defying stunts trying to see how close they can get to donkeys pulling carts in the villages, you will have a fun time and enjoy yourself no end, wish I was going with you. Have fun.
  5. looks great even if it is a bitsa, few days work and some TLC and you will have great little bike, for what you paid still a best bargain.
  6. slice

    First Project

    Got my Suzuki's on here, if it has 2 wheels sounds ok and makes you grin I'm all for it.
  7. Gizmo that's horrible!!! Ian, at 21 I knew it all and told the world so, now I'm 60+ and know I don't but trying to make up for lost time, I will be the smartest corpse in the cemetery.
  8. slice


    As the song says if your gonna be DUMB!!!!
  9. Well done DT, I know just how you felt about it, same happened with the Suzuki's I bought, except I bought them and THEN told the wife!! Just been out and bought 2 new sofas she wanted so you WILL be going shopping shortly!!! I like the Yellow to, will be a great looking little bike when you get it sorted, if it's got the original ignition barrel on it then you can probably start it with a bent nail and lots of swearing.
  10. WHAT!!! Pillion insurance, never heard of it? I know I'm old but this sounds like another way to make you pay more. If I drive my car (yes I know!!) and I have someone sitting next to me (wife) and we have an accident she's covered by my insurance, isn't she? Never heard of PASSENGER insurance have you!!! It's all part and parcel of the same thing surely, if you agree to get in (car) on (bike) then your covered by my insurance aren't you? Unless you are A, not licenced to carry passengers (bike) then you can't carry anyone until you pass the test and remove "L" plates. B. Carrying them for financial gain, different type of insurance altogether. C. Not wearing the correct type of gear (bike) crash hat and such, in which case your a dipshit and deserve all you get.
  11. Don't know if you have "GUNK" in Pakistan? but if you do that will clean your oily bit's !!! Any degreaser really will do the job as long as your careful not to get it in your eyes and you will stink afterwards. Just DON'T use petrol/gasoline works most of the time but has a habit of blowing up and setting fire to your workshop.
  12. There's always a silver lining if you look for it!!!!
  13. Christ Stu!! We got Tommy10bikes here but you beat him by a mile, well 26 anyway, I guess you spend A LOT of time in your shed?? Welcome Home mate, your always welcome here with that many yammies.
  14. Hi Huff assume you called someone in to have a look at it, nice to hear that you got it going. stay safe.
  15. Hi Fakhir, Glad your back and got some things done on your old bike. It seems you have most of it in hand now so well done and not long now till your riding it, liked the Videos by the way the photos were a bit confusing at first but got there in the end.
  16. Hi Again Zak, welcome to the YOC.
  17. No problem your not the first to forget, just a nudge in the right direction is all most folks need, hope you enjoy the site and find what your looking for.
  18. Hi Looney, welcome to the YOC, that is a PROPER intro!! Seems you will fit right in.
  19. Hi Zak, Just a quick reminder, you are supposed to do an "INTRO" before you launch into a question, it's just polite to say Hi to strangers before you ask them for help. Please go to NEW MEMBERS section and say just a few bits about yourself, read some of the other posts if you want to know how it works. Welcome to the YOC by the way and hope you stick around and aren't a ONE HIT WONDER!!
  20. slice

    Counter steering

    Bevo your going to fit right in here!! "best answer of the day" goes to?
  21. I like "wrecklessEric" myself sounds sort of cool and not cool all at the same time? Bit like a SUPERMAN called Dave!! 2sheds is ok to by the way but a bit like tommy10bikes, just tells you he has 10 bikes. Or just "IAN" seems like that's who you are and proud of it!! Stay away from "MUFFDIVER" someone has already made that mistake and now regrets it, cos the next time he try's to get an insurance quote he will have to us his online name to prove that he's a member, now that's a conversation I would like to hear
  22. I'm with you all, the place is not the same without him. We will have to play "WHERE'S GROUCH?" (Wally). Joking aside does anyone know where he is?
  23. slice

    Counter steering

    I started riding in 1968 and we used it then, my DAD rode in the early 1930 and he did it, it'd not new and if you don't do it you fall off, simple really.
  24. Hi Bevo, all sorts welcome here, not just moaning Brits. Loads of peeps from your little country and even some from the EU, that's not really a country but their all poor cos of the Euro so be nice to them!! Welcome to the YOC by the way, we are here if all else fails you can talk to us.
  25. slice

    Mug Shots

    Here's my bike anyway.
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