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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Luke, As above & welcome to the YOC.
  2. Wind it to 00000 and then leave it alone it will sort itself out from there!!!!!!!
  3. Take no notice Alex nothing wrong with Suzuki's except of course owners who put stripes on them
  4. Ok see here your coming from hope you find what your looking for
  5. Nayruf you do know that Steve has now fainted don't you!!!!!
  6. Why do you want to do this?!!!! Does it make it go faster? or is it just for "THE LOOK". My Suzuki's have different footrests and gear levers one set is bright polished aluminium and the others are standard ones the "bling" set are 3 times as heavy as the originals and do the same thing, plus the shiny ones are 4 times more expensive than buying originals, I do get the "make it look nice thing" but draw the line at buying stuff cos your bored. Just my thoughts on it you understand it's your bike and you can do what you like with it but be sure you get a benefit other than weighing I down with shiny junk!!!
  7. Yes you should!! Others will find it useful and it will help out lots of the guys/girls on here. Always a bit of a fiddle tho trying to build an engine and take photos makes it take twice as long. Should help you think things through tho.
  8. Gotta be a replacement motor it will cost more to repair it than replace. As Preload says opportunity to go up a size perhaps? Sorry to hear your baby is broke tho, still always a bright side if you look for it.
  9. Sniff that is one BUTT UGLY thing, what were they thinking and a car tyre on the rear!!!! ok in a straight line maybe but cornering NO WAY!! As drewpy says DEATH TRAP.
  10. I would use the thicker of the 2 papers myself and then tweek it down a tad tighter than normal (bearing in mind the thread on the head) I did hear that it's best to give the paper a light coating of engine oil to help seat them but never tried it myself, otherwise just your usual gasket seal "hermatite" or something similar.
  11. It's always the expensive bit and never the cheap bit that fu**s up isn't it!!!!!
  12. I think the gaskets are a standard size but not absolutely sure so best if you measure them and see what's out there, WEMOTO are very good for spares but a gasket set can be picked up for about £50/60 off of EBAY which will have them in it and then you will also have spares if you need them, I made my own a couple of years ago with gasket paper and a ball pein hammer so if you have the patience it can save you a few quid, also be VERY careful bolting them back on as when I did mine I stripped 2 off inside the head, bloody threads are really fine and a major pain to get the things tight had to drill and re-tap them other than that quite easy really, sounds like your starting to enjoy yourself!!!!!
  13. Another YANK, this will help to keep the others from over the pond from thinking that there are only Brits on here, Welcome to the YOC, as above start a thread in WORKSHOP Drewpy will sniff out your problem for you.
  14. Hi welcome to the YOC and congrats on the shortest INTRO ever!!!!! (just messing with you)
  15. Welcome home GROUCH, sent you a PM but still glad your back, had us all worried there for a bit, thought you had gone and bought a Harley just to spite us!!!!!!
  16. slice

    XVS1100 Import

    "WELCOME HOME GRAVE" So kind of you to bring the nice weather, stay safe.
  17. Poor build quality and bad handling according to some but cheap and lots of toys so why not? Spanish engineering at it's best and it has a yammie engine seems ok for the price but I would still buy a 2nd user jap bike as it's a known quantity.
  18. Hi VJ, I would see if you can take it back and sort it out, the only problem I can see is how do you prove that it had different tyres on it? and why would they change them? are the tyres you now have a cheaper version of the ones you originally had? If you happen to have the original receipt that has the tyre type on it then you have something to work with but otherwise your up the creek!! Do you happen to know a solicitor/lawyer that might be able to advise you on what you can do, the laws in your country might be different to those here and so there might be nothing that can be done, try talking to the owner/manager of the workshop to find out why they nicked your tyres and he might have a good reason for the change, you never know till you ask. Otherwise start a facebook page and shame them on it, might get you into trouble with the local authorities tho as accusing someone of theft is not a thing to be done lightly. Best I can suggest but others might have a better solution on here? PS NEVER NEVER go there again regardless of what the outcome is, I don't care what they say about this and their reasons they are crooks and should be put out of business even if it means you have to go else where for your servicing, and tell everyone who will listen how you have been treated.
  19. slice


    Hi Diddy, This is the NEW MEMBERS section so go to GENERAL or WORKSHOP for this sort of thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. That looks nice Jimmy almost made me nostalgic but I like an electric start now so will not be asking what you want for it!!!!!
  21. The mixture screws are set at the factory and should not be messed with, the balance screws are at the front of the carb and can be reached by reaching down between the head and the carb body (sure you know that) but adjusting them without the YICS tool in is pointless as the others compensate through the balance tube, they are not hard to take apart but be careful when removing the float bowl screws as they are made of some kind of toffee or pot metal!!! and round off when you look sideways at them, if it stops running without the choke then try turning the CENTRE fast running screw thingy all the way in, it will rev it's nuts off but then you can turn it back till it sort of ticks over, mine still will not tick over after 3 years and numerous attempts to get it to balance properly, when I get it just right and take it out by the time I have done a few miles the thing will rev it's nuts off till I reach round and turn the fast running screw down at which point it then will not tick over at all and I'm left with holding the throttle in the right spot or stalling, I think it must be just the age of the carbs that cause it to do this as I have replaced all the jets and anything else that might be a problem. I didn't buy a YICS tool I bought a YICS blanking rod from a guy in Australia for about £8 + p&p if I can find his details I will send them over to you. This is supposed to sit inside the YICS system and blank it off permanently but I just use it to balanced the carbs and then remove it afterwards.
  22. He's not removing the rust as such just getting rid of the run off, the actual rust is where the pitting is, you could do the same with soap and water plus a stiff brush!! Look's cool tho.
  23. Yep definitely SPACER!!!!!!
  24. Just a thought but are there no traffic cameras where this happened? Or even in the direction she buggered off to, might be worth a trip down the same road to see if perhaps someone has a camera in their shop that might have got her on video!!
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